12 Week Challenge Check In 04/26

Ok this evening was my cheat meal. I wasn't planning it after having such a good day but pms is on the horizon so I took my cheat day/ meal/ ice cream binge/ easter candy what ever you want to call it today. Now I'm stuffed which I hate to feel but my hormones and stomach feel better but indeed fuller. I told you about the stinking Moosetracks ice cream I tried to feed my hubby to get rid of it. Well it's been sitting here since then. I even took it to the downstairs feezer to get it out of sight but it kept calling me from the basement. I really hate the shift in hormones. I have been fighting it for two days now and it got the best of me tonight. I hate the way you can feel so fine for days on end and then it hits you like you'll never get food again. GOSH

So for me this was it for the week back to basics tomorrow. Karen

Okay...here's my food for the day:

1) kashi cereal/ff milk
2) oatmeal/splenda
3) 1/2 natural pb&j on ww bread/apple
4) chunk lite tuna w/reduced fat mayo on ww bread
5) 1 piece flounder baked using olive oil cooking spray, seasonings, spinach sauteed in a little olive oil and garlic, a small handful of french fries plain that were baked
6) very small bowl of kashi cereal/ff milk

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