12 Week Challenge/05-04/Week 3


Good Morning Ladies:)

Im up early to get my workout over with but as usual I didn't need an alarm clock to help me get up.I think I woke up at 5 but stayed in bed until 5:30.

I had such a bad stomach last night (tell me if I am whining;( to much!!!) but I eat good all day and then after supper I feel and look like I ate 2 turkey dinners.Now, I don't really care what I look like but my stomach is in so much pain and gassy after I eat my last meal of the day.Ends up being a good thing, I guess, b/c I don't eat anything else before I go to bed. Was anyone else like this when they were pregnant? My suppers aren't that big either but today I am just gonna have a bowl of cereal and some fruit or something to see how I feel.

Wendy, are you going to be nicer today? You should, nice is a good color on you!:)

Kathy, I think I beat you here today, but I bet you are up doing your workout just the same!

Heidi,in your pics you look good.ANd Im telling you, we look better then we think we do.Everyones eyes see us smaller then what we think we are. I had a girl say yesterday "you are so tiny" Now, tiny is not a word I would use to discribe myself but oh well...Ill take it:)

Sunnyd, I wasn't complaining about what my belly was going to look like, I was just stating the obvious:) And yeah, it will go back but you can't help but remember what that skin looks like! LOL But Ill have alittle baby to hold so it will be cool with me.
ANd you took my advice and quit you job ! LOL I didn't mean it you know! hahahaha

Heather, I think you need to get some proper sleep. Your gonna get burned out. DO you get off of work late? Anyway that you can hit the sack earlier at night?

Jean, I use to get to the point all the time when one job was better then the last.And it use to leave me wondering, what I ate the day before,what I drank and how I slept, b/c thats what its all about. Somedays we just can't do what we did the day before but thats ok...doesn't mean that your jogging skills are getting worse, it just means that you are having an off day.

Good morning to everyone else, Gayle, Karen, and Shelia.Hope I didn't miss anyone!!!
Off to get my workout done! DOn't have time to check for spelling mistakes!!


Morning!!!!! You probably cannot tell that I am a morning person!!!

Lori - You are exactly right! I am so sorry about your tummy. I was sick through the first trimester of my pregnancy....all the time, a lot of rumbling and I never had morning sickness but I had every other kind of stomach discomfort you can have...I hope yours passes quickly! What an interesting job you have!!!! You BF is wonderful -- ! On the tiny.....I get called that all the time but I think I am average - to me tiny is about size 0,2,4 and med is about size 6,8,10, but it also depends on bone structure and height because I don't think 12 and above is large...rambling... sorry

Wendy - Your day looked good yesterday - Hope today is great too! Everyone is doing so well!

Karen - Thank you so much for the encouragement! I love to work hard!

Gayle - How are those legs today?

Gloria - We must be the morning crew!!! I am already late for my shower!!!

Heidi - OK you low body fat people.....you are making me feel FATTER!!!! But I can live with it -- I have saggy stomach, just a bit, it is from losing a lot of weight and I use the nivea firming lotion and have seen some improvement -- you might try it along with your diet and exercise - I think it is helpful.

Jean - Great job on your run!!! About the week before my cycle I begin to get really tired with my workouts, probably from some shift in hormones but also if I do not get my water in I don't have as much energy.

SunnyD - That is a good workout, I have not done it in a while but I like it! Thanks for the encouragement!

Sheila - Thaks - you had a good run -- I have to say I admire all you runners.....Iwish I was one but alas...

Heather - Hope your day today is peaceful!!

I had a great workout this morning:

Workout For Today:
Jari Love's Get Ripped: Slim and Lean. 297 calories burned, HR 101 ave/132 Max

I absolutely love this workout - it is high rep with tempo and pulse variations - I can see it breaking plateaus for anyone. I feel pleasantly worked now but I bet I feel it a lot later....not as much abwork as I like but still good. She has an older lady (my age) showing modifictions on the ball, or how to be wrist safe, etc. You can use barbell or dumbells - form is demonstrated for both. Very professional - not chatty or giggly IMO at all. I really like her and the back ground exercisers are no nonsense. There are men and women and the older population is represented which is nice to see a woman and man around my age and older in shape and working at it. All in all I give this workout A+ especially since I can see me doing it at 60.......

