1st marathon next weekend-Eek!


Hey everyone!

I don't post up here as often as I used to, I'm normally over on FB, but I still lurk here and post now and again.

But I figured I'd share since my fitness journey really started with Cathe.

I bit the bullet last winter and registered for my 1st marathon - Chicago. Started training 17 short weeks ago, and the race is next Sunday already. EEKKK!!!!!!!! Training has gone decent so far. My longest run was 20 miles, took 4 hours, but I made it. :eek::p:)

This week is going to kill me. Eight miles today, then just 3/4/2 on T/W/Th. Nothing Monday, Friday, or Sat. Laying off the weights this week so I don't get all DOMS-y or anything. No cross training, no nothing. I am not good at resting and waiting.

I'm excited, I'm scared, I'm panicky. What if the hotel loses my reservations? What if I can't find a breakfast place? What if the weather decides to change from 60 to 90? What if I can't find parking? What if I get sick (the ick yucks are going around work)? What if I can't finish? I'm sure I can, but what if? What if the course closes and I'm still on mile 2? ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

This is going to be the longest, shortest week ever!!!!!

Nan, I'm sure you'll do fine. Every one is nervous with their 1st Marathon (or so I'd assume). Good luck and let us know how you do. :)
Good luck!

Have you done any other races yet? 5ks? 10ks? A marathon is quite ambitious for a first timer, but I'm sure you'll come through fine. Just enjoy the experience and have fun!
Good Luck!!

Good Luck on your first marathon :D How awesome - be sure to let us know how it goes...and have a wonderful time:p
Good luck!

Have you done any other races yet? 5ks? 10ks? A marathon is quite ambitious for a first timer, but I'm sure you'll come through fine. Just enjoy the experience and have fun!

Several 5&10k, 2 10 milers, 3 half marathons, and a few other distances. But I've never been this far before. Eek!

Several 5&10k, 2 10 milers, 3 half marathons, and a few other distances. But I've never been this far before. Eek!

Then you already know how to prep for them, what works for you to get ready the day of, etc. That should make you feel a bit less nervous/panicky, but if it helps...

1) What if the hotel loses my reservations?
Call them to confirm.

2) What if I can't find a breakfast place?
Be prepared by bringing your own rations (what works for you, but maybe a smoothie mix, banana, etc.)

3) What if the weather decides to change from 60 to 90?
Bring numerous clothing options.

4) What if I can't find parking?
If the hotel is close enough, use the walk from there to the starting line as your warm-up.

5) What if I get sick (the ick yucks are going around work)?
Eat well, sleep well (when I don't think I'll be able to sleep well the night before an event, I use "Moon Drops," a homeopathic sleep aid), hydrate well, to reduce your chances of getting ill.

6) What if I can't finish? I'm sure I can, but what if?
If you're sure you can, then why even let yourself think about it? You could end up talking yourself out of doing so!

7) What if the course closes and I'm still on mile 2?
Then you'll definitely have some 'splainin' to do, Lucy. LOL!
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Wow, Kathryn! Great advice! :)

I never sleep well the night before an event. I've learned that it's the night before the night before when you really want to get your best sleep.

Remind yourself that you've put in the training. Show up at the starting line knowing that you're prepared. And then ... enjoy the journey!

Take a deep breath! I promise you will be ok. What you are experiencing are the 'taper doldrums'. Its real. This is what happens when you reduce your cardio and you don't get that old endorphin high. May I recommend some meditation CDs or mp3s? Thats what I do when I can't train. Is yoga allowed? not power yoga!!

To prevent getting sick be sure to wash your hands before you eat. I like to have a few zinc lozenges in my fanny pack anyway.

Call the hotel the week in advance to confirm your reservations (. . I guess that would be tomorrow?). Some races have a 'race ambassador', someone locally that can help you with things like parking.

If you can't finish, for whatever reason, remember that this was a first attempt and there is no shame in a DNF. (did not finish) Ever. If you don't finish, it doesn't count, and you can try again for a different race in 20 weeks. The point is not the fact of the race, although races are great! (and I'm not even a marathoner yet!) The point was the training, the race is the gravy. So, don't worry about the race.

If the course closes and you are on mile two, maybe you couldn't find the parking after all. . . :rolleyes:

Let us know how it goes.

Oh, you might check out the free podcast 'This Running Life'. Its great for helping you feel good about newbie runners (although with all those races under your belt, you don't feel new at all.)
How exciting Nan! I am just in awe of people who do marathons! You've trained hard and will do just fine. It's your first so just go with it. It's the NEXT marathon that you will have something better to strive for. (beating your first time!:)) I can't wait to hear all about it. Prayers that you stay healthy and feel extra strong that day!

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I did my first marathon this past January (Disney) and was so nervous. I hardly slept at all the night before because we were in a hotel. When the alarm went off at 3:30 a.m. I busted out crying thinking why the heck did I do this. I had to leave my hubby and walk a very long way in the dark to the start line all by myself. Someone nice guy gave me a trash bag to wear because it was kind of chilly at 4:30 a.m. When my wave finally started I thought I was just going to lose it but by mile 2 I was in a groove and thought OMG, I'm actually running a marathon. All that anxiety went away. I look back now and think what was I so nervous about, it's just a race (it just takes a little longer than other races to complete :)). Nothing beats that feeling coming across the finish line and getting that medal.

Everything will fall into place and you'll have a great time!! Good luck!

thebratee1 said:
I did my first marathon this past January (Disney) and was so nervous. I hardly slept at all the night before because we were in a hotel. When the alarm went off at 3:30 a.m. I busted out crying thinking why the heck did I do this. I had to leave my hubby and walk a very long way in the dark to the start line all by myself. Someone nice guy gave me a trash bag to wear because it was kind of chilly at 4:30 a.m. When my wave finally started I thought I was just going to lose it but by mile 2 I was in a groove and thought OMG, I'm actually running a marathon. All that anxiety went away. I look back now and think what was I so nervous about, it's just a race (it just takes a little longer than other races to complete :)). Nothing beats that feeling coming across the finish line and getting that medal.

Everything will fall into place and you'll have a great time!! Good luck!


That's great Regina! You must have been flying high after it was over. It's not just a race...it's an amazing race and accomplishment to finish a MARATHON!!!! Way to GOOOO!

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Hi Nan, just enjoy the race. They say to make it "your race". I did my first marathon, 10 years ago and it was fun. I also did the Chicago Marathon since I live here; so you will have a fantastic time, Chicago really loves their marathoners - you're also having fantastic weather. So my advice, is enjoy, take your time and savor every moment - it is quite an accomplishment. Let us know how it goes. I will be sending positive vibes to you on Sunday - I always watch it on TV. Good Luck.

Thanks everyone! Hotel reservations are confirmed :) As is the pet sitter :)

The weatherman isn't cooperating - I've been watching for about a week, it started at 65 and overcast and now it's up to 75 and sunny. The good thing is, it takes awhile for Chicago to get that warm in the fall, after cool nights. So at least the first couple hours should be good running weather.

Just back in from my last training run, just 2 short miles, and now I wait til Sunday.

I'll post back Sunday night or Monday morning. The computer is downstairs. I may be able to get down here, but getting back up might be trick! :eek:

Good luck, Nan!

And don't forget to stretch really well after the race (in all the 5ks I've done, I see very few people besides me doing much of any stretching, but for me, it's crucial).

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