40 somethings who can not lose weight!!!!


:( I recently turned 40 and could stand to lose 10-20 lbs and no matter what I do, the pudge will not budge! I stepped up my physical activity to power walking 3 miles 5 days a week and 1 hr of Cathe 3 to 4 times a week. I cut my calories considerably. I did the same weight loss program 2 years ago (when I was 38) and it worked. Now that I am 40 this does not seem to be working. I did lose 2% body fat but the scale will not budge! I have been on this routine now for 3 weeks. Has anyone else who is 40 something noticed the dramatic change in their bodies from the late 30's to 40's or is this just me?
Yup - I turn 40 in June and I am experiencing the same problem. I eat pretty cleanly, workout to Cathe 6 days a week, plus run 3 days a week. It is very hard to lean out like I used to. I did BFL 4 years ago and it worked great. I am trying it again now and hoping to have similar results, but I'm 3 weeks into it and things are moving slooooowly.

Getting old stinks.
I hear ya!!!! I'm 41 and for past year I have worked out an average of six days a week. 4 days weights, and cardio at least 5. I still weigh EXACTLY what I weighed last June when I joined the gym. Now I know I am more toned and my clothes fit much better but man, I should have at least lost a pound. The trainer at the gym has started a healthy eating class. I just started this week and am trying her advice, which is pretty basic. 4-6 small meals, including protein and carbs at every one. I know I have to control my appetite so maybe this will work. An interesting fact she shared though. If you hold onto the extra weight for a long time, your body readjusts itself to keeping this weight as its "setpoint". She said sometimes it can take four weeks for your metabolism to "adjust" before you begin to loose weight. That would explain why I can eat super clean for a week or two and not loose anything. x(
I just went in to the doctor for my annual and told her this same story. She gave me the "If I had a nickel...." story and said this is so normal. Basically, it is calories in calories out and that we need so much less the older we get. If I am totally honest there are things I could cut out, I just don't know if I want to yet.

I think it is back to the BFL style of only have one day a week to splurge. I can make a pint of Ben and Jerry's last a week, but I do have a few bites each night before bed. I also love popcorn so I will have that a couple times a week. It doesn't seem too bad, but it all adds up.

All I can say is thank goodness for summer because it makes it so much easier to live and eat healthy. The long cold winters are not easy and I suffer for it.
I'm 39. I changed up my routine at 37 and altho I do have to work a bit harder, it still works. I do BFL.

I'm getting there - 37 y.o - but I'm having the same problem. I lost a LOT of weight about 2 years ago, then the scales came to a halt. I keep reading about the "starvation mode" theory - that if you've restricted your calories for many years, your metabolism slows way down.

My avg. intake is about 1300 calories/day and I do Cathe cardio 4-5x/week and Cathe strength about 4x a week.

As a last resort, I've added another 300-400 calories - mostly protein and fibrous carbs - to see if that will jumpstart my metabolism. I toyed with physiquetransformation.com, but they wanted me to abstain from cardio for 10 weeks while I built up to 3,000 calories a day!!!! I pictured the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka and bailed on that idea.

My hope is that increasing quality calories and focusing more on strength training might bust the plateau.
>I pictured the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka and bailed on that idea.

LOL! Me, too.
:( I am so glad to hear I am not the only one with this problem. It is so discouraging giving up the foods I love. I do have a sedentary job 5 days a week 8 hrs a day sitting on my duff. I am so darn impatient. My lower gut poofs out and I look like I could use a girdle with regards to my back side.
I see you are doing BFL. I dont have access to a gym,(small town) Can you do the weight lifting at home? What all equipment would I need to buy? Thanks
I'd say be patient with your current routine. At this age, 3 weeks is like 3 days.

I think part of my problem (2 year plateau after losing around 100 lbs.) is that I haven't really given my strategies a chance to work. I get discouraged too quickly - even though I know from LOTS of experience that if you stick with it, it will work.

This time, I'm sticking with it for at least a month. My strategy is to increase calories with more protein and increase strength training.

Also - focus on the %BF lost - which is way more important than the scales. I weigh the same now as I did in college, but I'm 2 sizes smaller.