Food for Yesterday
B - oatmeal, strawberries, cinnamon, splenda
S - boiled eggs and wheat toast
L - turkey breast, sweet potato, cucumber and tomatoes with vinegar
S - tuna and green beans
D - protein shake and salad

have a great day ladies!!!!!
Wow - My editing period has expired -- I wanted to add that I am excited because it is my "high" day - I am going to have an extra serving of fruit and a little dairy..... also, there is a luncheon today at work.....;( and I HAVE to stay away!
Good Morining. I'm up a little earlier than my normal 7 but I kept hearing noises from the baby's room. She's not really a baby ( she's 4) I don't know if her nose is stuffy and she is breathing through her mouth or if she pulled the covers over her face. I haven't heard a peep since so I guess I'm just up now.

Lori- I never had morning sickness like Kathy either. I always had this knot in my stomach. It hurt so bad that I didn't want to eat but then if I did eat it went away. It felt like if I fed it I would throw up but never did. Food was always the answer. I'm telling you month four is the deal breaker. It is so good from that point on. I wanted to comment on what you said about the other day and how true it is for me. I am always nit picking myslef and if I got pregnant I would just be so satisified if I got back to where I am now. It's funny how we don't appreciate what we got or what we have done. That mentally is so true for me. Thanks for opeining up my eyes.

Kathy-I'm glad you enjoyed your workout. I have to go over to collage and check it out. Between that and the Mindy Melrea review I would really like something new.

I have been carb cycling since the beginning and today is high carb day. I can't wait to have some sweet potatoe panckaes for breakfast after I work out. On tap today is a 3 mile interval run. Only about 30 min and then I am going to do a 30 min upper body tape using a 18lb body bar called Armed and Dangerous. I love this tape. It's a high rep fun workout. Have a a great day.

That cracks me up Kathy. I had to go edit my post now after seeing about your the high carb day. Thank our lucky stars for those.

Kathy, I thought you were a morning person.Its not hard to tell! LOL I don't own any of those workouts. I am pretty much strictly Cathe. I have bought Mindy Mylera (sp?) in the past but I haven't done them much.They are good workouts,its just that I hate learning a new routine! Thats why I like Cathes workouts so much.Even if the workout is new, I always have a good workout b/c she always throws in familiar moves.

Karen, I use to eat alot of carbs a few yrs ago and I was at my lightest then. I wonder how the theroy of low carb came around anyway? I ate very little meat and I think I was at 123 lbs.I still get my share of carbs now but I try to get protein in a couple of times a day.

I think we have some sleepy heads on our hands.:eek: Im sure someone else will have posted by the time I posted this.
And you guys are right about forcing the food down. I think I felt more sick today b/c I was hungry.So I forced my cereal and banana in me. I feel o.k now but not 100% and I am feeling more tired.
I am glad I am getting symptoms though. I want to feel like I am pregnant.And I know I have a ways to go but with each passing day I think I am safer from a miscarriage.I was so worried about that in the beginning but it eases up a little everyday, even though I know it can still happen weeks from now.

Anyway....enough from the preggo lady.You guys are gonna vote me off aren't you?:+

Hi Lori, Kathy and Karen!

Lori, I never had morning sickness or any stomach issues beyond heartburn while I was pregnant. The last few months of pregnancy I had to keep a bottle of tums by my bed cause as soon as I laid down for the night it would start up. UGH! LOL I was VERY TIRED and VERY HUNGRY so if I wasn't sleeping I was eating and vice versa! :eek:

Kathy, Glad you enjoyed your work out! I love my days when I take it down a notch and do my rebounding, etc. I think it's great to do all kinds of work outs. I hate it when people put down vids because they are "too easy" or not "as intense as Cathe". They don't HAVE to be. If you want super intense all of the time, that's fine, but don't say the vid is no good just cause it's not hard enough for you. I've seen folks bash the new Firms for that and I just don't think it's fair.:-(

