5'3" weigh?


Hi Everyone,
I know not everyone likes to talk about this a whole lot but I was looking for some insight.
I need to set a goal weight and everytime I visit a site that tells you how much you need to weigh,it always says the same.I am now 5'3",med build,have a fair amount of muscle,workout alot and I weigh 130 lbs.When i was younger I weighed 118 lbs.Is it to much to think that I could ever see that again?
Are there many people around here that are my height and build, and what is your weight? I hope that question isn't to personnal.And if you have ever weighed more, how did you lose the weight? I am just so confused with all of the diets out there.I wish I could find something that would suit me!
I know my weight isn't that high but I feel as if my arms are to big and I need to lose some flab on my belly.
Thanks a million!
RE: 5'3

I'm 5'3", 37 years old. My ideal weight is about 110. It's where I feel best about myself. I don't get freaked out if I go over that, but if I have plans to wear a bikini I MUST be below 115.

Bearing in mind I am small boned & very petite. Probably at a healthy weight at 120 anyway, I just prefer 110.
RE: 5'3

I know exactly what you mean!! I'm 5'1", so a few inches shorter, and a few lbs lighter, but our body compositions sound the same. I've done calculations for total calories I should be eating etc and on some sights I calculate less than 1200 cals and then the site says, BUT dont eat less than 1200 cals! I cant increase my cardio too much b/c I have knee problems. Then other sites say "eat more" so I up my cals and then I gain weight and feel bloated and gross! When I was in my 20's (I'm 34 now) I weighed 110 and I would love to see that again. However, despite food journalling, getting my thyroid checked etc....I can't even seem to ever get out of the 120's. It's very frustrating weighing too much for your height isn't it??? ;)

I'd love to hear some insight from other petite, medium-large framed gals!
RE: 5'3

I 50 years old. I am 5'0" tall and weigh about 122 (although I haven't gotten on the scale in a while). I measure myself more than I weight myself. When I was in my late 30's I weighed approx 117 but I think I look much better now because of the muscle I have gained.

You will be amazed at the different weights for different heights you see on this forum (at least I always am). I think it's more than what the right weight is for 5'3"...it's much more complicated.

It sounds like you are unhappy with your weight and that's the crux of the problem :-( .
RE: 5'3


I have a medium frame. I'm 32 years old and 5' 3". Pre-pregnancy I was 125. I felt my body could have stood to be leaner but I certainly wasn't fat. I feel I looked pretty healthy. My problem is that my face thins out fast when I lose weight. I was afraid to really to try to get below 125 for fear of looking sickly. My face was already looking quite thin at 125....

Everyone is different. You pretty much have to go by trial and error and see what weight you look and feel your best at...I would LOVE to say I weigh 110# like Maximus does but I'll bet I'd look sick at that weight..unfortunately for me! ;( So I have to remember that the scale isn't everything and go by what I see in the mirror and how I feel....Hope this helps.:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: 5'3

I'm 36 yrs old, about 5'1'' and weigh 120. I wear a size 6 sometimes 4. I'm pretty happy with my size right now. ;) I'm pretty solid too, which is why I'm content with my size. I've had great luck with WW and use the online website to track my activity and calories.

This is from the Weight Watchers Website:

"Weight Ranges are used to recommend appropriate weights for differing groups of people. Weight Watchers uses ranges based on Body Mass Index (BMI). Based on our Weight Ranges table, a recommended weight is a “general neighborhood” of about 20 pounds from the low to the high end of the range."

RE: 5'3

Interesting Dani. It's the first time I've seen a weight chart that relates to age as well as height.
RE: 5'3

I'm 5'2¾ and weigh between 94-98 pounds. I'm small boned and petite. My sister is the same height as me and weighs about 20 pounds more and looks better I think.
Susan C.M.
RE: 5'3

Well, I am not that petite... I'm 5'7", but I wanted to throw in my .02 here... I think your "ideal" weight is where YOU feel good. Those weight calculator sites are based on a bunch of averages that really have nothing to do with (1) how you look, (2) how you feel, (3) how your clothes fit, and (4) how easy it is to maintain that weight.

