
Hey Ladies.

Got back late yesterday afternoon.

Just gettin' us started with the new thread for the week.

I'll be back...
Hey all. I just finished AS and no equip abs. I feel good. Now off to shower, lol. My sister is coming over tonight with ym nephew. We are going to have a sleepover with the boys. Should be interesting, lol. I could use the company.

I am missing DH. he'll be back Thursday, so halfway there!

I'm back.

No work outs to report except for the HiiT (both hi and low) from Intensity on Saturday. Didn't even w/o this morning. Slept in cause I didn't/don't feel well. Sunday I was too busy and y'day after I got home I had hoped for a cardio but that's when I started feeling yucky. :(

Hopefully tmrw I'll be back on track. Fingers crossed!

That being said though, we had a blast! Great weekend! Exhausting but so much fun! :D

Kristin:: Great work out! Enjoy your sister's company. Hope the kids don't drive you both too batty! :eek::D

Be back in the a.m.!
Hi everyone!

Got in a 2 mile interval run on the treadmill this evening. Good run tonight, but the workout room didn't feel quite like the sauna it did last night. Should be home in time to see DD's volleyball game tomorrow, get in STS D19, have dinner with the family, and head back out. Travel will add an interesting twist to our schedule over the next few weeks - coordination of kid activities, STS schedule, and eating clean - all at the same time I start the weight loss competition at work.

Wendy - So, did you win big? Funny how we had to wait for you to start the week's new thread. Hope you are feeling better and can get back on track.

Kristin - No DOMS from D19? Have fun with your sleepover.

See you all tomorrow!
Hi Ladies.

I'm back. I feel like my old self. Up at 4:30 and worked out thank goodness!

RS (skipped challenge)
MIS abs

Good stuff. Ready to take dreaded disc 9 head on tmrw morning for round 2! :eek::eek::eek:

Sherry:: Yup, eating clean/healthy is a much bigger challenge when you won't be home for all of your meals or have the ability to pack them and take them with you. I hope you can figure something out. Yeah we came home a bit ahead. I lost but DH won enough to put us over the top so that was nice.

BBL or in the morning!:)
Good Morning!

Today was Disc 11. I am really feeling it this week with lifting 70% of my 1RM. Tomorrow is MMA Boxing without the heavy bag. I'll do the workout as is.

FitMommy - I'm looking forward to putting this Mesocycle to bed. Disc 9 raised my heart rate and kept it there making the workout that more challenging.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning Ladies.

This morning I did Tabata Inferno from Supreme 90. Great work out. Short but to the point! :eek:

JonStephMom:: I hear ya, I have a couple more weeks to go until M1 is done for me. Excited to give M2 a go!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Hey guys. No workout for me yesterday, and it was supposed to be STS legs, D21. I was just so exhausted by the time the boys were in bed. My DH is finally coming home today after being gone all week for work. I will definitely be getting in D21 today.

Wendy- Meso 2 is awesome! I love it. I am almost sad that I am more than halfway through it. I will definitely be happy to give it another go round.

JonStepMom- the weight increase is a little harder in Meso 1 I think because it is still an endurance workout and the rep count is high and a little faster pace. Meso 2 is heavier obviously, but for the most part more do-able (at least to me) because there is less reps and slower pace.

Sherry- my eating has been anything but clean this week :eek:. have to get back on track!

Kristin:: My DH doesn't travel for his job but he has worked some crazy overtime to the point where he may as well have left town. He would work 16+ hour days so when he came home at night (after I was already asleep) he'd eat a little something, shower and pass out and be out the door early in the morning again. He did this for about a month straight 6-7 days per week! When he DID get a day off all he wanted to do was...well...NOTHING!!! I couldn't blame him either! :eek: I was virtually a single mom during that time as you can well imagine. It sure is exhausting especially when you are usd to having some help. Money was great though! :D
Wendy- wow, that had to be hard. I really miss him, his company most of all. Plus the help, lol. I got away easy thus week because we had midwinter break. DH has to go away in two weeks again, but that is going to be a real test for me. My parents are away and I will be working so I have to get everyone ready to go before 7. I don't know how single parents do it! I give them so much credit!
Kristin:: I didn't like that DH was gone so much but I'll tell ya, it reduced the mess in the house b/c he wasn't around long enough create one! :p As a result, I had one less person to clean up after! Not that I should have to clean up after a grown man but...:rolleyes:
D20 legs all done. I love the tri-sets! My legs were shaking at the end.

