12 Week Challenge Check In 04/26

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Good Morning Everyone!

Hope everyone gets some rest. You all sound so busy. I don't know how you guys keep up with it all.
Today is KickMax and core work. I am doing pretty good with eating and have been sticking to my workouts. I need more cardio! and more coffee. I am off to get the kids to school.
Hope everyone has a great day! ;-)
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Great job on the losses, Marcia and Kathy! It's WORKING!!!!!!! LOL

Hi to everybody else (sorry to hit and run, but I've got the house to myself for about 2 more hours, and that RARELY HAPPENS!).

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Great job on the weight losses!!! Keep it up everyone!

My good news is that I went to the Dr for my annual (ugh!), and on his scale, which is always heavy, of course, I have lost 7 pounds from last year...all due to Cathe!

That made me feel so good, and that what we are doing is working! We had to eat on the run last night on the way out of town. I didn't plan ahead and pack something healthyx( I had just a small hamburger and water to drink from a fast food restaurant (A & W). The kids got root beer floats, and I resisted even a sip!

I am doing so well with the eating part, but I really need to make time for the workouts...we have been so busy lately!

Enjoy the day! Resist temptation! We can do this!
RE: 12-Week Check-in

Hey, Jenn! Great job...both on the scale and at A&W. You said "resisted even a sip" and that's KEY for some of us, especially me. I bake a LOT, like every other day, and I know that if I even lick my finger, I'm done....I'd have my entire face in the bowl, just licking the leftovers! LOL

Great job!

Oh dear...I have to read all those post! ICK!!!!}( }(

Hey girls, I am just getting up.I had a harder night then usual at work last night so I had no choice but to crawl into bed when I got home.I have a few things to do today so I may not be around a whole lot. I want to get my workout in first, but I straightened my hair yesterday and Im thinking...since my hair is done, why not go get groceries first?

Kathy, good job on the 4 lbs! Woo Hoo!!! Is that just in a week?

Wendy, hope you got your workout in! I know its no fun when you don't get your proper sleep.You could end up triping over your step:eek: Don't mean to be mean..but can you get someone to take a pic if that happens! LOL}( }( I don't think anyone liked their before pics so don't sweat it!

Kali, have good day at work. I know what you mean about not being able to fit all those meals in while working.It is hard.When I tried BFL for all of 2 weeks, I was cutting hair at the time and I would have to go in the back and chug a protein shake in order to get my meals in.

Gayle, good luck tonight Da^n eating challenges! LOL Just don't go hungry!

Dana and Karen, rather you then me doing all that S&H. Those workouts do nasty things to my body! LOL And I hate the pace.I think its b/c I want to get my workout over with and sitting there makes me want to hurry up! Off to get more BFL bars today Karen.

Charlotte, are you working out all day.That sounds like a tough workout.

Marcia, awesome job on the weightloss yesterday!

Sunnyd- have fun with that leg workout.I thought about doing it today but I think I am going to do L&G instead and cardio.

Heather, you are gonna enjoy CTX.I really like that one.And good job on the eating.Makes you feel really good doesn't it? And you can do it.

Hi to everyone else if I missed anyone or if anyone is posting the same time as me.
I had some cottage cheese before I hit the sack and I am going to get another egg,another egg white and another english muffin! its just the easiet thing when I wake up b/c its a breakfast meal.I will cut back on the egg part now that I am on day shifts this weekend.I don't want my cholestrol to go up.Lucky for me its grocery day so I can stock up on lots of ymmuy and healthy food.
RE: 12-Week Check-in

I am the same way, Gayle! I LOVE to bake! I have started to leave my leftovers at the place where I am visiting or bringing them to work the next day. You could put frosted cardboard in my staff lounge and they would eat it!!!

But I will also eat the batter, lick the bowl and then eat a million cookies/brownies or whatever if I let myself have any. This is something that I am working on...moderation. But for now...I am going with the nothing route!
good morning!
goodness, lots of posts already!
today's workout: ran 3miles and all of BURN it up! great combo!
yesterday's eating:
b-kashi cereal w/ skim milk
s-protein shake
l-asian salad w/ strawberries
s-1/2 whole wheat bagel and PB
d-1.5servings of WEight WAtchers deep dish pizza and small salad

I slept well last night, thank you!! haha, but I was up early. Thus the LONG workout!

Kathy: thanks for starting this thread and good luck at the luncheon

Heather: you are gonna love those new tapes!!

I can't remember who asked about running. But, who else runs here on this thread???

Hello to everyone else!

have a good one!

take care:)
wanted to do some personals:
Gayle: good luck w/ the book meeting tonight! will be thinking about ya!

Dana: venison on HD bun sounds good and yummy!

Charlotte: Great workout planned! good luck w/ it!

Fitmom: pics? I forgot to do mine!

Sunnydelight: love TJs. I got the new set...looking to buy the first set. Should I get it from qvc or the swap or beachbody????

