4 Hour Minimalist Rotation?



Cathe or anyone else if Cathe is too busy right now. I don't think I've ever seen a rotation or plan for this many days/hours a week. This is truely all the time I will have for several months, so please don't suggest more days or hours. I have all your DVDs except the MIC/Rhythmic & Cardio Classics DVDs. In addition I have Step Jam, The Wedding Tape, and the new DVDs when they are completed. I realize I will not make great fitness strides in 4 hours a week, but I'm hoping for some advice here. Currently, I'm using a lot of parts/and pieces from CTX.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Helen,
Do you have 60 minutes or how long each of these 4 days? And, do you have particular goals in mind?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-02 AT 10:04PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

Yes, I do have 60 minutes! My most important goal is to learn to use this time efficiently. I'll have this limit for several months, so I wanted to understand how tweakable it can be for strength, endurance, ect. When I tried to do more, it just didn't work and I gave up working out for two months. Now I've decided to be more realistic and I've gotten some of my cardio and strength back. I was thinking that I should probably concentrate on circuit type workouts first and then maybe alternate with strength. I really need to lose 30 lbs., but I also realize that working out in a consistent and intelligent manner should be my primary focus right now. Maybe, I'll have more time in the Spring to fit in all the necessary cardio for weight loss.


Okay! Do you have any Firm tapes?
If not, here's a sample rotation for you.

Week 1

Leaner Legs
CTX Upper minus the biceps (CTX UB is a smidge more than an hour, and I pause mine too much to squeeze the whole thing in)
CTX Kickbox in its entirety (biceps, abs)
Step Jam

Week 2

CTX Power circuit, back, abs
Step Jam
CTX UB minus back
Rest between these two tapes
Body Max step and UB only. Omit the abs if you run out of time. (See, this week you get UB twice.)

Week 3

CTX All-Step, shoulders, abs
Step Jam
Circuit Max

Week 4

Circuit Max
Step Jam
PS CST only
PS BBA only

Week 5

CTX 10-10-10 (all)
Step and Intervals (all)

Another idea is to give each 2-week period a certain emphasis. Example: S&H

Week 1
S&H C,B,abs
Cardio Kicks
S&H Tri,Bi,ab

Week 2
Circuit Max
S&H C,B,ab
CTX Biceps, triceps, Power circuit abs

The idea is to include enough abs and enough cardio and still work the whole body at least once (strength) each week.

I only work out 5 days a week (sometimes 4) and I have a check-off system. That way I get enough abs and cardio per week along with strength. By varying from week to week, you can pay special attention to trouble spots.

Don't be afraid to treat each 8-day period (2 weeks) as a heavy one-week rotation. When you design it right and give yourself alternatives in case you don't want to do the prescribed rotation, it can be quite rewarding and satisfying, because you will have rest days.

I wish you had IMax though. It's a perfect one to surround by rest days.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-02 AT 10:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

I will have IMAX II!!! Would I sub IMAX II for Step & Intervals for a tough week, but make sure I had a rest day before and after? I also have two Firm tapes, Maximum Body Shaping and TT2. I would use these to sub for Circuit Max right? What do you mean by a "heavy one week rotation?" A certain emphasis like strength? Or do you mean the equivalent of Week 1 ect. twice? I'm sorry, a lot of questions.

Thank you, I'm going to print out your advice and study it very carefully.

Like, some people who work out 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week, have a heavy rotation. Take their one week and spread it into 8 days!

You can accomplish as much as they can, if not more. The reason? Rest days allow your muscles to grow while others are taking a mini step (pardon the pun) backward with cardio or working a body part again.
What I mean abt. IMax is that you get so much out of it when you have just had a rest day and must have a rest day after.

Yes, Firm tapes are like circuit workouts. Volume 1 is just the greatest. The floorwork is quite effective. Sub for Circuit Max.

Also that DVD with R.Step, IMax and MIC is a great one for intense cardio selections. I also love Step Works and Power Max.

I also can't wait for the new workouts!!!!
They sound tailor-made for your schedule and mine! Just another way to mix it up!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-02 AT 10:39PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,

Oh I understand what you mean now! More fodder for tweaking! My exercise progress has often been derailed due to injury and overtraining in addition to time constraints. Some well-thought out advice is a wonderful thing!


Hi! I'm having computer issues now, so hopefully this post hasnt gone thru a zillion times before. I was thinking you could do monthly rotations, changing the focus of your routine each month. Here are a few ideas I came up with...

Month One

-Power Hour
-Cardio Kicks
-Power Hour
-Step Jam

Month Two

-Interval Max

Month Three

-Circuit Max
-CTX Kickbox cardio and abs
-CTX Step&Intevals cardio only

Month Four

-BodyMax cardio and legs
-CTX Upper Body
-CTX 10/10/10 cardio + abs from BodyMax
-CTX Upper Body

Month Five

-S&H Chest/Back
-Interval Max
-S&H Tri/Bi
-CTX Power Circuit cardio + S&H Shoulder

Hope this helps!

Happy holiday,

I just wanted to add that it doesn't matter how much or little time you have available to exercise if your not incorporating "clean eating habits!" Keep it simple: Proper nutrition,exercise and rest! You have great videos and Connie hooked you up with neat rotations ! I suggest making a specific goal for yourself before you decide on which rotation--stick with it(til you feel like you are no longer seeing results-then move to another goal- oriented-rotation)! Make the most of your exercise time! Track your progress! "Focus and Intensity" will bring you closer to your goals coupled with clean eating!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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