DH is back! I will bbl tomorrow.

Wendy- I noticed that even with the boys being home, the ness was much less with DH gone. . . hmmmm. . .. ;).

Good Morning!

Today was Disc 12, so that's all she wrote for Mesocycle 1! Tomorrow is Intensity Double HIIT and Boot Camp Premix and Medicine Ball Abs.

Kristin - Good to know. I've been thinking this week that I'm not so sure how the next Mesocycle is going to go. It really felt like this week was a huge jump, but I got through it and have been sore.

Well, it snowed again yesterday and no school today. They have already taken two days off spring break. They said the rest will be added to the end of the year. I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

Have a good day and weekend. I am planning on doing all Cardio next week and will report in with what I'm doing.

Good Morning.

I was sore when I woke up this morning from Tabata Inferno...mostly in the hip flexors. I don't know how but I managed to get through Cardio Challenge and added Ultimate Ball on afterwards. NOW my hip flexors are KILLING ME! I'm gonna be in traction by morning I swear! :eek:;) Excellent past 2 days of work outs! Supreme 90 was definitely a good investment just based on what I've done so far (Tabata Inferno, Legs, Cardio Challenge and Ultimate Ball) Tmrw is supposed to be Disc 9...I hope I am not too sore to do it. :eek: If I am though, I'll do Disc 10 and wait to do 9 on Sunday. No biggie. :)

Kristin:: Good job on D20!

JonStephMom:: Yay for M1 being over! Enjoy M2!

Wow, this check in went from HUGE to really TINY in a matter of a month. What's up with that? Do we smell? :p
Hey all, I am debating whther or not to do D21 or cardio workout, or both! not sure yet. I guess it will depend on how much time I have to do a workout.

Wendy- I know! Where did everyone go?!? I am thinking a lot of people dropped out of doing STS for one reason or another. Either that or we really do smell :eek::eek:

Kristin:: I've started doing STS w/cardio on weekends since I have the time. It's doable and I like being able to squeeze the extra cardio in! Keep us posted on what you decided to do! :) My DH was used to his mom picking up after him well into adulthood. Seems he now thinks that wife and mom are one in the same. :rolleyes:
Hello all1 So I ended up doing D21 and pilated-inspired abs. My core and biceps are fired up. I once again feel like I have Popeye arms, lol.

JonStephMom- Yea on being done with Meso 1. Enjoy the rest week! At first, I didn't think I would want the rest week, but at the end of each cycle I am finding that I NEED it, ;). Meso 2 you left heavier but the reps are less and the count is slower. I was afraid at first too, but it is completely doable. If you find that the weight is too heavy, ease up. There have been a few exercises that I could not lift with good form after rep 4. I lightened up on those. For the most part though, the WO Manager 1 RM tests have been on the money.

Wendy- DH had the same kind of upbringing, lol. His mom IRONED his tee-shirts. NO JOKE!!! :rolleyes:

Kristen:: Nothing wrong w/the Popeye pump! I lurve it! So I ordered the tower from Amazon today! So exciting! :) Ironing t-shirts huh? LOL I dont think my MIL was that bad! ;)~ My grandmother ironed my grandfather's boxers though! EEK!

Putting Disc 9 on hold until the LB isn't so sore...That being said, today's plan is Disc 10, cardio and abs.

Hi all!

Sorry I've been MIA. It's been a few rough days of travel, with both the weather or internet access not cooperating. To get back on track, I need to do D19 (CST) this morning, D20 (legs) tonight, and D21 (LB) tomorrow evening. Yesterday I also had to report my initial weight for the weight loss competition. After this week, between the lack of exercise, eating out, and TTOM, I have no where to go but down! I really have never traveled for work, but started a new position that requires more, so this will be interesting for the whole family. At least the kids are old enough to fend for themselves, but the logistics getting them everywhere is the difficulty.

Wendy - I did get Supreme90, but haven't had a chance to do any yet. Does in the hip flexors, though, huh?

Kristina - Don't you just love how pumped the biceps feel after you work them hard! Great job getting in done anyway.

LaDonna - Yeah! Meso 1 done! As for snow, over a foot this week alone, and more still on the way for the coming week. UGH!

BBL to report my workouts!

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