40's+ April

RWH C/tri/shoulder then 4 mile walk down Boulder bike path while we waited for service on our car. It was good walking somewhere different!
XT legs today including Barre. Tough getting thru it but I did. Raining today, boo. DH goes to LA tomorrow, double boo! Hope all are having a nice weekend!

Back at my desk again (though I did do a few hours work on Saturday in the end).

Lisa - sounds like you're banking the workouts after your illness.

Roxie - how was the bridal shower? What is a bridal shower?!! Is it like a hen party?

Hi to Mary, Murphy & Jody.

Had a nice weekend, weather was pretty good so I got in the garden again, (mowed again Mary!). Had a day off exercise on Sat, did Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge yesterday (another sub) and MMA KB today.
Hello! Sorry to have been missing, just busy, with what I don't know! Today did tabatacize, yesterday gym, Saturday XT CB&S, Friday was RWH LIH. Can't believe I remembered all that! Ronne, you must like gardening! I do appreciate, I just can't find the love for it! Lisa, any fun plans while DH is gone? Roxie, did you find your dress? Hello to everyone else! I get to get my roots done today! And clean! Mary
RWH back/bi/shoulder. Rainy again! Went to read and fell asleep, before noon! Ronne, do you grow veggies? Mary, just a massage tomorrow. Maybe shopping, I just don't feel like trying to find comfie yet stylish shorts that fit. It seems my favorite shorts stayed in Mexico, though I don't know how they missed being packed! Watch I'll find them someday, I'm not sure I remember washing them. I feel like I'm losing my mind wondering how I could have lost them!
Good morning! Today did XT B&T. Lisa, enjoy your massage! I wished I liked them, they seem like they would be relaxing, but then I realize someone I don't know is touching me and it all goes to hell! Maybe DH accodently packed your shorts? Pray to St. Anthony. Ronne, more kickboxing today? Where are all the girls?? Not much today, have to get 2 kids to the orthodontist later, I should start cleaning cupboards? Mary
Hi everyone

Just realised I forgot to post earlier!

Mary - you've been packing the workouts in. No, a day off kickboxing today! There's something about going to the orthodontist that makes me really sleepy. I always come out yawning!

Lisa - No, I'm not that much of a gardener. I like flowers and I keep it tidy. My mum tells me what to do basically! She reminds me what needs feeding or pruning or whatever. I'd like to grow veg but our garden is too small and it's too much work.

RWH HCUB today. Did a premix which replaced the blasts with abs. I still found it tough!
Hi all! I did prs1 today. I like that one but have to lower to no risers halfway through so I can do the turns and not kill myself! Mary, I used to feel that way about massages. It's a necessity now. She was a bit surprised I'm using 10 lbs for bicep curls (I can only do one arm at a time). She helps me figure out how much is too much, my neck was a bit tight from them. I don't want to put too much pressure on it and risk herniations in other discs. She gave me some things to try based on where my neck is tight. I should clean out DS room now that he's in Kansas, but I don't. Waiting to see if my he ends up boomeranging back home so what's the rush! Ronne, I want to pull up everything and cement it all in! Just kidding but, yuck to any type of yard work! I have weeds, tree sprouts, dead lawn spots, dead stuff that needs trimmed. I'm saying I can't do it because of my neck! It's a good excuse! I'll mow the dang grass but that's about it! Oh massage lady also said I'm very lucky not to have to work. A desk, computer job is the worst for my condition and if I had to work I'd be in to see her every week instead of every month. That must be why I rarely am on the computer and prefer phone posting.

Lisa - I've been working a lot more at my computer recently and I'm noticing the difference. Much stiffer in the neck and shoulders. It's not good for us!

