4-Day Split - My First Impression

>Just finished Kickbox! I got a good workout, but was a
>little bit bored. I felt like the cardio portion went by
>really quick, I wanted more. Heavy legs was tough though, I
>didn't go as high in weight as Cathe, but I will increase for
>my next workout. I think the low lunges were killer.

I had the same feelings about the cardio segment. It was too short. I was just staring to enjoy it, when it was over. I also couldn't do as heavy a weights at Cathe with the leg semgnet, but it gives me something to build up to. Personally, I thought the new adductor exercise was a bit too painful. It seemed to hurt my lower back, so I will not lift as a high a weight next time. Did anyone else think the plies were hard on their back?
Overall I like:
1. That the weight work is done in rounds and not super repetitive.
2. That the weight work is heavier and slower and can be done heavier and slower b/c we don't have to keep up with the music or endless rep changes (I enjoy endless rep changes too but appreciate this style of lifting offered in 4DS as well).
3. I love the more complex, fun, fresh, creative step choreography. I love the pace and everything.
4. The ab work is short, sweet, and effective (not that I have a six pack from the ab work but I can feel it burn quickly!).
5. I like that it is a 4 day split designed to fit together and I can get it all in on a busy week in 4 days or add another circuit or longer cardio or functional day or whatever if I want to workout 5 or 6 days instead.
6. I like that there are a lot of premixes although I have not explored those yet.

Overall dislike:
I wish more thought had gone into the cardio premixes as others have said and that the cardio from both workouts had been mixed up, like other instructors do for their cardio premixes instead of what I can program into my player myself and pretty much doing the cardio from one workout and going right into the cardio for the other workout (THAT was a run on sentence).

Specifics that I like and dislike for each workout:
LIS and HIS - best music and best step choreography and just plain fun, fun, fun! No real dislikes for HIS or LIS. Oh, the calf work caused me days of DOMS!!!

KB - I like the surprise of DOMS I had the next day and the fact that I knew I was working hard but I liked the surprise that I was working a lot harder than I thought. The music was pretty bleh though (the music is a BIG downer for me).

BC - Nice cardio variety. I like the short drills. I like the equipment changes which acutally isn't all that much if you have everything close by. The weight work on this one, I felt was tougher than the other weight work as in I felt the work right away. The music during the cardio was fine, but the music during the weight work got very repetitive and was quite boring.

Overall, I think it's a great series that will see a lot of use from me.


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