
Good morning, Cathe-ites! Just wanted to share a little personal triumph with my Friends In Pain (are you reading this, Garth?) - today I celebrate 16 years of abstinence from alcohol! 5,844 days and counting . . . somehow "16 years" sounds a lot longer than "5,844 days", doesn't it?

Always around this time of year I go back to how miserable my life was in those last few months before I quit . . . and on July 21, 1987 I had no idea that that was the beginning of my life as I know it today. I also had no idea of the challenges, and the joys, that lay ahead now that I wasn't soaked in booze each and every night.

Cathe's workouts and the association with her fellow appreciators here on the forums is one of the real happies of an exceptionally happy and sober life, and I am thankful for all of it!

Have a great day!

Congratulations Annette!! 16 years is an awesome achievement. It just shows how far one can get taking it one day at a time. Your achievement is a good example for all of us who have goals.

Wooo-Hooo AJ!!!! That is awesome! Yes, 16 years DOES sounds much longer than 5,844 days. (Hmmm, wonder if there is a way for me to break my 2,000 posts into years??? 3 & 1/2 to be exact! Ha!) I am so happy for your lifestyle. You have contributed so much here and I know it would not be the same if you weren't sober. (Not to mention, your awesome workouts you do and share with others.) CONGRATULATIONS on another year! YOU GO GIRL!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
A darn fine reason to come out of posting hibernation if I ever saw one... Your wit, charm, and wicked sense of humor are unmatched on these forums. I'd hate to think what alcohol would have continued to do to your mind and your body. Never, ever lose sight of how far you've come. And never stop coming up with kick a** mish moshes! I am so proud of you A-Jock!!!
Thanks, Beans! Good to see you poke your nose out of cyber-hibernation! As warped as we all know The A-Jock to be, can you imagine the state of things if she had a shot of booze in her system?

My celebratory new Cathe Mish-Mosh, which I'll be inaugurating this coming Thursday, is what I call "10-10-Tabasco":

CTX 10-10-10 warm-up, kickbox and hi/lo segments; immediately after
I-Max 2 Blast Only intervals 6-10.

Just. Can't. Wait.

Boozeless In Minneapolis
Wow! That's really great AJ! :) It's also great that you can appreciate how far you've come! I for one am so glad you got sober, because it allowed you to be here for me in my time of need and support me at many of my darkest moments (like the first time the scale didn't move! remember that one!?) So your sobriety has been a blessing to more than just you, it's made a better life for many of us as well! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Congratulations on your 16th "Birthday" Annette! What a wonderful, incredible thing you've accomplished.

My DH recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety, and I've never been prouder of him. My hat is off to both of you for having the strength and fortitude to change your life in such an uplifting and positive way. I don't think anybody can truly realize what you've probably been through, and how momentous each birthday is. :)
Hi AJ,
A big congratulations from me as well. You have such a wealth of things to share with others. I certainly know you have been a big help to me. Along with that, you have such wit, such style, such originality. You have added so much to many people's lives not only on this forum, but to those you have come into personal contact.
What a tragedy it would have been to have missed those opportunities.
I salute you, girlfriend. I'll have to be brave enough to try your new 'mish mosh' lol
This is such a wonderful accomplishment ! Thanks for celebrating the great news with us!
Enjoy your special day and know we are all thankful and lucky for knowing you!

~Sobriety Poem~

I came to a meeting, all sad and alone,
So sick and tired, of the life I had known.
Aching and dying, deep down inside,
And feeling the pain, from the things I must hide.

They told me they loved me, and were glad I was there,
Who are these people, and why should they care?
But the more that I listened, the more I could see,
This room full of alcoholics, were all just like me.

I started to share, trying hard not to cry,
And I no longer felt, like I wanted to die.
I wanted to live, but hadn't a clue,
Of what to say, feel, or do.

These people were sober, and would show me the way,
So I listened some more, to what they had to say.
They spoke of a God, and "just for one day,"
So I thought, "What the hell," and I started to pray.

They said "get a sponsor," and "keep coming back".
They said that a program, was all I did lack.
They said "Work the steps, or your going to die".
So I got me a sponsor, and I started to try.

I shared with my sponsor, who I had become,
The people I had hurt, the thing's I had done,
He told me he loved me, and then shared with me,
The thing's he had done, and who he used to be.

That's when I knew, and could finally see,
That if I worked the step's, that I too could be free.
Free from booze, and feeling that way,
Free from obsession, just for today.

So I still try to listen, to what you have to share,
Tell you I Love You, let you know that I care.
Let you know I have found, a much better way,
It's working a program, we call it A.A.

It's sharing my experience, strength, and hope as I trudge,
It's living a life, and not holding a grudge.
It's sharing with newcomer's, as they wander in,
And as they start to listen, they'll know they can win.

If we all really listen, to what's being said,
The thing's that are shared, the book that is read.
If we listen and learn, we will surely see,
How truly delightful sobriety can be.

Author Anonymous
Yo! You go girl!

I'm so darned (edited) proud of you! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

If I could, I'd like to make an Aqua Jock Bobblehead: bald head, super sculpted delts, aqua jogger on. How cool would that be? I'd set my AJ Bobblehead in my workout lair, just to keep me honest, and prevent any possible slacking.

You're Awesome Grrrrrl!!!!!:*

:+ :+ :+
What a tremendous accomplishment! Congratulations and thank you for your many humorous and informative posts!
Congrats A-jock. And what a life you made of it!

We definitely appreciate having you around and in our lives, even if it is online!

Have a great day!

That is neat that you put the number of days. 16 years ago were you thinking-Just one day at a time? Now look how many days have gone by!!!

You're the coolest Miss A-jock! Glad I got to know ya!

I'm mostly a lurker and only post occasionally but I've seen your name many times. Congratulations on an incredible accomplishment.
You prove how important the individual choices we make each day are what lead to a successful, fulfilled life. Enjoy each and every day without that monkey on your back.

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