40's - spring in their step

i DID CF today in two bouts- rd one was the circuit pm and rd two was triple tabata plus I did some abs. Final exam tomorrow and I'm off for a week, yea.
Lisa, how did the treatment help?
Mary I made sure I was more chilled and thought refreshing. better!
Ronne, I'm mostly doing burn sets which I like a lot. I skipped hard strikes but I might try it later. Other workouts in the rotation are from previous series so they are familiar to me, makes it easier to stick to.
Roxie, did you end up with cold temps?
Waves to Murphy
Good Morning,

I didn't get a workout in yesterday it was DHs 50th birthday party and the morning started out really nice so we thought we would go to the lake for a little while and it was 75 while we were there stayed about 2 hours and half way home the temps dropped to 67 and then we went into town for supper and it was 54 degrees so I started out in a two piece swimsuit ended up in jeans a sweater and jacket and today its 38 degrees with freezing rain and high winds. Today I will do KCMs Cardio Blast 1, 210 squats and then 30 mins on the TM and then clean house.
Did all of HR this morning. I was tired and then she starts in with the push-ups. WTH? I skipped one of the push-up rounds but did the others on my knees.

Roxie - you are super woman with the squats. Good job.
Lisa - feeling any better?

Waves to everyone.

Hi all

Murphy - glad you're better. It's sneaky the way she sticks those push-ups in at the end, isn't it?!

Roxie - how long does it take you to do all those squats? Don't you get bored?

Jody - yeah, BS was one of my favourites. I love the simplicity of it yet you can see yourself getting stronger. Yay for a week off!

Lisa - but would you rather be let go?

Did PS BBA plus the band stretch from Stretch Max. Felt good. Just been out to the end of the road and the weather is beautiful. Sunny and warm but not that warm. Perfect spring weather. Going to clean the windows this pm, lucky me!
Good morning! I'm channelling Ronne! i did PS BBA. Not too bad, I did C&T the other day and I'm still sore. Lisa, how did it go yesterday? Any relief? I don't get to see this new guy til end of the month, still some time. Roxie, wow! You have had quite the weather circus in 24 hours! We still have sun and warm....so far! Jody, enjoy your week. They go too fast. Murphy, I can't stand push-ups. I do them, I complain the whole time in my head, sometimes out loud! Have to take DD to dentist, we are going to see a guy about her "gummy" smile, her twin has chicklets for teeth and she wants them too! Have a good day! Mary
Rest day! Procedure went ok, last night I was restless, figured it was the steriods. Also had a night sweat, had to change nightgown! I could lay on my left without going numb and reach for pillow without twinges in shoulder, but now that I'm up, I'm not so sure I have much relief. Holding out judgement until the weekend.

Ronne, well, sometimes yes, right now, it would complicate things in claiming unemployment with my neck issues (must be available for work). I'm learnign to go with the flow, life is taking me where it must. Come clean my windows! I quit cleaning them :) As soon as I clean them outside a bird makes a strategic landing of poo! Either that or feathers from them flying into the windows. So I gave up and am letting the birds win.

Roxie, we had probably 7 inches of snow yesterday!

Murphy, I only have been doing 1/2 the pushups in first set and skipping second, sometimes it's nice have a physical limitation :)

Jody, I'm one of the few that like HS. I jsut sub all the jacks.

Mary, It's interesting , my bff is having similar neck/shoulder issues on her right side. I couldn't imagine carrying a backpack (it pulls in the neck area), I'm beginning to wonder if all our hiking with 20-25 lb pack messed something up eventually. My on left because that's the side I always had problems with and her on her right because she's had an issue on that where she had to see chiro yrs ago. It just seems if it affects the neck that has to be teh culprit, but I'm no doc. I know nerves can get affected in many places as they travel down the arm. It's just interesting we both have weak shoulder and call our arms dead a lot of the time. Maybe a PT type of thing? GAH, so frustrating
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Good Afternoon,

The change in weather has caused me to have a migraine so I am waiting for my meds to kick in before I do a workout.

Ronne-I only have 5 days left on the squat challenge and I can't wait until I am done because yes they get boring and it takes about 10 minutes and I lose count which doesn't help.
Did a cycle max premix today. I like ride better. I think it is the little clock in the corner that makes the difference. But, I do like the stretch of cycle max better. I am trying to get a spin in once a week or at least once every two weeks.

Have to run, sorry for lack of personals.

Hi all

Murphy - do you think using the bike is making a difference to your cardio ability?

Roxie - hang in there for your last 5 days. Hope the migraine clears up.

Lisa - I was just doing the insides, I have a window cleaner for the outside! Can't believe you got all that snow. I guess you still have the heating on.

Mary - hope the dentist visit with DD went OK. So what are we doing today? :D I've just done L&G, it must be at least a year since I did that. I'd forgotten bits of it, so it was like doing a new DVD!

