2 month New Year's Challenge Nov. 15-22

Hello all! Starting our new week this time. Looks like Hardcore might be ready by Christmas, huh? Keeping my fingers crossed.

Hoping everyone rocks either core or flex today!
I am starting something new today. It is alot like Core, but called the Abs Diet. I can not lose on care, and I am really bummed out. I have lost and gained the same lb. since I started. I weighed myself on sat., and by dinner, I had lost it, mentally. You do not want to know what I have eaten the last 24 hours. I researched it a little bit, and I ordered the book from amazon.com this morning. I have had a migraine for 2 days. I had it yesterday, and it came back again today. I took an Immitrex. I am feeling ok now so I am just going to walk on my treadmill after I eat a salad for lunch. I don't dare do anymore.

Sorry you're frustrated. Where is everybody? I'm having trouble with Flex too. What is the Abs Diet?

Did Circuit Max tonight, but only because I went over my Flex Points for the day and needed to compensate. I'm not happy about using exercise this way, and know it has never worked for me in the past. Need to throw out the Nutella and peanut butter!

It'll be interesting to see what my weight is Wednesday. Think I need to try to use my activity and flex points more evenly throughout the week rather than trying to hoard them. Don't feel like I've lost much this week. We'll see.
Yeah there doesn't seem to be to many people around.
I thought I was going to be checking in but I got up Sunday morning to a cold house! The power was GONE!!!! Apparently its still gone.I got the hell out of there.There was a snow storm that took out most of the Valley.They weight of the snow made 9 transformers fall down.
We went to visit my SIL for the weekend.We did get to spend some quality time together b/c we had nothing else to do but sit around the table in complete darkness.It was cold and NOT FUN.I went to bed with 3 layers of clothes on as well.Sunday wasn't to cold b/c there was still a bit of heat in the house.There were 7 adults in the house,1 toddler,1 infant,a 8 yr old and 2 cats.When I got up today it was alot colder.We went to the airport and they moved.
I can honestly say...all I did was EAT AND SLEEP.Just when I started seeing a difference in my clothes this kind of crap happens to me all the time.
Tomorrow I am back hardcore.I think I may even work out twice tomorrow.
I will check in tomorrow.
Thank God for electricity!!
Hi everybody, I think I am maintaining weight wise. We will see on Thursday on my weigh in day.

Lori-I switched to flex a week ago. It gives me more accountability, even though you eat a lot of "core" foods you can still count your points and therefore count you calories and it's just a whole lot easier. I saw the ab's diet book. It looked interesting. Tell us about it when you know more.

I did PUB this morning--great workout. I know this sounds terrible but I will be thrilled when the holidays are over. They are already stressing me out. The food is going to be everywhere and I just don't know if I can be in control. In an ideal world I would only indulge 3 days. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Christmas Eve. But of course there are Christmas parties and functions galore. I need to get a grip and know that I can do this. I think WW website has a lot of tips on what to do to prevent overdoing it at parties, etc.

Thanks for letting me vent. Sometimes I wish I was in a different place, a nice little tropical setting where there was only fresh fish, fruits, vegetables, and water to drink. Am I crazy or what??

Lori-I think we posted at the same time. Sorry to hear about the storm. It reminds me of our 3 power outages (I live in central Florida) this year. That's all we did too when the power went out, ate chips, junk, candy. Sounds scary, hope you and your family are okay. I felt cold just reading your post.

Thanks Lori,All is well now(i guess).I love in Newfoundland so we ALWAYS get what Ontario,Nova Scotia...etc gets.We were in Nove Scotia when they had the snow storm and now that I am home, guess whats falling? Its not very nice out.I am waiting to hear if we will have any training today.Im hoping I don't have to shovel my way to work.I never worry about the christmas holidays.I actually look forward to it b/c I always lose about 5 lbs.If I could get 5 lbs off before christmas and then another 5 during....I would be in my glee!
I weighed myself today.Its not as bad as I thought.I just gained back what I had lost but I could just look at my belly and see that, I didn't have to get on the scale.
I am having a cup of coffee now and then I am going to hit the threadmill.I am hoping I don't have to go to work so that I can have a killer workout today.I am in the mood to run and do weights.I am glad I never find it hard to get back into working out.Having 3 days off makes me want to workout even harder.I feel as if our bodies were made to move.
Because of all the snow,I feel like wrapping christmas gifts! I would but I have no where to put them when they are wrapped and I am afraid the wrapping will get beat up over the next month.
If I don't get to workout hard now...I will be working out again tonight.I may try working out twice a day(when I can) for the next month.I use to workout twice a day all the time until I started a new job last year.
I will stop babbling now...can you tell that I am happy to have a computer in front of me!!!!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Lori, good for you. Have a great day working out.

My mother is from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Canada is so beautiful.

Can I go all day within my flex points? Who knows

Lorihart, I saw a post you wrote about clean eating and recognized myself within your description. Last night I did great, ate my points - then started "grazing around" - a little peanut butter here, little Nutella there, half a piece of chocolate, half a piece of caramel. It added up major! I HAVE to kick this sugar habit! I swear, I think if I could just cut sugar, I wouldn't even have to follow a diet! Its SO FRUSTRATING!

So, I threw out the Nutella and all my candy. Big step for me. I just think I need to be honest with myself that I'm never going to get the body I want if I keep eating this way! Even Cathe workouts are no match for all the sugar I eat!