Did LIHIL premix strength and blasts. You do four rounds of strength and four rounds of blast x3. It's good. Makes it a bit different.
Going to a talk at school tonight on drugs and alcohol (awareness not where to buy them! ;))
Morning! Today did a leg workout from meso 1, just mixing things up. Lisa, enjoy your massage! Ronne, funny! Drinks and drugs! I'm sure you will learn a lot. Hello to everyone else! Track meet this afternoon. Had to make more appointments for orthodontist, (the one we had upped and retired). Yesterday was just a consult, the work starts tomorrow! I'll be dozing in a chair, Mary
Good Evening,

I went to the doctor today for my yearly physical and it was a great checkup my wt is down 5lbs since last year and my cholesterol levels are down for the first time in 5 years my triglycerides are now normal. I asked KCM to pick my workout for me today and she chose Plateau Buster 2 nice butt kicking workout. I have been walking on my lunch break and yesterday I worked until 8 last night walked 13,000 steps.

Mary-no dress yet still waiting.

Lisa-now that I have to spend all day standing in front of a computer my back and shoulder blades are killing me.
Hi Ladies

Roxie - that's great news on your check-up.

Mary - what are they having done, top first?

No workout for me today. I'm off to a gig tonight with a friend. It's a few hours away, so we're staying over in a hotel and having a mini-break! Got mum and dad coming to stay this weekend (it's a bank holiday) so I don't think I'll be back here or back on the workouts till Tuesday!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Good morning! Today did Cathe live, live again, it was boxing drills, blasts and leg work, harder than I expected! Or wanted to do, but I did it! Ronne, have fun! Sounds like fun! Roxie, congrats! That is very impressive, good job on all your hard work! Lisa, how was the massage? Hello to everyone else! Have to go get DD from school for her orthodontist appointment, they are just fine tuning things for her, youngest DS has to get braces! He's not happy! Mary
Hi all, yesterday my workout was mowing the lawn! Today LLA then walked Suki. I had quite a scare, was walking along daydreaming, I turned my head and there was a coyote staring straight at us! I was worried he was going to come after us and he was close! Mary, tell them they'll appreciate braces when they are older! I feel that way about working out more often than I would like. Ronne, have a great time! Roxie, my neck/back/shoulder blades are still pissed off at me. I need to get more realistic with the amount of weight I lift because I have atrophy in the muscle attachments on the 3 levels that are fused leaving just one attachment for the whole load. I had a good discussion with the massage lady about things and now it's all making sense so I have to learn to balance enough wt but not overdo it. I've rambled......
Good Evening,

I didn't workout other than a walk at lunch because TOM has hit hard. My boss said she needs to adjust my progersterone cream.

Ronne-I never answered your question a bridal shower is when female family and friends of the bride get together and give her presents for the happy couple.

Lisa-some day I need to get a massage.

Mary-unforturnately I don't know what I have done to make my wt go down and my cholesterol levels go down.
Hello! Today did GS C&T, forgot about the drop set push ups! Good thing, or I would have picked a different DVD. Roxie, is the wedding this months or in June? Lisa, that coyote would have flipped me out! We had a raccoon the size of a toddler who had no fear, was getting into the recycling can and throwing everything around, he would stand right in front of me and stare, then I would run, haha! Hello to everyone else! Have to run to bookstores today, DD needs some obscure book by Monday, author's last name is Ng, I don't even know how to say it! Maybe I can just write it out so I don't sound like a total dork! Have a good day! Mary
Missed getting here yesterday, I managed to do 30 min of step BM2 step combo 1 and 2, today was 4ds lb pm (30 min). Do you sense a 30 min theme here? Roxie, I went back to the foam roller for upper back and shoulder blades, really helping, try it. Mary, I prefer wildlife to stay in the wild! Helped DH this morning a bit of the yard trimming. He said I complained the whole time! I really just want to burn it all to the ground! Then on top of it all you can walk outside without oodles of cotton from the cottonwood trees blowing, almost looks like snow! Hate that stuff!
Good Evening,

I worked until 1 today and then we took the boat put wondu and a little chilly. The wedding is June 13th.

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