Body for Life

Hi Kathy,

I eat the BFL way and have done so religiously since I had my baby in October of last year. It is now my way of life. I have posted about the BFL eating plan on this forum before because it has been and continues to be hugely successful for me. I don't ever feel hungry, never feel deprived and have settled into a solid routine that has totally freed me from the starvation/binge rollercoaster that I rode my entire adult life. I feel liberated, happy and I look and feel better than before I had my two babies.

I, like many of us I assume, LOVE food. "Dieting" has always made me so miserable and frustrated. BFL isn't a "diet". It's more of a PROactive approach to eating that keeps your body (and mind) happy and satisfied. I feel like that my lifelong fight with food is over.

Honestly, the beginning of the program wasn't easy...I would eat to the point of nausea on the cheat day and I'd really have to force myself to get back on track. Now I just allow myself two or three small treats whenever I feel the urge...okay, okay, maaaaaybe even four if I've worked extra hard that week. I don't have to turn down cake at our office birthday parties, I can enjoy a nice dinner out with my husband or eat an ice cream cone with my family on the boardwalk whenever I want. The thing that I don't do anymore is allow myself to go off the deep end. I've lost the all or nothing mentality. I enjoy the moment, savor the treat and immediately go back to eating right.

Not only is all of my baby weight long gone, I dropped two sizes from my pre-pregnancy clothes and had to buy a whole new wardrobe. Most importantly, the enormous pressure and mental strain of "dieting" is finally out of my life for good. I know that I can do this forever.

Sorry to be so longwinded...but I'm a little passionate about this. I just had to tell you that committing myself to BFL, drinking LOTS of water, doing Cathe (and recently p90x and power yoga) has gotten me in the best shape of my life.
I did it for the 1st 6 months of '03 , for me it didn't work as far as the eating because I found I needed a bit more structure, plus that free day put me on an all day eating binge which was not good at all.
I ended up switching to WW online and have lost 36 lbs to date & 4 dress sizes. I know it works for some with fantastic results unfortunately I was not one of them :)
Try it and see if it works for you.
Edited to add that I don't feel deprived on WW and can eat any type of foods I want to eat, nothing is off limits.
I just wanted to throw this out, I recently saw where Bill Phillips has teamed up with EDiets to incorporate the Eating For Lifestyle on their website. I have the book and love it, but if someone needs more structure like EDiets offers, this might be a great option.
Thank you all for responding - I signed up for it at ediets after reading about the structure of it. I do much better with it all planned out for me as I have a large work load, this saves me time and keeps me honest! I am starting today, I went to the grocery store last night and got everything I need - we will see how it goes. I have been doing the Zone for a couple of years and feel a need for a change because I am at a standstill on my progress.

Thank you again!
I also signed up for the ediets Eating for Life plan. How do you like it so far? I plan on following the BLF workout plan (for the most part. Can't workout without Cathe!) for the first 12 weeks as well.


"When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your LIFE."...Bill Phillips
I really like it so far - I had a time adjusting to the smaller meals but now I think my body is adjusting. I like most of the recipes too. I am following the plan for 12 weeks using Cathe also! Good luck!
To you ladies who have been following Body For Life for a while...will you give me a couple of examples of a typical day of eating for you? Thanks for any help you can offer!

I think I may have discussed this with you before, but I do Leanness Lifestyle...similar to BFL in many ways, but 86 the free day. I have dropped 15 pounds in about 9 weeks, and I feel great.


I've been doing BFL for a little over a year altho at the moment life has been hectic and I'm not on plan. Some of my typical meals are:

Oatmeal, handful berries, topped with CC, sweetener
1 corn tortilla, 1/2 serving black beans, 1 egg, 4 egg whites, salsa
CC, fruit
Chicken, brown rice, salad with veggies
Turkey meatloaf and mashed potoates (EFL book)
Chicken, lean meat or CC on top of a baked potato with 1 tbsp of ff sour cream and spices


Would you recommend Leanness Lifestyle after someone starts BFL but hits a plateu or would you recommend they start it first? Other than the free day, how else is it different? I'm way too curious for my own


"When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your LIFE."...Bill Phillips

Sorry for the delay in responding, but I have been offline for a while!

Leanness Lifestyle is different from BFL in several ways, first off I get interactive online support directly from the Coach (David Greenwalt), plus the online tools. LL supports clean eating, and unlike the free day with BFL, you truly understand what calories in verses energy out means. Think of your body as a gas tank...and all of your daily movements and exercising as gas being used. First off, you have to consume a high grade of food, you don't want to fuel your system with garbage. Second, you need to know how many calories you should consume, and how many minutes a week you should exercise to lose weight...Leanness Lifestyle explains all that. Third off...the free day is nonsense...I liken it to the time I quit smoking. I didn't quit smoking for 6 days out of the week, and then smoke a carton on the 7th...the free day is binging...plain and simple. It also can put trigger foods in your system that cause more binging, and plus...why would you want to put so much garbage in your mouth. So yes the free day is a HUGE difference between the 2. LL teaches you how to zig zag your meals, and you are accountable for every single crumb that you put in your body. You keep a very detailed journal of your food.

