^5^5^5 CHALLENGERS April 30th ^5^5^5

Just getting us started this morning. Our puppy is so cute; he's a shih tzu chiuaua mix. Our neighbor's dogs mated and they gave us one. Thank you for the tip Roxie; no more whining at night. He appears to be adjusting to our home well. Still sticking to my challenge. How is everyone else doing? I'm going to do a premix from ASC2 this morning and I'll be back to catch up with personals.

Hope your day is fantastic! :)

A friend in fitness,
Good Morning Shirl,i also started a thread...i will go and delet mine;-)

Today is a 30min PW and then PH/UB! I will bbl:)

Shirl,your new puppy sounds darling! im doing ok with my challenge! Not 100% but doing good! I can't shake this cold that ive got:-( still working out though
O.K It our thread seems to be sorted now!

Great that we are all so keen!

Todays workout was started off with Flexible Warrior yoga then slow and heavy bis and tris. I am slowly getting heavier and heavier. In every exercise I am now going a bit heavier than Cathe, and staying heavier throughout the full sets! But I still don't have the muscle look she has. Damn!!!!;(

I won't get on the scales until the end of the week and I may extend this mini challenge of mine so i can't say if fat is shifting.

Becca - i am off to cleanse and night routine my face. How you doing?

Amelia - What did the Dr say?

Roxie - Hows that head?

Kath - Is DD feeling better? I quite like Flexible Warrior, however its not challenging at all. Is yoga supposed to be challenging?

Shirl - You should post us a pic of the pup. I don't mean to offend you, but there have been pictures of Paris HILTON in our mags this week with her poor poor puppy, wearing shoes and "outfits" Will your little fella be subjected to this?

Hi to Elaine, Kath, Andrea, Lori. sorry if I've missed anyone, I am being dragged away from the computer. "Mummy I need you." And my arm is being dragged away.

better go.

Andrea-(i hope this doesn't offend anybody:)) but LOL at your paris hilton puppy comment! I too am not a fan of dressing up doggies,they look so sad:-(

Shirl-yes,post us a pic of the pup! I want a chiuaua so bad,there so cute! and ive always thought shitzu's were adorable!

My docs appt went well,i talked to him about my little dramatic episodes that i was having(don't think i told you girls about them? just would have emotional meltdowns every couple of weeks,not normal for me...had sad feeling too:-()anyways,i kinda figured it was a touch of depression so he gave me a months worth of an antidepressant,Lexapro and then i would have to go see him in another month. All of these weird feelings started about 3mnths ago when my DH started his new job/new hours. Oh,and he gave me a strep throat test and it was negitive and said for me to take clariton or another OTC antihistamine. I will also start a diet program with him after i get my moods/mind right. He wants to work on one problem at a time,LOL...it seems i have multiple problems:+LOL;-)

Thanks for asking girls about the docs visit,i wasn't going to say anything as i feel i have whinned enough about my problems;-)

ok,must go workout now!:) bbl
Wow, everyone was excited to get us started this morning! Good to see!

Today's WO plan is LIC. I have also started using sparkpeople.com and was startled at my caloric intake. I ate over 2,000 calories yesterday! I will try and do better today.

Andrea, I thought of you last night as I was washing and moisturizing my face. :* You mothering worked. ;-) I also got a stretch max in before bed. Very relaxing esp after the run yesterday.

Amelia, praying for you and your new meds. I hope that it works out for you. Antidepressants can be tricky, so give it time.

Shirl, your puppy sounds adorable! I love the puppy smell. It melts my heart. We had a Great Dane and we got her when she was 5 months old. She weighed 80 lbs and still had the puppy smell. :D I loved it! Sniff that puppy for me! And post pictures so we can all ooooh and aaaah.

Hello to everyone else! I need to roll so I can get my WO before I have to go anywhere. Have a great day all!
Good Morning Everyone,

On tap for tonite is body fusion. Worked lower body and abs last nite. Eating was great yesterday. I am glad to hear the trick with the puppy worked. Need to get moving have a good day everyone.
Hi again,

I changed my workout plans. I did Hi/Lo Knockout - the knockout premix minus the core and I repeated the 4 knockouts. Boy was I sweaty! I loved it! Well, I guess I better not post the pictures of my puppy and I dressed up in our matching exercise outfits. ;)

Roxie, Great job with the workout and eating yesterday. Hope today goes as well.

