Search results

  1. warchild2005

    how long to warm up before lifting?

    What kind of warm ups should I do at the gym before I start lifting? do I run on the treadmill, do I use the spin bike or the elliptical? And for how long?
  2. warchild2005

    whats a Zombie lunge?

    My trainer asked me to do these but never elaborated on what that was. Have you guys ever heard of them?
  3. warchild2005

    sts stolen!

    Someone came into my house and stole all my movie dvds including sts! They didn't get every cathe dvd only Sts. I am so pissed and all my tshirts! And took my roomates computer and dvds! I hate theive. Has anyone ever been a victom of robbery? Now I have to come up with another 300 dollars...
  4. warchild2005

    you're hair?

    Cathe, I'm a stylist and I was just wondering what kinda of hair products you use like what line (Redken, Matrix.....) and where do you get your hair done?
  5. warchild2005

    how many more days till sts?

    will there be a announcement? or will they just show up on our door step? because in a few days it will be December!
  6. warchild2005

    biggest loser!

    who loves Biggest loser I do! I want the mother and daughter to win!
  7. warchild2005

    do the right thing

    Vote Obama/Biden 2008 It's time for a change! And you know it.
  8. warchild2005

    After kidney donation?

    A while ago I wrote on this forum that I would have to donate my kidney to my brother Jay. Well last Monday thats just what happened I donated my kidney to my brother, and he and I are doing great! Surgery went well, it was hand assisted laparoscopic surgery it lasted about five hours. Well, I...
  9. warchild2005

    Clinton or Obama

    just a simple question. I support Hillary Clinton 100% until the end
  10. warchild2005

    is there a bad time to work out?

    I work late and can't get a good workout til i come home is working out late at night bad? (10pm or 11pm) Luis G. Salazar
  11. warchild2005

    liver question

    I was getting some blood work done and was told that my Bilirubin was high at 1.6 over 1.2 and people are telling me that somtimes supplements can make it higher? Does anyone know aything about this? I am getting another done next week can I lower this at all?
  12. warchild2005

    Lower Body Question?

    Forever I have been dealing with trying to lose more lower body fat. I do Cathe everyday I do cardio 3 times a weeks and weight training 3 times a week. But I only do Cathe DVD's. For some reason I can't seem to lose lower body fat as easily as upper body fat, I am happy with my upper body just...
  13. warchild2005

    what to drink?

    Luis G. Salazar I know we talk about eating right and all but I was eating dinner and it just came to mind that I watch what I eat and not what I drink, I mean I don't drink any pop ( or soda depending where you are from lol) I drink orange juice or some kind of juice....I hate just drinking...
  14. warchild2005

    working out and thinning hair?

    Luis G. Salazar I have heard about this before and noticed that since I started working out a couple years ago my hair has became slightly thinner I keep hearing about "DHT" what is that? and how can I prevent my hair from getting thinner?
  15. warchild2005

    working out and hair loss/thinning?

    Luis G. Salazar I have heard about this before and noticed that since I started working out a couple years ago my hair has became slightly thinner I keep hearing about "DHT" what is that? and how can I prevent my hair from getting thinner?
  16. warchild2005

    DVD rotation?

    Luis G. Salazar So my question is this: I have 5 dvds GYM STYLE LEGS/ BUTTS AND GUTS/SUPERSETS AND PUSH PULL/ KICK PUNCH AND CRUNCH, LEGS AND GLUTES/ and HIGH STEP CIRCUIT I'm having trouble rotating them, I really don't enjoy doing them at random and would like to do a really great...
  17. warchild2005

    Kidney Transplant

    Luis G. Salazar A few days ago my brother told me that he will need a kidney transplant and I told him that i would do it he is 22 and I'm 20 if we match that would be great. Im eating healthy and trying to work out but since he told me the energy was drained out of me all my focus is on him...
  18. warchild2005

    Cathe, what food makes you......?

    Luis G. Salazar Is there a food/foods that just overpowers your will power, and you give in? For me it's a deep dish Pizza Hut pizza with extra cheese and sausage. Yes.... It broke me down and I gave in today with friends. And YES I'm feeling it now! :(
  19. warchild2005

    cathe's girls!

    Luis G. Salazar I always wanted to know....How did your "Four girls" get to be on your DVD's with you?
  20. warchild2005

    Question about "Deadlifts"

    Luis G. Salazar When doing Deadlifts....I feel it more on my lower back and not so much my glutes, Should I contract my glutes as I lift back up? I don't feel like im doing them right.