recommendations for used or preowned videos?


Active Member

I've been slowly moving my Cathe videos over to dvd which is awesome.

I'd like to sell my videos for about five bucks plus shipping but I have no idea where to post such a thing other than ebay. They are all in excellent shape and range from 1 to 2 years old.

Any suggestions?

Thank you -

I would be very interested in your videos. I can't always afford the DVD's, so when I have to, I settle for VHS. I never can go wrong with Cathe videos. You can contact me via email [email protected]. I hope you still have some. Thank you.

You might also consider donating what you can't sell to your public library. They may either add it to their circulating collection or sell it in a book sale and use that money to purchase new materials.
The YaYas board has a swap. You can also trade them on the exchange at


There is info on VF on how to find the YaYas.
Thank you all for the requests and ideas. I found a home for the videos and will be liking converting the last 3 I have to dvd in the next 6 months so will post again.



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