Becca, I'm smelling my puppy as I type just for you. I love the new puppy smell too. I love LIC cardio; have fun with it. It's pretty amazing when you log your food intake; isn't it?

Andrea, Congrats with the increase in lifting. It takes time for muscles to mature to look like Cathe's; it soumds like you're on your way though!

Amelia, (((hugs))) I'm sorry you've been feeling sad. It's good that you spoke to your Dr. about you're feeling. Do you think it could be hormones? Don't give up exercising; as you know it helps to lift your spirits.

Hello to Andrea H.. Lori, Elaine, Jean and Kath.

Have a great day!

A friend in fitness,
shirl, Thanks for the hugs cyber freind:)Great job on your workout. Iam cutting back on my workouts,but not giving them up...love them too much,they keep me sane:+

Hey to everybody:)

done with my workout,feels great! I did PUB UB and abb first then I did a PW. I had a nice sweat fest}( Everybody have a good day:)
Amelia, its tough work being a woman!! I'm not whinning about it , just stating the FACTS! Becca's right, antidepressants don't kick in straight away, they take time. Give them time.

Huge cyber hugs:) hang in there! Plus, keep exercising, that also helps to keep the "downer" bug away. (Just threw that in, I knew you won't stop exercising);)

becca - Good girl!! I'm proud of you! Keep on washing and moisturising!:) :)

Hi Girls --just popping in to say hi. Even though I'm not doing any mini challenges I wanted to check in :)

Becca: I read your blog --{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you.

Amelia: Everyone gets down hon-- it's great of you to seek out help :) I hope the meds help. Do you find exercising keeps you focused or do you feel stressed having to do it?

Ive been running like a crazy wild women :) Today was 3miles and 45 minutes on my upright bike. I did work chest and abs. DD was home again today. Tomorrow she may go back. Swelling is down and she is getting stir crazy sitting around LOL. Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts and prayers for her. She is almost back to her ol self :)

I'll check in again--

You girls are doing great :) :) :)
Ok, well my mini challenge was unsuccessful on Monday. One of the girls I work with got accepted into nursing school so we had a cake to help celebrate. It did have fruit on top, so it was kind of healthy. Tuesday and Today was much better with my eating. Work outs have been good except I missed this morning because I had a seminar today. It looks pretty nice out this evening so maybe I’ll go change my clothes and take the dog for a jog.

Amelia, hope you are feeling better. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I went through something similar several years ago when I was about 40. After being on the right treatment for awhile, my body and mind returned to normal and I was able to stop the meds. Mine seemed to be related to fluctuations in hormone levels combined with not getting the right amount of sleep. At first they thought I might be perimenopausal, but that wasn’t it. Had to try several different meds before I found one that helped. If I remember right the one that worked was Lexapro so maybe it will help you right away.

Shirl, I want to see the pictures of you and the puppy wearing matching outfits. On Monday, we got to dog sit one of doctors’ puppies in our office. I just love that puppy breath smell.

Roxie have fun with your workout. I’ve been meaning to ask you, if you are seeing any improvements with your dog?

Becca, isn’t it amazing how those calories add up? One of the ladies I work with was just put on a very calorie restrictive diet, so I’ve been helping her figure her intake. Before for now, I’ve never been much of a calorie counter. I guess that’s why weight watchers worked for me since it was a way of calculating what to eat without figuring the individual calories.

Andrea, that’s great about how you are increasing weights. Those muscles should start to pop out soon. Don’t apologize for the little interruption. Children’s needs come first. Boy am I glad mine is out of the house because now my needs come first, LOL (just kidding about the I’m glad she is out of the house part).

Kath, glad to hear DD is finally on the mend. When mine had her’s pulled, she was pretty miserable and couldn’t keep down the pain meds which made it worse. Her boyfriend would sit with her even when she was getting sick. Of course he broke up with her a little while later. Can’t say I blame him after enduring that, LOL.

Lori, Andrea and Elaine how are you gals doing? Hope I didn't forget anyone.

I’m off to take in that jog.


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