Karen, Have fun with your work out! Anything called armed and dangerous has GOT to be fun! LOL Sweet potatoe pancakes...now THAT sound WONDERFUL! Would you mind sharing the recipe if it's not too much trouble??? :9

Today will be ME U/B Split Premix, BC U/B only, BC Abs only. No gym and no cardio for me today.
I just wanted to post this really quick before I left for any of you who are interested - here is a piece of the excerpt from Collage on Get Ripped - Slim and Lean:

"You'll build strength and definition - without bulk - by using unusually high repetitions (e.g. 45 push-ups, 70 bicep curls, 94 lunges). It's tough - all those high reps include pulses, tempo variations and isometric holds. You'll get 13 different segments; each designed to isolate a specific body part with just one or two exercises."

It is chaptered and I am not meaning to put it on Cathe' site to knock her business - I own and use everything she ever made - this was just a nice change!
WOW, we've got some Chatty Cathes here this morning already! LOL

Carb cycling, Hig days....makes me think I should do something too!

This morning, for me, was PLB and a 1 mile hill climb on the treadmill. Legs are finally "all better" so I went heavy on the pyramid cycle.

Sorry I can't chat right now....gotta get the kids up and ready for school!


>I am glad I am getting symptoms though. I want to feel like I am >pregnant.And I know I have a ways to go but with each passing day I >think I am safer from a miscarriage.I was so worried about that in >the beginning but it eases up a little everyday, even though I know >it can still happen weeks from now.

Lori, it's amazing how much you sound EXACTLY like me with those comments! LOL I'm sure you are THRILLED about that, right?:p

>Anyway....enough from the preggo lady.You guys are gonna vote me >off aren't you?

Naaah, since the challenge was your idea you can continue posting along with us but if you WIN you are in trouble!;) :7
good morning everyone!
today's workout: TJ's Fat blaster...twice! woohoo! great workout!

Kathy: thanks for posting that bit of info on Jari's tape...gonna get it!

Lori: hope your discomfort passes!

Gayle: I agree...chatty challengers this morning...I always feel so far behind when I log on...hehehe! glad the legs are better!

Hello to Wendy, Heidi and Karen and all to follow!

take care:)
12-Week Check-in

Help! I need encouragement or a kick in the butt or both. The choice is yours. I am really struggling this week. Monday was an extremely stressful day at work, and I had to work late unexpectedly. I did not get to sleep until 2:00 a.m. and woke up exhausted the next morning. I have not been able to sleep through the night this week for some reason even though I am tired. I pushed myself through my last 2 workouts after work, and it was not pretty. I am a morning person, and I do not have as much energy later in the day. I woke up again this morning feeling completely drained. No workout again this morning. Boot Camp was on my rotation, but I could not face Cathe this morning. I have a lot of congestion in my head. If not for this challenge, I would take it easy for a few days. I committed to this and am doing my best to stick with it. My weight is stuck this week, I am feeling insecure about sharing my PictureTrail at the end of this challenge, and I am tempted to throw in the towel. :-( I battle seasonal depression from time to time, and I am trying to keep my head above the water right now. Sorry to be so negative, but this is where I am right now. On a positive note, my eating has been very clean through it all. I am still drinking my water too. And I am working out after work even though I do not feel like it. How do I get back on track with my sleep schedule and my morning workouts? The 4th of July is 2 months from today, and I need to get my rear in gear if I want to reach my goal.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: 12-Week Check-in

First off Heather B don't thrown in the towel. Look at all the positive thing you have done thus far in a stressful situation. Your still drinking your water, your still eating clean, and your still working out. It doesn't matter if you don't feel like you whole self in every workout. The point is to move your body and eat healthy. That is what you are doing. Don't be so hard on yourslef. You are doing more than most people and that is saying a lot. It's just a bump in the road. Sit down realign your goals and move forward. That's all of us can do and that is what we do do all the time. At one point we have all been there. In the end we have to start again. If we don't where will we be in a month. You could fall into a deeper depression if you don't pull yourslef up right now and get in the fight. We are all here with you and doing it with you. Your not alone.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Wendy here it is.