I have a public journal at LL, here is the link to it:

Keep in mind that I was off line for a while, but you can go back a few months, and see what I eat.

I always have breakfast...I try to keep my meals at a 40/40/20 ratio (40 grams carbs, 40 grams protein, 20 grams fat) A typical breakfast for me might be a 4 egg white 1 whole egg omelet with fat free cheese, an orange and a glass of low sodium V8 juice. or maybe Oatmeal pancakes (made with high protein powder and cottage cheese)with sugar free syrup and blueberries, after my workout, I make sure to replenish my glycogen stores, sodium and potassium. Learning how to eat after a workout is also taught at LL.

I'm not knocking BFL...90% of the members at LL are former BFL'ers that were ready to get serious about nutrition and fitness. This is a lifestyle change that is gradual, but worth it. I started on May 25th, and I am down 21 pounds...and I eat 5 or 6 times a days usually, exercise regularly, and have splurge meals that I plan for, and take into account when planning my menu. There are setbacks sometimes, but you learn how to move on.

Sorry if I rambled a bit...HTH!

Hi Renee,
Thanks for the info.I didn't even know that this diet exsisted.I am eager to learn more about this plan.
I have done BFL on and off a few times.And the cheat day always got the best of me.But I think I started the program b/c I knew there was going to be a day when I could eat sweets!:) In Bill defense I think that the cheat day is targeted towards people who eat crap all the time, eventually they will realize that junk makes them feel awful and eventually your cheat day will just be a treat day.Thats the only thing I could figure.And I we have to treat ourselves every once in a while ot we would go bananas (or is that just me?) How often do you have a treat?
I am going out of town this weekend so I am going to TRY and keep Saturday and Sunday as 6 mealish as I can,but I am not sure how I will go about it.I find it harder to eat ratio wise when you are on the road.I will have to pack a couple of protein bars and keep my eating out sensible.Its funny b/c when I was really strict with my diet (a couple of years ago) I never had trouble eating out.I always picked the healthist thing on the menu,now I almost find it to be an excuse.Its a reason to indulge,b/c I am eating out.
Anyway,thanks for the info.I will read into it a bit more...and congrats with the weight loss.

Which WW plan were you on to get these results? I don't know much about WW, but from the postings here was under the impression they have several different plans you can follow...
"In Bill defense I think that the cheat day is
targeted towards people who eat crap all the time, eventually
they will realize that junk makes them feel awful and
eventually your cheat day will just be a treat day.Thats the
only thing I could figure.And I we have to treat ourselves
every once in a while ot we would go bananas (or is that just
me?) How often do you have a treat? "


The zig zagging principle used in LL works like this: Let's say that I need 1400 calories a day to lose weight with the exercise regimen, and weight loss goals per week that I have set up (it's more detailed than this, but I want to give you an idea) In my 7 day week I would Have 1400 calories on day 1; 1200 calories on day 2; 1200 calories on day 3; 1400 calories on day four; 1800 calories on day 5; 1400 calories on day 6; and 1400 calories on day 7. Notice that it is still an average of 1400 calories a day, but I reduced my calorie intake by 400 calories for 2 days, then had an 1800 calorie "splurge" day. This might be the day that I have a dinner party to go to, or maybe DH and I want to go have pizza...whatever. The difference is...that it is planned for, accounted for, and not an all out gorge fest. Bill's concept of "binging" is a bad ritual to get into. Nothing is free when it comes to calories in! When I want a treat...I have it, I just make sure that I count it.


Thanks for answering my qustions, Renee. I can totally see where you are comming from.I hope you didn't think I was being sarcastic or anything.I just figured that was what the cheat day was all about.I agree that is is a bad ritual to get into.You could undo alot of hard work with one really bad day.
I really like the concept that you use though.Do you eat protein with every meal ? What about if you have no plans for a certain week, will you still eat 1800 cals one day or will you keep it a little lower and save your calories for a treat?
Sorry,I have alot of questions b/c I never heard of this program before.
Thanks again,

I didn't think you were being sarcastic at all...ask away!!!

My calorie intake changes every week based on many different things...current body weight, exercise minutes, etc. Some weeks I don't really splurge at all...or maybe I will have a cocktail (or 2;-) ) It really isn't a diet plan so to speak, it is changing old habits that sabotaged all of my weight loss efforts. LL also teaches you how to get more out of your workouts, and it isn't just about losing may be at an ideal body weight, but maybe want to lower your body fat %, or maybe you want to learn better eating habits.

I try to keep all of my meals at a 40/40/20 ratio (carbs/protein/fat) Yes, I pretty much have protein at every meal, except when I am having a piece of fruit as a snack, or some veggie sticks or something.

I joined the online club, and bought the book...for me, it was, and is, worth every penny. It costs me $29 a month to be a member, but for now, I need the support, and the tools. The book is about $35...and it is loaded with info.

You can check it out for a month for free if you are so inclined, just click on the link below my name. Feel free to ask more questions, and if you want to look at my food logs, and journals...I think I pasted a link before in an earlier post.


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