1rm confusion in workout manager


I am not very computer literate so maybe I am not doing something right...
When I pick the 1rm calculator in the workout manager I am not sure what to do next. I know it has several options. By disk, or specific excersize but I am not sure where to start. Or how to pick an excersize. This is embarassing and I am probably making it harder than it is but if someone could help or if there is some tutorial like the nutrition manager has that I am missing...:eek::confused:
Hi,here's how i've been doing my 1rm. Log into the WM then click on any date in the calender.Click on "add new" in the STS workout bar.On the top of the page it says "select STS disc number" with a dropdown menu next to it.Select the first disc and a page will come up that has the exercises in that disc.
The first column after the exercise is 1rm(lbs),it will show N/A until you input your 1rm.
The second column is %of 1rm,it will show either a number for the percentage of 1rm you'll be using or if it's a non weighted exercise like a pushup or band work it will say N/A,those you don't have to do a 1rm for.
Jot down the exercises than go to the 1rm calculator click on "show all STS exercises". Now you can select disc 1 then go up to the top where it says "select and enter exercise" drop down the exercises pick the one you want to enter than input the weight&reps hit "calculate" then "save"
The exercises you input your 1rm on will be red on the STS workout card plus any other disc that uses that exercise will automatically be filled in so you don't have to do the same exercise for each disc.
I hope this helps a bit and doesn't confuse you even more.
Soo...still kind of confused by the 1rm calculator. Do we have to do ALL of these before we start STS when it comes out? I guess so right?? Just seems like a lot of work - has someone done all of theirs yet and if so, how long did it take ya? ;)

Thanks!! Can't wait for STS, want to be sure I'm ready to go as soon as it comes in my mailbox!
I just finished my last 1rm although I still have 6 that I can't do because I don't know what they are.I just did a few each day. It's not as scary as it looks since quite a few of the exercises are repeated on different discs.

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