40 somethings who can not lose weight!!!!

Hello Ladies

Just my 2 cents on this. I'm 48 now. I was diagnosed w/ athritis of the right hip joint a few years ago. I was never heavy -- 128-130 lb since high school -- but in order to ease the hip I decided to lose weight. I was totally freaked out of his arthritis thing. To make the long stroy short. I did lose 10 lb but I measured and registered every single bite I put in my mouth. No crap, not even "just this little bite". I ate the usual things, veggies, lean proteins, fruits in moderation and zero junk.
The moral of the story that you CAN lose the weight, but you need to be extremerly discipline. Also, you must want to lose that weight BAD. That's the only reason that will hold you back from eating that little bite of something that you should not.

I was this discipline twice in my life. First, when I had gestational diabetes. Man, I was measuring everything like crazy, because my baby's health depended on it. I did not eat one bite of sweets for 5 months.
The second time was the arthiris scare.

So losing weight can be done at any age, but you must want it bad. Mari
You know what Mari? I've decided that my 2 year plateau is a result of too many "just this little bites" -- serious commitment is my last resort - even though it should have been my first!

Good advice!
I tried what Rhonda suggested and I didn't start losing until I was at 900-1000 calories a day. I refuse to work out twice a day as I have a life outside of my workouts also.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd like to lose ten lbs but will not obsess about it. To me, it's not worth it!
Candi, you've got it right -- you must obsess about it. Guess what, that's why I'm not 120 but 128 now... I was only obsessing during my pregnancy -- you'd do that too -- and after the arthritis scare. Now I do eat those little bites, that's why I don't lose but I don't gain either. My point was that you can lose weight at any age if you really want it bad.
I guess you're right Macska, I could lose it if I really wanted to but then I'd be putting my mental health and physical health at risk.

DH loves me the way I am so I should be thankful for that :)

P.S. I don't want to give up those bites either :+
If I only had 10 to lose - I wouldn't obsess about it either. Way too much emphasis is placed on perfection these days it seems. I just want to get to the point where I'm in my recommended weight range and/or about 2 sizes smaller - 20-30 pounds for me (I'm tall).

So did I understand your earlier post in response to my "blueberry girl" comment correctly in that you considered physiquetransformation.com?

I'm so confused over the whole starvation mode theory, which had me convinced that I was "starving myself". But I think over time, with cheats, I'm probably just breaking even and that's why I'm not seeing a change.

I think I'll try Rhonda's theory too and see how it works. It's about finding the balance that works for you. (And 3,000 calories a day as recommended by PT.com would be about as balanced as a lead weight and a feather!)
Hmmm, I don't obsess, but I don't obsess over food either.... eat when I am hungry, I just don't stick food in my mouth cause its there.
And you can lose if your serious about it.............. Rhonda

and that last comment wasn't meant in a mean way, its just that many people don't realize how much they snack thru out the day....
No, Rhonda, I don't think you obsess. I'm saying that I would if I had to keep my calories down to 900-1000. I would have to watch everything I put in my mouth and I've done it before and it's no fun.

I'm just talking about me personally :)
Hi Ladies,

I will be 44 yrs. Old on May 29th, 2005. I read the Book, Ready, Set, Go and it explains how to stimulate the growth hormones naturally through anaerobic exercised. This is important as we age, If you need to lose a few pounds really fast, do 3 anaerobics a week, not on consecutie days, alternate with weight lifting using GS, eat 5-6 meals a day each one including a complex carb and a lean protein. Give it three weeks, the pounds will come off at the rate of 1-2 pounds per week. This is my emergency plan when I need to lose some pounds really fast. I got the book from Amazon.com for $10.00 is a great investment. I also bought Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, for $39.00 the first one is better IMO.

Some of rules for stimulating the GH are that you don't eat a fatty meal at least three hours prior to exercising and avoid sugars at least three hours after exercising for this to be effective.

You should eliminate white flour, sugars, saturated fats, eat clean.

Who is the author on the Ready, Set, Go book? I want to make sure I'm getting the right one :)
This is all so interesting - but confusing. I just read that bodybuilders will often eat a simple sugar immediately after lifting to shut down cortisol production which is a stress hormone that "tells" your body to use muscle for energy and to preserve the fat.

I have heard good things about the Ready, Set, Go book though - I'll check it out too.

"Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle" is great for its no nonsense common sense approach. I refer to it often when I get confused about all this stuff.

Just got back from lunch at a Mexican restaurant (business lunch - had to go). Chips and salsa are high on my list of "just this once" foods. I caved, but only ate 3 chips. I ordered grilled fish tacos in corn tortillas - lean protein + complex carb right? Wrong, the fish was breaded and fried and they served it in white flour tortillas.

No one ever said this would be easy!! I pulled the breading off and ate only the fish and beans. I know this sounds obsessive, but normally I'd say "what the heck - it's business can't be helped" and eat everything anyway. I think that kind of thinking is more the reason for my plateau than my age. Too many "oh what the heck" moments add up!
I eat pretty good on weekdays and nights..... on the weekends not so good. We go out to eat at least once a weekend, last weekend was Mexican food, chicken fajitas for me.
I just get back to my usual on monday and by the middle of the week I have lost the water gain from the salty foods I ate over the weekend...
I still wear my size 2's from victorias secret...
Been jogging alot this week, and hips are at 34inches, but I am trying to get rid of the little jiggle on the butt....
And I am 45, 5'2" .... wish you the best in what you decide to do, just wanted to tell ya what worked for me, sometimes these people that say how many calories a day we should be taking in don't actually know, I think they are guessing or basing it on some research, well I don't believe what they say.... I do what works for me..... Rhonda:7 :7 :7
>.... I do what works for me..... Rhonda:7 :7 :7

And therein lies the key :) Finding what works best for your bodytype and I think as we get older that "key" often changes.

Some Saturdays I splurge like the dickens on my free days, others I may just indulge in one treat...but it works for me and I don't sacrifice and give anything up.

This is probably the best advise, but also the hardest. Being very disciplined about eating is difficult for me and I do find myself saying "just this little bite" more often than I should. All those "little bites" add up. I'm going to echo your words every time I want that extra "little bite"!!

ETA I was responding to Mari's post about being disciplined.

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