40s + February: Fitter than ever!

I forgot to mention I bought the 21 Day Fix this morning I have watched the infomercial 2 times this week and I like the workouts that are in this system and I am hoping it helps me get more fruits and vegggies in.
Hi Ladies

Never made it here on Friday, day just got away from me. I went for lunch with a friend. Did KCM YBB premix, UB and cardio. A good premix, if you haven't tried it.
Took the day off on Saturday, then yesterday did DM and today YM. From one extreme to the other!
Got our new curtains up yesterday. They look great, although quite thin! They were very cheap.
DD off on school holiday this week. We're off shopping with my mum in Birmingham tomorrow so I won't be around.

Mary - congrats to DS. That's great that they'll both be in the same place. It will save you a lot of hassle :) Are you hurting from the GS fest?

Lisa - Enjoy the massage. My hair should be done on Thursday, barring any further problems!

Murphy - good to see you. Good luck with the weight loss.
Hello! Today did Cathe live, Thursday's workout, kind of like RWH UB circuit, yesterday was YR. Enjoy time off with DD Ronne! Roxie, what kind of workouts are they? Lisa, what are you up to? Hello to Murphy and Jody! Crazy cold here, -9 when I got up this morning, dogs just look outside, they don't want to go! I wouldn't either I suppose! Saw 50 Shades of Grey yesterday with GF, awful, just awful! She wanted to go, I did get popcorn out of the deal tho! Mary
I did KCM Wts both workouts today, snowing here. I ate awful this weekend, whoops! Mary, I would hate to have to go outside to do my business in that cold weather! Did you ever read the book? We rented Gone Girl this weekend (with younger DS and his GF). Ronne, enjoy your time off and away, just don't overeat like I felt I did :) Roxie, I don't really follow other workout programs, I'm always disappointed.
Hello! Today did LBB, forgot how hard that one is! Lisa, how was that movie? I tried to read the book, I just couldn't get into it! I had read the 50 shades books, those were bad, but not as bad as the movie! I guess reading it and seeing it are two different things! Roxie, I need to learn to eat better also, I'm just not ready! Wish I was like Jody, juicing and all. Ronne, did you all have fun? Any good buys? Hi Murphy! Cleaning done, now have to go run some errandsm good day to all, Mary
Good Evening,

I did KCM Total Body Sculpt using 5lb wts it was a good workout.

Mary-I am horrible with eating fruits and veggies or eating at all some days.
Good morning! Today did KP&C, another on I haven't done in forever. Roxie, I'm good with fruit, vegetables aren't my favorite! Where is everyone? DH is off today, going to hang out! Good day to all! Mary
Hi all

Mary - I'm just late checking in! Fruit is my downfall, I don't eat enough. Veg is fine. I saw Jamie Dornan on a chat show last week, a bloke in the audience had read the books and said they were crap, and Jamie just burst out laughing. I suspect that was more entertaining than the film. I won't be wasting my precious time on it! ;)

Lisa - What did you think of Gone Girl? I thought it was great (but horrible).

Had a nice day yesterday. Got a few things for DD but nothing for me apart from a scented candle! Had a lovely lunch as well then stopped for coffee and cake in the afternoon, so sorry Lisa!
Did CB today. Wasn't feeling up to much so ideal!
Going out tonight with DH, DD's away on a sleepover!
Neck sore she spent entire 30 min on it yesterday since it was so tight. I think I'm holding head wrong on computer and other things just did too much. Gs legs yesterday KPC (just went through motions to try to work stiffness out of neck. Gone girl good. Sorry so short a check in
Good Morning,

StudioSweat Part 1 this morning, bills paid now getting ready to go to work.

Lisa-sorry to hear about the neck.
Hi everyone

I finally get to go to the hairdresser's today, hurray! Doesn't look like I'll get a workout in though.
Had a nice evening last night, ended up in a bar with live music which was great.

Lisa - hope your neck is better. I woke up with a stiff neck yesterday, I think I must have been sleeping awkwardly.
Ah, I feel much better! I knew my neck was tight, then when she spent 30 min on it I was like, it isn't in my head. Then the soreness, OY! Today did a very modified ccc, cardio only. Ronne, yea, for the hair! Mary, we are going to get a lot of snow this weekend, ugh. Gotta get the grocery shopping done tomorrow, today I vacuumed and laundry. I think I got a burst of energy since I'm free of most pain. Roxie, why do I think of you everytime I refill a rx?
Hello! Toda did LIHI legs. Lisa, glad the pain is better! CRAZY cold here today, I was the only one who had to go to work/school today, everyone else got cancelled! We all are cancelled for tomorrow, then snow comes back for the weekend, I'm getting tired of the cold weather! Ronne, enjoy the beauty shop! Roxie, I hate paying bills! He to our lost girls! Catching up on TV shows, stay warm! Mary

Lisa - do you not go skiing anymore? Is that because of your surgery? Hope the snow isn't too horrible!

Mary - good workout! Poor you, having to go out in the snow. Enjoy your extra day off today.

Did Circuit Max today. Felt like a long workout, I never do an hour!
It's DD's birthday on Sunday - she's 14. I can't believe it! Poor thing has got a gym competition on the day. We're going out to her favourite burger place in the evening though.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Good morning! Today tried PRS2, made it thru about 20 minutes, got completely turned around and popped it out, then did a SQueeze workout. Probably because I haven't done a step workout in ages? Yesterday did RWH Back, delts and biceps. Yesterday was -17, today supposed to be 30, however 8 inches of snow, then the temp drops down below zero on Monday! Yikes! Lisa, how are you feeling? You are getting snow too, right? Ronne, have fun with DD! Doesn't the time race by? Roxie, have you gotten your new dvds yet? Hello to Jody and Murphy! Are you ever coming back? Supposed to go out with friends, hope the weather cooperates! Mary
Yesterday I did x10, li and step premix. Today 45 min of spinning. Went grocery shopping yesterday, what a mess, everyone stocking up for the snow storm. My crocuses are covered in snow again! Ronne, the jarring, bouncing on the skiis would have me feeling it in my neck. Burgers sound good about now, I'm not going out in this yucky snow, we have 6 inches so far, at least another 6 to come. You really start to feel old when the kids get to their 20's Mary, you guys have been slammed with yucky weather! Neck still not quite right, it's a combo of things. Stress from taxes started it and then I'm tilting it back too much and that's adding to it. The more it hurts the more I subconsciously tilt it back. I'm pretty sure I've been doing it for awhile just to this extreme. DH says it's mostly from stress and computer, started with taxes and I've been having quite a bit of computer stuff to do for my little nail gig. I couldn't imagine working for real!
Good Evening,

No workout for me today I had to work until 1 then came home and crashed. I got my 21 Day Fix Wednesday and plan on starting it Monday hoping it will help me feel better about my body. We have had cold and snow here but not as much as everyone else.

Mary-I have watched 2 of the workouts but my dvd player won't play them and DH's new dell won't play them just my old toshiba laptop which kind of sucks.
Hi Ladies

Roxie - I don't know that plan

Lisa - take it easy with the neck, hope it starts to feel better soon. I can see why skiing wouldn't be a good idea. What a waste of all that snow though!

Mary - sounds like everyone's suffering with the low temperatures. I've just been out to the Post Office and I'm finding it difficult to type because my hands are so cold! (it's only 30 min there and back walk).

Weekend was good. I got KCM Body Shop 1 in on Sat.
DD did well at the comp yesterday, she was pleased with her performance. She got a commendation and was 0.6 off a distinction.
Enjoyed our burgers last night.
Started the XTrain/RWH rotation. Did HS. I haven't done that one for ages.

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