I just bought a HR monitor that measures calories burned and an OMRON body fat tester. I'm going to focus on BF% instead of the scale for awhile.
Oh Boy! Can I relate to everything that has been said!! My weight started giving my issues somewhere around age 37. I had to work out just a little bit harder to get the same results I had years before using the same training method. I recently turned 40, and my stomach pouch is driving me crazy! Now granted that the last year has been quite stressful for me and depressing – mostly due to the fact that the weight won’t stay off! This too can is quite the issue now but only because I am so discouraged about the weight gain that I don’t exercise as much these days. I keep telling myself that it will do me good and that with hard work and determination and complete dedication that I can remove these unwanted pounds. It seems as though every time I loose 5 pounds, I come to a standstill, the pounds won’t budge and then lo and behold – I start eating all the things that cause the weight to return!! Why do I keep doing this to myself?

Oh! And it doesn’t help that I’ve returned to school and the classes are taking up a bit of my free time. But that’s no excuse. I just need to learn to prioritize and make fitness a daily habit again. I also have a sedentary job and my 50 minute commutes don’t help either!

Over the weekend to motivate myself I bought a workout journal. Something special to get me going. Years ago, in my 20’s, I kept a journal and was more successful then too. And I’ve been reading BFL for Women. I’ve read and have done the original BFL in the past and had great results, even tried it last year too. But come week 3, still nothing! Before at week 3 I was noticing slight muscle definition and was seeing big improvements in strength. Last year! Ha! At week 4 I gave up, I was so disappointed. But I’m ready to try this again. I’m so disillusioned with myself that I’ve had the Hard Core series for months now and have ONLY PREVIEWED 3 of the workouts. The rest are all still freshly sealed. I thought the HC series would be the motivational boost I needed but nada!

I have to come out of this state of “do nothingness”! Now I’ll admit I have worked out about twice a week since coming back from Jamaica on March 3rd (my birthday). And I thought I was going to be fine because the whole time there, I was up every morning at 6:15 getting dressed to go on the 4 mile power walk through a very hilly course. It was great! But since then, I’ve tapered off to 2 workouts per week, 3 if I’m lucky. I’ve got to build some muscle!

So I’m back to BFL, with my new logbook and a new attitude! The plan was to start Monday (that’s the first day in the logbook) but wouldn’t you know it – a stomach virus hit me late Sunday evening. I’m just about recovered. I will ease into some workouts this week and officially begin writing in the journal this coming Monday!

Getting older can be tough, especially when you lose hold of that fighting edge. I want it back! And plan to get it!

Okay, enough whining from me! Thanks for letting me vent and thanks, Intensitylisa for starting this thread. No one in my family has any interest in working so it’s hard staying in the right frame of mind when no one else cares.

Thank you all for being here!

I'm 45 and recently lost about 12 lbs which is 2 lbs more than my goal. I don't have a BF monitor but I know by the way my clothes fit that I've gained muscle. I weigh 133 lbs at 5' 6"". I wear size 4 or 6, depending on the brand of clothing.

I had a baby at age 42 and that's where the extra weight came from. I couldn't lose it at all even though I run full and half marathons.

About 4 months ago I went to Weight Watchers and started using their core plan which is simply clean eating. Although I've cheated (candy and movie popcorn and chocolate cake) about 3 or 4 times in the past four months I don't allow myself a "cheat day". Obviously, if I REALLY want it then I eat it, hence the times I did eat junk.

The weight came off at about 3/4 lb a week average which is slow but I just kept telling myself that slow and steady is the best way because the weight won't be coming back that way.

I feel so much better. I do Cathe three day split weight work plus Cathe cardio and run two to three times a week. I enter 1/2 marathons about every two months and my times are great.

I'm not necessarily recommending Weight Watchers, although it has worked wonderfully for me. But I believe that portion control of whole, unprocessed foods is the only successful way to eat to lose weight and to keep it off.

I'm 45 (almost 46) and I can't seem to lose these last couple of pounds either. I work harder at my fitness program now than I have my whole life. I just discovered Cathe in February and have been using her DVDs exclusively since then. Cardiovascularly, I'm in the best shape of my life, I can lift heavier than I ever did, but it just seems my body fat has readjusted itself on my body and won't budge. Lower stomach, legs, butt and hips!! I work so hard but it seems like my body is on strike. I also agree with the one poster above.....if I'm totally honest, there are probably things I could cut out of my diet to eat cleaner. Don't get me wrong, I actually stick to a clean diet most of the time but there are certain things that I eat in moderation that I'm not willing to give up. I want to be able to enjoy life a little!! Nobody's perfect.