I am 37, and have been all over the scale. Right now I weigh between 125-127. I would like to be closer to 120, but that is a really difficult weight for me to maintain; that last five pounds comes back in the blink of an eye, so I think my body is telling me something.

I think there are plusses and minuses on both ends of the scale, so you need to go where you are happy. When I was near 140, I had AWESOME boobs (LOL)... but I didn't like how I looked or felt otherwise. I have also spent time in the 105-110 range and while I liked how I looked in some clothes, I was definitely starving myself and so had very little energy (also: see boobs as tube socks).

I guess I am trying to say you should try to rely on how you feel...
RE: 5'3

Oh, I agree with you Wendy. I'm 5'1' and when I weighed 102 I looked sick. Some people look good at that weight and height, but everyone thought I looked anorexic. My face was sunk in too.
RE: 5'3

That is a good chart! I'm 5'0" and 102 lbs. I'm very small framed, but I really didn't want to go below 104. I'm aiming to gain a few in muscle over the next few months.

This month's Shape has an article on how many calories you should be eating to maintain your body weight, and based on those calculations, I've been shorting myself about 400 calories a day! I think I'm going to start eating my whole chicken breast from now on!!!!:) Maybe I'll throw a Nutra-grain waffle in with breakfast too.
RE: 5'3

I'm 5' 3" and my ideal weight is 123. I look and feel good at 128. I weigh quite a bit more than that right now though. x(

RE: 5'3

>OMG! 135 lbs? I would be such a porker! NO WAY!!!!!!!

Different people just look better at different weights than others. It's all about body composition. :^)
RE: 5'3

>That is a good chart! I'm 5'0" and 102 lbs. I'm very small
>framed, but I really didn't want to go below 104. I'm aiming
>to gain a few in muscle over the next few months.

Just as an example, here's a pic of me at 5'1'' 102 pounds. (Ignore the baggy clothes) It just didn't look good on me. But it looks GREAT on you Donna!! ;) You look awesome at that weight!! Gorgeous!

When I compare this pic of me to the current pics in my link below....I think I look so much more healthy at my current weight of 120. Different weights just look better on different people depending on their body composition, bone structure etc.

Not a big fan of myself at this low weight in this pic (102 lbs):
RE: 5'3

Can I say I disagree with this chart?

I think for someone who doesn't workout w/with weights than it's probably right. But for instance I started working out right after I had my son. My prepregnancy weight was 120 and I am 5'1". Postpartum it took awhile to get back to that and I went under that amount. This summer I was 115lb. This winter I'm now 117 lb. I thought the increase was due to holiday lbs, but I've measured and see that I have lost 1/4" in my waist, my hips are the same, but I also concentrated on upper body this winter and gained in my arms so I think it's more muscle gain than anything. I think I could easily weigh 121 if I gain more muscle. So before my pregnancy at weight 120 my measurements were a size 8, now at 117lbs I am a size 4. So it's not a perfect chart, do you see what I mean? Oh and I have a medium bone structure.
RE: 5'3

I wonder what my bone structure would be categorized as - probably heavy. I know I need to lose weight but getting down to 144 sounds a little thin for me. I'm 5'4 3/4 and I'm a size 14 - not sure of the weight (I stopped looking!!!). I think I'm going to go by the inches and see how I feel in things. I was thinking a size 10 would be nice. Size 9 might be ok. I don't thik I've ever worn a legitimate size 8!!! I like looking toned, nopt necessarily muscular. Who know what'll happen! It'll be neat to find out! :)
RE: 5'3

Some of you have seen my pics and I am not 140lbs or under.

I take it that this chart does not take into consideration muscle mass, b/c I'm just about 43 yrs of age and 5'4. I weigh 154+. Dani, you're right when you say some people look better at a certain weight than the chart says they should look. Also this chart does not take into consideration of one's body frame. I believe there are three different types of body types.....the ectomorphs, some other morph and some other type of morph?



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