Hi, I'm just workout!
Oh well.
Cendrine, I am sorry about DH cousin but glad you all got to see her over the holidays. Hope the family is coping okay. About the tortilla chips. I need to find another way to spread them (I hear there are offset spatulas which would help but I need to research what that is). Anyway, for the recipe I gave you, it works perfect on one sheet - just do everything you can do spread over the entire sheet and as even as possible. As I said before, I did much better the 2nd time than the first.
Rachel, I can't wait to hear about how you decorate the mud room! It is so fun to have a new project! And, like Kim said, we will want pictures!!! DH brought home this "thing" tonight that he got from one of his clients that is about 90. It's for my "decorate the house" project (more on that another time). Anyway, it looks like a guillotine for dolls, LOL! But, it's a cabbage/lettuce slicer! It's about 150 years old! Way to go on 40/20 improvement!
Oh Mary, I feel your frustration! I lost a big post recently and was beside myself! Good job on feeling the pain of Disc 11! Yes, I'm with you on having thought this time through would be easier! HAHAHA! NOT! I think it's every bit as hard because my form is better but what do I know? LOL!
Kim, oh my gosh! The drama...the betrayal...oh it's just another episode of TBL! I'm glad at the end to see the green girl has a better attitude when she's away from her mom! Scheesch! I'm not liking the red team very much either. But I think the purple girl is going to slowly show everyone up in her quiet unobtrusive way!
Okay, got to go get somethings done...I'm not even going to try to get a workout in tomorrow. If I can I can. I'm bummed about losing the last couple of days but like Rachel said it's good cause it's right up against my rest week!
Cendrine, I am sorry about DH cousin but glad you all got to see her over the holidays. Hope the family is coping okay. About the tortilla chips. I need to find another way to spread them (I hear there are offset spatulas which would help but I need to research what that is). Anyway, for the recipe I gave you, it works perfect on one sheet - just do everything you can do spread over the entire sheet and as even as possible. As I said before, I did much better the 2nd time than the first.
Rachel, I can't wait to hear about how you decorate the mud room! It is so fun to have a new project! And, like Kim said, we will want pictures!!! DH brought home this "thing" tonight that he got from one of his clients that is about 90. It's for my "decorate the house" project (more on that another time). Anyway, it looks like a guillotine for dolls, LOL! But, it's a cabbage/lettuce slicer! It's about 150 years old! Way to go on 40/20 improvement!
Oh Mary, I feel your frustration! I lost a big post recently and was beside myself! Good job on feeling the pain of Disc 11! Yes, I'm with you on having thought this time through would be easier! HAHAHA! NOT! I think it's every bit as hard because my form is better but what do I know? LOL!
Kim, oh my gosh! The drama...the betrayal...oh it's just another episode of TBL! I'm glad at the end to see the green girl has a better attitude when she's away from her mom! Scheesch! I'm not liking the red team very much either. But I think the purple girl is going to slowly show everyone up in her quiet unobtrusive way!
Okay, got to go get somethings done...I'm not even going to try to get a workout in tomorrow. If I can I can. I'm bummed about losing the last couple of days but like Rachel said it's good cause it's right up against my rest week!