Hey everyone!
I don't post up here as often as I used to, I'm normally over on FB, but I still lurk here and post now and again.
But I figured I'd share since my fitness journey really started with Cathe.
I bit the bullet last winter and registered for my 1st marathon - Chicago. Started training 17 short weeks ago, and the race is next Sunday already. EEKKK!!!!!!!! Training has gone decent so far. My longest run was 20 miles, took 4 hours, but I made it.

This week is going to kill me. Eight miles today, then just 3/4/2 on T/W/Th. Nothing Monday, Friday, or Sat. Laying off the weights this week so I don't get all DOMS-y or anything. No cross training, no nothing. I am not good at resting and waiting.
I'm excited, I'm scared, I'm panicky. What if the hotel loses my reservations? What if I can't find a breakfast place? What if the weather decides to change from 60 to 90? What if I can't find parking? What if I get sick (the ick yucks are going around work)? What if I can't finish? I'm sure I can, but what if? What if the course closes and I'm still on mile 2? ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
This is going to be the longest, shortest week ever!!!!!
I don't post up here as often as I used to, I'm normally over on FB, but I still lurk here and post now and again.
But I figured I'd share since my fitness journey really started with Cathe.
I bit the bullet last winter and registered for my 1st marathon - Chicago. Started training 17 short weeks ago, and the race is next Sunday already. EEKKK!!!!!!!! Training has gone decent so far. My longest run was 20 miles, took 4 hours, but I made it.
This week is going to kill me. Eight miles today, then just 3/4/2 on T/W/Th. Nothing Monday, Friday, or Sat. Laying off the weights this week so I don't get all DOMS-y or anything. No cross training, no nothing. I am not good at resting and waiting.
I'm excited, I'm scared, I'm panicky. What if the hotel loses my reservations? What if I can't find a breakfast place? What if the weather decides to change from 60 to 90? What if I can't find parking? What if I get sick (the ick yucks are going around work)? What if I can't finish? I'm sure I can, but what if? What if the course closes and I'm still on mile 2? ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
This is going to be the longest, shortest week ever!!!!!