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    Cathe, Your Opinion Please

    Kathy, Hi!!! I just wanted to say hello...long time no see! WTG on quitting smoking...I'm so happy for you! I have been quit for almost 9 years now, and it was the best thing I ever did! Good luck Kathy! Gloria - hey there! :D Renee
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    Who is A Night Owl?

    I am in the music biz so I usually don't get off work until 1 or 2 AM, then I have to tear down and get 4 AM sometimes. Feed the animals, get email, clean up, go to bed usually by 5 or 6 AM then up by Noon or 1PM I love the overnight hours. I am the only one in the grocery store...
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    The Runaway Bride

    Just a thought. It isn't illegal for an adult free from military or court retrictions on travel to go "missing". Whether planned, or spur of the moment...she had that right, and no authority has a right to charge her for an investigation instigated by her friends and family. While common...
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    Abs Diet check-in

    Hi there fellow catlover! There is a group of about 18 of us doing the Abs diet, and having a challenge. So far we all really like it. Plenty of foods to choose from...since they are foods you eat all the time anyway, and having the support network is great. I'll let you know how it...
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    We made it through Frances!!!!

    Glad you fared well!!! We live in Hollywood, FL (October through May) and Tennessee in the summer, but DH had to go down last week to board up, and secure our place. We had some tree limbs down, but no water or wind damage at all. Now we are waiting to see what Ivan will do. I can't wait...
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    Body for Life

    Lori, I didn't think you were being sarcastic at all...ask away!!! My calorie intake changes every week based on many different things...current body weight, exercise minutes, etc. Some weeks I don't really splurge at all...or maybe I will have a cocktail (or 2;-) ) It really isn't a...
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    Body for Life

    "In Bill defense I think that the cheat day is targeted towards people who eat crap all the time, eventually they will realize that junk makes them feel awful and eventually your cheat day will just be a treat day.Thats the only thing I could figure.And I we have to treat ourselves every...
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    Another walking lunges question!

    Thanks for your response!!! This does clear it up. I had read several posts regarding these, but there were a few discrepancies so I wanted to be sure before I tackle the lunges. Renee
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    Body for Life

    Ali, Sorry for the delay in responding, but I have been offline for a while! Leanness Lifestyle is different from BFL in several ways, first off I get interactive online support directly from the Coach (David Greenwalt), plus the online tools. LL supports clean eating, and unlike the free...
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    Another walking lunges question!

    Hi everyone! First of all, I am no longer a Cathe virgin:P ...I did Step, Jump and Pump and loved it! about these walking lunges that you all talk about... A: How do you count them out? 1 on the left...1 on the right...400 for EACH leg or, 1 left...2 right...3 left etc. 400...
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    Functional Foundations?

    I agree! I love the workouts...once you know the will kick your behind! The camera work is not great...the set clashes with the instructors outfits, making it difficult to really see the moves, plus they are not focused enough on the girls to see the moves in the first place. I...
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    What to do and what to order???

    Hey Roomie!!! I don't know what to get!!! The one with the push / pull looks good...then again...they ALL look good!!! I've heard awesome things about kick, punch, crunch!!! Mom asked me what I want for Christmas this I think I may have her preorder the Hardcore series for...
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    What to do and what to order???

    Thanks for all the tips everyone! I am going to start investigating the as I understand it, I can buy a club step, and then order the topper for the high step...which is way cool. I still am debating which Cathe to get...they all look good...I feel like a donut addict at Krispy...
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    Body for Life

    Kathy, I think I may have discussed this with you before, but I do Leanness Lifestyle...similar to BFL in many ways, but 86 the free day. I have dropped 15 pounds in about 9 weeks, and I feel great. HTH, Renee
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    What to do and what to order???

    (Doing my best DeNiro) "You frownin' at me?" LOL!!! I am already checking out steps...don't want to use my new box for that...I'll stick with using that for the BSS3 system. What about the Super Step I think it's called? Will that work, or does it have to be a club step??? Renee
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    What to do and what to order???

    Hey fellow Firmies, and Catheites! I too am considering which Cathe to purchase first...I was thinking of preordering the hardcore DVD's and starting there. I am lifting heavy, and advanced as far as step is concerned...but I too would have to use my "Box of Death" for cardio and my FL for...