Marcia: BFL book...I have it and you are gonna like reading it. get eating for life...GREAT recipes!

ok, gotta go!

take care:)
good morning everyone, last night was not so good. I had some doritos while i watched american idol. I am trying not to get down about it and start a new day fresh. I ended up doing step fit last night and tonight i will do pub and bike. today is good so far oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast.

have a great day
Hi girls.

Well, I stuck tooth picks in my eyes to hold them open and off to the gym I took this morning! LOL I did the leg machines and then hopped the treadmill for 2 miles. I ran one and walked one. I worked legs and that is what the rotation calls for today so it's SOMETHING! I knew I wasn't going to work out if I had to wait for DS to nap so that's why I nixxed the REAL rotation plan for today.

I just ate and now I'm going to lie down on the couch for as long as I can!}(

Here's my food so far:

1)Kashi cereal and ff milk
2)oatmeal sweetened w/splenda
3)1/2 natural p/b&j on ww bread, apple

I've had ff milk, water and ofcourse, COFFEE to drink. I am not doing as well on my water as I did yesterday. I think I'll chug some down before I hit the couch....

I read through the thread and it seems everyone is doing well. Forgive me for not doing the personal shout outs today but I'm pooped!:-(

Catch ya'll later!:)
Gloria-I run! LOL (that sounds funny to just say "I run"). LOL

Jenn-OHHHHHHHH! I have SUCH a sweet tooth. And it gets out of control. As soon as I give in, it's like I grew 3 extra empty stomachs and I can't fill them fast enough! Like you, I'm going the abstinence route as well! LOL

Gloria, I run tooo. Just not today. Tomorrow will probably be about a 5 miler.

Gayle- I went to the grocey store to pick up the things for the Fritata and then didn't have any squash. I was so ticked. That was going to be my dinner. Last week they had green and yellow and I just sliced them up and ate those. Man I wished I would have saved them.

Lori- I hope you found your bfl bars. I went to Wal mart today and any of my bfl bars are only 1.19. You need to move to Maryland to get away form the 2 buck range.


Hi Girls,

I didn't get my workout in yet and I probably won't b/c I am having supper soon and then I think we are relaxing!

I was doing good with my meals to...until I found out that I was pregnant! I guess I offically booted out of this challenge.LOL I sure hope that I will fit into that bridesmaids dress in June!

you can't boot yourself, you started this thing!:) i am just kidding listen to your body and your doc of course. again, congratulations!!!
So tickled for you Lori.
Today my meals were
1-special k yogurt and berries cereal
2-whey shake with skim milk
3-cottage cheese and pineapple
4-beef roast-green beans -a small potatoe-rice-and a slice of cornbread
5 will probaly be egg whites and a banana
my workout was suppose to be tae bo impact but my turbo jams came today from qvc so I did cardio party 1 and the lying ab section from the ab dvd.I am really loving them so far.I also got my cdr of cardio coach 6 it sounds gooooood.
way to go on another day girls.
((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) for Lori! YEAY!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for you!!!!
:+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7

Can you tell??? :p
Hello all.

Sounds like everyone is doing great. Wow Lori, you just increased the number of people on the challenge. Don't boot yourself off. I know, I for one, love reading your posts. You sound so full of energy. Of course that might change as your hormones change. Just listen to your body and your dr. We'll forgive you if your after pictures are a little round in the belly. Contratualtions.

Congrats to everyone with loses. I hope I have one on Friday.

This morning I was extremely relieved that my hip didn't hurt when I got up. Long Story. Yesterday I got my foot caught in the string of a set of mini blinds. I didn't know it until after I walked halfway across the room and I tripped causing me to fall forward which only made the string tighter which carried my foot way up in the air. So imagine,if you can, that I have my hands on the floor, one knee on the floor and one leg way up in the air (higher than a rear leg lift) and I can't move because the string is tight. Talk about needing a camera. It felt like I had stepped into one of those rope traps they set in the jungle. I bet it looked hilarious. Luckily (or not so lucky depending on how you look at it) the pharmacy reps were in the room and were able to free my foot rather quickly. I was so afraid that my hip socket would be sore when I woke up, because I am not very flexible and boy did I pull it farther than it normally goes. But since it didn't hurt I went for a jog this morning for an hour. I felt like I could have kept on going and that hasn't happened in a long time.

Tonight I might go for a bike ride so I can see how far I ran. Bike has an odometer on it. I usually use my car, but I went down the trail today so I don't know how far it was. I'm sure it's not as far as most of you run since I really only jog, but maybe that will change by the end of this challenge. Even though I'm slow, my heart stays up so that has to have its benefits.

Have a great evening.

Woo hoo for all the recent losses! Today I did CTX All Step. Here are my meals:

1. Go Lean cereal + blueberries, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, soy milk; grapefruit juice
2. salmon, brown rice, tomato juice, 1Tbsp. nat. pb
3. hard boiled egg, salmon, brown rice, tomato juice
4. salmon in green salad, brown rice
5. 1% cottage cheese, 1/2 Tbsp. nat. pb, 2 rye crispbreads

Drank tons of water and took all my vitamins. Now I'm trying to preplan my meals for once.

Have a great night everyone!


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