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  1. P

    recommendations for used or preowned videos?

    Thank you all for the requests and ideas. I found a home for the videos and will be liking converting the last 3 I have to dvd in the next 6 months so will post again. Regards, Patricia
  2. P

    recommendations for used or preowned videos?

    Hello. I've been slowly moving my Cathe videos over to dvd which is awesome. I'd like to sell my videos for about five bucks plus shipping but I have no idea where to post such a thing other than ebay. They are all in excellent shape and range from 1 to 2 years old. Any suggestions...
  3. P

    Cathe - HardCore 60 sec clips at CV not enough!

    Hello Cathe. I'm reposting this question in another way ;-) in hopes you might discern that some of us who susbcribe to your workout methods are holding back from purchasing these new dvds/videos. When do you anticipate your website will have the high quality and good length preview clips...
  4. P

    recommendation on stability ball dvds

    Hello. Now that I've done the PUB/PLB first time, just finished 4 weeks, using stability ball, I'm hooked :P and want more. I THINK, please let me know if I'm not reading things right, but the Push PUll and Supersets make excellent use of the stability board for the entire body as well as...
  5. P

    Cathe - when will the HardCore video clips be online?

    RE: Cathe - when will the HardCore video clips be onlin... Just trying to bump this up to top.
  6. P

    Cathe - when will the HardCore video clips be online?

    Hello Cathe. That's my question: when will the HardCore video clips be online? Thank you. Patricia
  7. P

    Cathe - when will the HardCore video clips be online?

    Hello Cathe. That's my question: when will the HardCore video clips be online? Thank you. Patricia
  8. P

    Educated Crowd PUB/PLB DVD question

    Pinky thank you for more suggestions! And yes, your read on my wanting more definition (not size and not bulk!) was totally on target. Your direction on how to use this PUB/PLB is quite helpful for that. And trust me - I'm no stranger to the pause button with Cathe! I'm looking forward to...
  9. P

    Educated Crowd PUB/PLB DVD question

    That's helpful Stayfit. Can you tell me what is the reason you do only the whole PUB and the whole PLB? Is it related to your workout goals? Or is it something else? I appreciate the detail layout and in particular pointing me to a total body workout chapter. I might start with that one...
  10. P

    Educated Crowd PUB/PLB DVD question

    Hi. I finally got my very FIRST Cathe DVD. I took the plunge and bought a DVD/VHS combination unit. My first Cathe DVD is the PLB/PUB. What's the best way to use this series for the main goal of increase shaping of both the upper and lower body? Is there a suggested rotation for this...
  11. P

    Cathe - PUB/PLB DVD question

    Hi. I finally got my very FIRST Cathe DVD. I took the plunge and bought a DVD/VHS combination unit. My first Cathe DVD is the PLB/PUB. What's the best way to use this series for the main goal of increase shaping of both the upper and lower body? Is there a suggested rotation for this...
  12. P

    Why do so many women do this?

    Sometimes women add an mmm because of lack of confidence. Have you noticed how sometimes women will make a statement sound like a question? For example, I live in Virginia? instead of I live in Virginia. It's because women either have learned these cutsey ways of speaking along the way and found...
  13. P

    is there a programmable dvd/vcr combination?

    Now that I've made the decision to take the plunge I can't find a dvd/vcr combo with a programmable feature. x( I've telephoned Zenith and Sony after striking out with the info online, all to strikeout with any models that offer this feature. Can anyone advise? Thank you, Patricia
  14. P

    a year into Cathe; going from VHS to DVD

    Wow! Who would have ever thought this! :o Sounds like I need to get the programmable one when I do this purchase. Thanks Wendy. Patricia
  15. P

    a year into Cathe; going from VHS to DVD

    Hello. I've finally decided to go for a combo VHS/DVD player. It seems more and more exercise programs have this option, some just going to DVD. My question is a terminology/operation question: WHAT is a mix and a pre-mix? And why do some advise a programmable DVD? Thank you for this...
  16. P

    Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next?

    RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next... Great ideas Kathy! Thanks so much. I just cannot do Cathe's steps. I've tried several. However I do have a couple of step videos of other folks and I can certainly walk a little faster or do circuit walking (not sure it's the right...
  17. P

    Cathe advice on more defined arms?

    RE: Cathe - your advice on more defined arms? I'd like to hear Cathe's answer on this as well. Patricia
  18. P

    Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next?

    RE: Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next... Thank you Val. With S&H, on the best days, I use 15 and 20 lb for the lower body; 12 and 15lb for chest and back; 10 and 12lb for the biceps; 8 and 10 for triceps; 5 for the rotator chuff. All of this for me has been a steady...
  19. P

    Cathe workouts GREAT for 55 yr old - which one next?

    Since starting with your tapes last June, I can't tell you how many women friends of mine have commented on how firm my butt is :D - in particular just after Slow and Heavy. That's when I started to notice over all results - lower and upper body. For being 55, except for the fat around my waist...
  20. P

    eccentric or negative training

    RE: what is DOMS Good suggestion Kathryn - reversing the counts in S&H. What are DOMS? Patricia >From what I've read, it's true that the negative portion of >the move can produce more strength gains than the positive >portion. But it also produces more DOMS, so should not be >used...