12 Week Challenge Check-In 04/25

I know! Just yesterday I was feeling pretty good and thought I looked good....until the pics. It is crazy. It is time I buckle down. :)
YIKES! Sooo much going on here, I just don't have the time right now to catch up so forgive me!

Meal # 2 for me was oatmeal w/cinnamon and a bit of splenda

ETA: My water intake is good...I've had two 1 pint 9 oz bottles so far and will have another w/my work out!

Very soon I will tackle my work out.}(

So I went to TJ Maxx this morning and found another pair of (CHEAP) jeans and a pair of capris. I found a pair of jeans at the TJ Maxx by my mom over the weekend and that inspired me to look here too. So after buying 3 bottoms I guess I was incorrect on my size...I am pleasantly surprised! I bought 1 pr jeans and 1 pr capris by Express in size 4 and one pair of super low rise levis in a size 7 so I guess I'm more like a size 5??? LOL It's so hard cause we all know how DEPENDABLE clothing sizes are, right? ;) :p

I am going to weigh/measure weekly. Will we be posting our progress or leaving it as a surprise for the "BIG UNVAILING"???

Lori, I saw your post and no you didn't upset me...I was just busy w/my SON this morning!:p

Sunny, I am not doing this work out by choice...it's in the rotation I am doing!!! LOL :p

Okay, so it's off to the races for me! I will come back and post about it if I survive it! ;)
Hi everybody! Back from lunch with the ladies (we call ourselves The Lunch Bunch, lol). Stayed true to my plan....steamed broccoli, white rice, garlic sauce and TONS of water.

Lori-No IMax for me tomorrow OR L&G. With the weekend's half coming up, I want to keep it low key, but I WANT STEP! So, I'm thinking more of an all-step (no interval or blast) workout tomorrow. Anything. RS, Step Max, Step Fit, Step Heat, anything!

So what is this 12 week challenge?

I was away all last week and I see many folks here.

Can someone clue me in?
Ugh...just got back from a 8 mile run and I am wiped! It was a good run but the last mile or so did me in! Im glad I wore shorts and a t-shirt b/c it kept me nice and cool.This time of yr there are always road workers starting in...re-doing cross walks and stuff.So it kinda irritates me when there are about 4-5 dirty looking men, squat into a cab of a truck with their heads hanging out. I mean I could see it if I were done up, but not all sweaty and gross looking! LOL

Gayle, well now, I don't know what to do.I will think about it.I haven't done RS in a while so I will get back to you!!!

Wendy, the clothing size is weird isn't it? DH has these awesome gray capri pants in his store and I have had my eye on them for a while and they were size 7, I tried them on with some others on Sat night and they were way to big! Then I put one pair of Billy Bong low rise capri's away (size 7) and another pair of capris that were a size 7 but a little to big, I liked them though.There was also another pair there that were really nice,fit o.k for now, hung nice, but I knew they were going to stretch and then they would be to big to wear. Me and you have the same shape,I can tell by your pics in your picture trail.

I think I will share weightloss with the group but I will keep what I look like as a secret.

Must go get a shower and meal #3
Women's clothing sizes have always been a mystery to me. One day when I have time to kill I'm just gonna bring in a bunch of jeans by all different manufacturers in a size that SHOULD fit me and see what happens! I'll bet they all fit VERY different! LOL

I am happy I am small but hate my "shape". I'm too ruler like for my taste although not as bad as I used to be. I think the pregnancy gave me a bit of a curve somehow. Wierd I know, but I believe it.

Sounds good--about posting progess stats but not any pics until the end.

I just took some pics of myself that I have to load to see if they are OKAY for "before" pics since I obviously have no luck when having DH take them! LOL

Alright...gotta go...time is running short and I'm heading up to the inlaws in a bit!
Yesterday was a good day for me, i kept the eating under control and did legs and glutes and 30 minutes on elliptical. i am starting to enjoy using the elliptical, it took a while to get used to. Today there is a luncheon at work, i know i will do good, if not i will have to report it. tonight i will do pub and 30min on bike have a great day
I'm up for stats once a week and keeping the before pics hidden. In 30 days I am going to take more pics and then again at 60 and then the final unveil at 90. This is getting exciting.

Food so far
I already posted my breafast, snack and lunch. Here is the rest

snack clif bar and yogurt
dinner chicken, sweet potato, huge salad.
Night time snack ( will see) Karen
My gosh, I've got to check in here more often! Today I did CTX Step & Intervals and have decided to do a CTX rotation for atleast the next 4 weeks, especially after reading about the great results people have gotten with it as far as fat loss goes.

I have DOMS in my glutes and inner thighs from yesterdays Power Circuit workout, woo hoo! I love DOMS in my butt! LOL! I imagine things lifting up! :p

I'll post my meals later.

Today has been another good day.I missed my workout yesterday due to baseball scrimage.
But did cc#5 for 20 min today-I will do powercut class tonight at the gym.
meals today were
eggwhites-skim milk
whey shake
pinto beans-cornbread-saurkruat- greens-cantalope
later I will have a whey shake after power cut and a tuna fish sandwich.
Hey Chatty women!

I think I am done with the food for the day and I had another good day, I just wish my period would hurry up b/c I am CRAB-BY! :eek: :eek: Either that, or this is one moody pregnant lady ! LOL

The last 2 days I have been full after dinner, and not been able to finish everything on my plate but then I am hungry an hour later.Whats up with that? Could it be all the water?

So here is what I had today:

M1-Cottage cheese,glass of water
M2-WW english muffin,1 egg,1 white, water
M3-BFL Bar water,water,water!
M4-4 homemade (lean) meatballs,1/3 c brown rice ,1 c of carrots,1 c of broccoli.

Then DH asked if I wanted to get an ice cream cone!:9 What do you think I said?????

Lori- i would try that one. except i actually want to go to work:) . it's only 4 hours and i get to keep all the $$$, LOL. by the way how many calories a day do you eat?

wendy-how did you like your workout today?
Well since it is so late, I'm pretty much just posting for accountablity. Exercise was good this morning with 30 min on TM followed by GSBSB.

Eating could have/should have been better. Pharmacy Rep lunch today. I had very small portion, but went back for a torillia chip snack in the afternoon and a couple of bites of cheese cake. I hate Tuesday's(rep lunch day). I even brought my lunch so I should have stuck with it. Back to the drawing board tomorrow.

Hi all...
new to this forum..but, i think its so cool!
Today I didn't get to workout like I had wish...got home late from work...8pmx( Then showed, and now I'm getting ready for bed.
I did walk about 8 miles today. That's if my pedometer is accurate. I walk alot for work. I really needed to do chest and back & abs today...quess I'll have to do it tomorrow.

Carry on...
I'm back from weigh-in and 2 pounds gone FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and ready for this challenge - BRING IT ON!!! :p

I hope everyone is having as good of a night as I am. :)

That is great! Congratulations!
Keep up the great work...
I'm waiting till the weekend to do my weigh in....unfortunately, I've got my monthly friend this week. YUCK!
Gotta agree, LOVE THE CHALLENGE....I'm stoked!

:) Alicia
PS: The challenge is on....he..he..he..

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