Am glad your weigh in wasn't tragic. Mine is tomorrow and if I can maintain I'll be thrilled. Anyone else doing flex? How are you handling the 35 flex points and activity points? I think I need a strategy...
Good Morning Ladies.....Yesterday I just ended up going for a walk around the neighborhood. I was just scared to push my self anymore because I had a Jewelry Show last night, and could not get my migraine back. Today I feel pretty good, and I will work out. I think I am going to do my 2 BSS3's and combine them into one workout. I really like to do that. The Firm is a bit easier, and I am just afraid today to dive into Cathe, I have another Jewelry Show tonight. Although the new BSS3's are quite tough, I really like them. I get my ABS Diet book today. It is alot like Core and BFL combined from what I can gather so far. It is clean eating 6 days a week, you can have natural peanut butter every day, and I don't know if you get a whole free day, or a free meal once a week. I will check it out later today. My mail does not come until late in the faternoon. Take care all!!!!!!!!
hi futurefitness-I agree with you about the sugar, that is 99% of my problem

I am doing flex. I think the best strategy is to stay within your points and try not to eat your extra flex, unless you are starving.

Today I am getting my hair done, going for a run tonight and going to try to do PLB after run.

I think we all have the same sugar addiction:eek: Count me in! I agree with futurefitness,the sweets I eat are no match for Cathe or even running 1 hour a day.I think sometimes you can get caught up in the "I workout so I can eat whatever I want" phase.I also have a habit of eating when I am not hungry.Picking in the night time.Im gonna have to start painting my nails every single night.
I did a 60 min interval run today.Then I had to help my 8 yr old with homework she did't have finished.By this time I was freezing.Sitting around with sweaty clothes on isn't nice.So I decided to get a shower and do PP later.I have all day.I doubt I will be going out in this snowstorm.
Morning Everyone!

I was so busy yesterday I didn't post. Did PS Tri/Back and Ab hits. Also walked/ran the dog for 30 minutes. This morning I did PS bi's/chest and walked/ran the dog for an hour. Still have a tender sciatic nerve going.

Talking about books I picked up "The Ulitmate New York Body Plan" by David Kirsch. It's a two week intensive diet/workout. I am thinking I need a jump start sort of thing. Hard to do with the Holidays coming up. I am with you LoriHRT. I usually do a cookie swap but I think I am going to bow out so the temptaions aren't around. DH doesn't need them either and my son is picky so he only eats one or two. Trying to be organized this year.

LoriSax- I saw that book at Barnes & Noble. I will check it out again. What kind of jewelry do you sell?? Your own handmade or a line.

Lori H - My heat was out about two weeks ago but there was no snow. I am in Michigan. You are in Nova Scotia??

FFD - SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!! I could eat licorice by the bag full. Not a big chocolate fan but sugar candy. Skittles too.

I am off doing house stuff. I will check back in. Everyone have good workouts and good eats!!

Also - I am thinking if Hardcore is here by the end of December - this will be perfect for the January/New Year rotation.

I've been a little busy at work lately...I read the forum but don't always get a chance to post. Sorry for being MIA! :)

Anyway, workouts & eating are going well. I tried P90X Plymetrics yesterday and really enjoyed it. It's easy enough choreography but intense, too....I like that! This morning I did a gym HST workout and plan on some light cardio and core work this evening.

My plan for the next couple of weeks is to do HST workouts at the gym + light cardio/core work in the evenings on Tue-Thur-Sat. And interval cardio (P90X Plyometrics or a Cathe IMax) on Mon-Wed-Fri. Sunday's will be a long, steady state cardio and the floor work from PLB and L&G (yep, I'm a diehard and exercise 7 days a week, LOL! I do take days off when I'm sick, though;-) ).

Hope everyone is feeling better physically and emotionally. ;( I have an eye infection that's bugging me, too. I'm putting drops from the doctor in but can't wear my contacts until the end of the week (boohoo!).

Take care,
Kathy G
YAY everyone's back! You don't know how much this is keeping me motivated to keep going!

Well, weigh in is tomorrow. Not going to day much else tonight, today was a good flex day, hopefully tomorrow will still be a success despite my lack of control this week!
Hi everyone,

Today was PUB...wasn't sure I could do it as I've had a migraine for 3 days now...glad yours seems better Lori.
Anyway, I did get through it...haven't eaten much due to nausea. But guess what I did eat??? Yes, nothing but sugar. When I have a migraine it seems to be the only thing I can stomach. Isn't that awful?
Last night my Mom had to have her 18 year old dog, Belle, put down. We were on the phone for 2 hours talking & crying. I can't tell you what that did for the old head! LOL
Well, never say never...tomorrow I hope to live through Step Fit.
Have a great Wednesday,
Ruthx( x( x(
well, BOO HOO!!! Gained some of my weight back, am now 154. Had to do a LOT of mental arithmetic not to get down, but I did it. Obviously some of last week's success was due to water weight, so maybe this is a more honest reflection of how much fat I've actually lost, and a pound a week ain't bad. Gotta get away from the fast weight loss mentality.

What am I going to do differently? Try to hold onto Flex points and use activity points to beef up my day (this is what I did more of the week I lost so much). Also, be more honest about my tracking, aka by not eating foods (like the cheese fries I ate this week) where I know I'm probably drastically underestimating the points. Get rid of all the sugar (am going to cross my fingers and try for a sugar free week - yeah right, with friends in New Orleans? If I maintain over the next 2 weeks I'll be lucky!). Use imagery of myself eating slowly, taking smaller bites, enjoying the food, talking with friends (this is the only way I can imagine losing in New Orleans)

Any other advice?

Ruth, I'm so sorry about your mother's dog - Dogs and cats are with us for far too short a time in my opinion. I wish some of the scientists would focus on genetically altering them so they live, say, 70-75 years. Hope you make it through Step Fit - got a little thrill when you made this one sound hard, as I just ordered it... :)

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