Sweet Potato Pancakes

1 c. of peeled and grated raw sweet potatoe ( grate the potatoes on your hand held grater on the small saving side, for a fine grate)

1/2 tsp. of grated lemon peel

1 large egg ( I use egg beaters which is 1/4 c.)

1 c nonfat milk

2tbsp. of oil ( I have used olive oil and I have used a soy butter. Both work fine.)

1 c. whole wheat flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

2 tbsp of sugar ( I use splenda) I know some don't use splenda but the recipe calls for sugar so you could use organic if you like

1 tsp of cinnamon

In a bowl or large measuring cup, combine the grated sweet potatoes, lemon peel, milk, and oil or butter. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and cinn. Gently stir in the dry ingd. into the wet ingd. just enough to combine. Do not beat or overstir. Set aside to rest for 5-10 min.

Spay a non stick skillet and cook as you would a pancake waiting for bubbles to form before flipping. I have been making these in a waffle iron and freezing them and grabbing one pancake in the morning.

Serve with banana or plain. I sprinkle mine with sugar free honey. Enjoy.
Serves 4 - 278 calories, 7.3 g protein, 7 g fat, 39.3 g carbs, 1.5 sat fat, 511 sodium, 2 g fiber.

RE: 12-Week Check-in

Heather B:
(((hugs))) to you! I agree w/ Karen about looking at where you are right now as far as positive gains. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!! Please don't give up, ok???

The fact that you are still eating clean says you are a very discipline person. Maybe you NEED a recovery week. That would defintely rejuvenate you and help you get the sleep you need.

Have you tried tylenol PM??? That always work for me as far as sleep goes. I feel very rested the next morning.

Hope you get to feeling better!

take care:)
My gosh! This is what I get for not getting on here first thing!!! I think catching up at this point is futile! LOL! :eek:

I'll just say hello and "good day" to Lori, Wendy, Kathy, SunnyD, Heather, Jean, Gayle, Karen, Shelia, and Gloria. Gosh I hope I didn't miss anybody. Please forgive me if I did!

Heather, I will say that I hope you don't throw in the towel. Don't give up the fight, stay in the battle!! Do what you can, as long as you can say "I am moving forward". Do you take any vitamins? I'm thinking maybe a calcium/magnesium supplement and a B complex??

I hope you get your sleeping patterns back to normal!

RE: 12-Week Check-in


Why don't you try some easier work outs? Do you have something less intense than Cathe? Sometimes that's what you need. With your sleepless nights, stress and head congestion, you would probably do yourself a big favor if you lessened the intensity of your work outs until things get better. Kudos to you for keeping up with your eating and your water though! That is a DEFINATE sign, IMO, that even though you say you are considering quitting that you are STILL motivated to do this!!!:) Also, if you need to take a few extra rest days, don't worry about it! With your food and water still being good then you shouldn't have anything to worry about! PLEASE don't quit. I believe in my heart that you can get through this and come out of it stronger than ever!!!!
Good Morning All,

Today's workout is KM and CM. I am soooo very tired today. Hope everyone has a good day. ;-)
Hey Guys,
I havent' checked in in a while. Yesterday I was writing a long post, got called away to do something and then when I came back later to finish it, I somehow erased it.x( Anyways, I did my Turbo Kick certification on Sunday, I was so sore from it though that I took monday as a rest/stretch day. So I had to reschedule my week.
tue-Cardio&weights, turbo jam-fat blaster
Wed-Imax2, TJ-Cardio Party 3
Fri-Cardio Party3,FatBlaster
Sat-Cardio&Weights + Turbo Jam Howse Party!!!!

My food intake has been good. Last Friday, I was down 3 pounds from monday, but then after my certification(all day, lots of working out) I was down an additional 2.5-woo-hoo. I hope it stays off. I probably won't be checking back in till next week. Today, I am cleaning all day for my house party, tomorrow, preparing food and last minute details. Sat-howse party, sun-recover.
Have a great weekend Everybody!!

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