I'm just going to stick around here and learn as much as I can, continue to work as hard as I can, do Cathe's monthly rotations, continue to purchase everything she puts out and do the best I can with my diet. At least then I will know that even though my body isn't as perfect as I would like it to be, I'm the best that I can be and I'll have to try to be okay with that. Heck....I'm sure I look much better than most women my age (I'm sure we ALL do).
I use my clothes as my weight gauge. I don't climb on the scale too often. It just isn't a good tool for measuring body mass. I had only a 5# weight loss in 4 months since starting rotations using the Hardcore Series. But I lost some impressive inches (and gained some inches in my chest/back which was desirable for me as it balances my overall body shape). The fat is going...I'm seeing greater definition all over - upper body (never a problem for me) but equally impressive (and much, much harder to achieve)is the visible definition in my abs, glutes, quads, hams and calves! This is wholly indicative of the positive results we achieve thru combining weight training with cardio and healthy eating. Like Cathe always says about leg and ab training: the body parts are made up of several different muscles and the emphasis is on different areas with different exercises but YOU CAN'T SEPARATE THEM! They all work together!

I'm going to be 43 VERY SOON so I'm right alongside all of you and know how challenging holding-off the effects of aging and slowing metabolisms can be. The point I want to make is that if you're endurance is building, if you're gaining muscle, seeing definition and overall your bodyshape is improving, who cares what the number on the scale is???

Your sister in fitness~

~ Kim

P.S. If anyone is interested in seeing the exact number of inches I've lost, check out my post on the SUCCESS STORIES forum "Amazed.."

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Add a 45-year-old to the pile...I started eating clean a month and a half ago and have been seriously exercising with Cathe and running (for many years, not just recently)and have lost approximately a half pound! The metabolism is a whole different story now than it was at even age 38 or 39. But I feel healthy and look more like a 42-or-43-year-old :D than a 45-year-old, so it's all worth it, right?:)
I recommend picking up the June 2005 issue of Fitness Rx magazine. It is packed with awesome eating and exercise tips to assist us in this quest. One of the cover "headlines" is 150 Ways to Burn Fat - Lose Pounds FAST". This is literally, a bulleted 150 item list of common sense, no nonsense facts about healthy eating. Many of us already do most of the items on the list, but I learned new ideas and discovered new facts, too. There is also a long list of creative suggestions for mixing up our cardio workouts, many suggestions for taking the training outdoors...so timely since the weather is improving daily.

...just another resource I wanted to share! Check it out!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Lisa...

The only thing I can tell you is what I did and I am 45. Lower your calorie intake, until you start losing weight, once you start losing weight don't lower it anymore, but keep it steady there until you lose what you want, THEN, up it just a bit to not lose weight anymore.
Drink ALOT of water, and don't eat anything 2 to 3 hrs before bed.
I still eat out, pizza, mexican food what ever, I just have to eat smaller portions and bring the left overs home....
I also work my abs 4 times a week like run4fun/Beverly....
So this is my 2 cents.... hope it helps some anyway... Rhonda:7
:D Thank you all so much for the wonderful posts. I too will treat myself to an occasional treat, once or twice a week. I am so glad Cathe came out with the Hard Core series! I really feel this is geared for us 40 somethings to really fuel our metabolism. I don't know how Cathe does it but she looks the best I have ever seen her! Talk about hard core! I won't give up yet and sooner or later I should start seeing some positive changes. Just think what I would look like if I didn't have Cathe!

I'm so glad you posted this thread. It makes us all feel better to know that it's not "in our heads." (but on our thighs ha ha).

I've been at it about 3 weeks too and have about 20-30 pounds to lose. Even after telling you yesterday not to get discouraged because it seems to takes our bodies awhile to figure it out at this age - I got on the scale this morning, saw that it hadn't budged an ounce, and felt discouraged.

But - because of your post and all the great responses, I'm going to hang in there with the clean eating and diligent workouts. It HAS to pay off eventually. ESPECIALLY with the Hard Core series to keep us physically challenged.

You hang in there too!!!


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