So L&G done, but skipped the calf raises. I want to be able to walk this weekend! We've got a bank holiday this weekend, so everyone's off on Monday. The forecast is good so we're planning to go for a walk and take a picnic. DD and I are going to bake for it on Sunday. Apart from that, it will be a bit of housework, washing, the usual. Probably will do some yoga but not much else in terms of workouts.
Hi everyone! Today did PS legs, had to complete the disc, plus I was to lazy to change it! Ronne, enjoy your long weekend. It's nice here too, DH and eldest DS have a race on Sunday, they are getting excited for the running season to start up again. Lisa, how are you feeling? Is it helping? I'm sure your friend is waiting to see how you turn out! Jody, what fun are you up to? Murphy, I need to get on our bike, I just don't like it. Roxie, how are you feeling? The weather any better? DD will get her gums done next month, she is so excited! The doctor told her he can give her chicklets for teeth! It will also save her gum disease down the road. Just how she was born. She is so beautiful to me and this will give her so much more confidence in herself now and in the future. Have to get to Target and clean today, have a good one! Mary
Happy friday! I'm doing the same w/o's as last "test" time. So it was HR today. First let me start by saying I slept so good! I don't think I've slept this good in months! You know sleep isn't the same drugged up. I did have an issue going over to my left side once, as I snuggled into the pillow, I said to myself "hurry get settled or else", and then yep, something must have moved and I felt it going into my shoulder and hand. So over to the right, but still better than before. Woke up and felt that my left side had been disturbed, but still not "dead arm". So did HR, felt it in places but overall I think it's better. At least when it got to the leg slides I wasn't feeling like I couldn't lift my left arm (in fact barely noticed), then in teh Ab section, I did the swim abs with no problem (been skipping those). So it may not be perfect but I think it proves that c4/c5 is instable. And I'm not surprised, but I was so disheartened from the EMG report that I wondered if I didn't know my body after all. I think when you work out you are more in tune to your body, or at least I feel like that.

Murphy, I like Ride better too, I think it's the music and the clock. In fact that is on tap for tomorrow.

Mary, so happy for DD, it's important for them to feel confident!

Ronne, no worries, I'm doing the w/o's for you this weekend since I'm "testing".

Jody, where are you? I can't keep track of your schedule, school, work etc.

Roxie, hope you feel better. I had a headache with this last storm too, maybe it was from that.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Mary happy for your dd. I was thinking ofyou this morning- I was cleaning!
Roxie, are you happy with your workout space in new home? I tweaked mine and am always thinking of moving it.
Lisa, congrats on sleep, it feels so good, doesn't it?
Ronne, your weekend and picnic w/ family sound lovely. Maybe I'll get my kids to hit the beach again.
Murpy, I haven't done HR too often (once?) I think the name puts me off. I must like it hard and fast!
I did Drill Max today. Dude, that is a doozy of a workout. I might try it in 1/2 chunks next time. DD 19 and I are doing bag check a 5k race today, part of an annual festival. Wish us luck, it was a disaster last year.
Today was supercuts. I really like this one. I don't do the floor kick through parts. I just don't get what they are supposed to work. I did not do the ab/push-ups. I did two sets of abs -upper and lower portion.

Mary - good luck to DD with her teeth. Confidence is important.
Ronne - I am not sure if the bike is helping with my cardio ability. I have not thought about it. I do see an improvement, but I am also trying to give Cathe my all and not slack off as much as I used to.
Jody - LOL on the "hard and fast." I used to love DM but have not done it in a long time. Maybe I will put that on the agenda for tomorrow. You are right, it is a doozy!
Lisa - glad you got a bit of sleep. I must say, you are really good to keep up with your work outs. It would be so easy to not do anything. Congrat's to you.
Roxie - How are you feeling? Any better?

Good Morning,

Sorry I wasn't here yesterday but we are having a surprise 50th bday party for DH today so I was at my dds house helping her get ready for the party and I got to see gs for just a little bit. I walked on the tm before I left and did 225 squats when I got home. The weather is crappy again today cold and rainy and my headache is hanging in there it made me throw up yesterday morning and my cough is coming back so I think I have another sinus infection trying to settle in. I don't know what I will do workout wise except 250 squats.
Roxie I hope party turns out fab and that you feel better.
I'm supposed to do xt legs but I'm not looking forward to 50 min of leg work and I see hamstring rollins and floor work on my knees. I'll let ya know what manifests for me!
5k volunteer time was fun but there was a big storm burst afterward, dd got drenched so we didn't stay for concerts or other stuff associated with the festival.
Good morning! I did LiCH premix, basically 40 minutes of drills. Roxie, I hope DH is surprised and that you feel better for the party. Jody, sorry about the rain. We have a 5k tomorrow, it is supposed to be beautiful if the weather man is telling the truth! I love that disc, tho I don't do the roll ins on the ball, just my bench. I guess you could call me a cheater. Murphy, on those kick things at the end of SC, I just do it standing. It confuses me, there, you caught me cheating again. Lisa, how are you feeling? Do you see the doctor again soon? Ronne, have fun at your picnic! Dinner with friends tonite, I'm so excited! With working weekends I havent' seen anyone in almost a month! Have a good day! Mary
Was a bit sore from HR yesterday. I think because I can lift with my deltoids vs my neck since my shoulder seems to be working better. Who'd think a pinched nerve in neck would cause that but looking back, that's been my neck pattern. I did Ride today, again, much better with the shoulder. Remember before I couldn't get my arm to the handle bar without it hurting? No problem now, and hovering I was able to do in 3rd position. So I think this means a 3 level neck fusion.

Yes murphy, it's been tough hanging in with this and doing w/o's but I think it kept me in tune that something was WRONG with my body! It will be a tough road back once surgery is healed.

My CT was really bad yesterday, I will have to limit my typing more, so no personals. I will be pursuing surgery for it too. Tomorrow I plan YR then Monday LIC (bird flapping arms) for the last testing. Murphy, or someone start the thread tomorrow, I'll be reading, not posting. Definitely think I hae to limit work time too.

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