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  1. J

    childs weight

    PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD. You gave me some great davice. I don't know about you, but i feel children arn;t children anymore. They seem to be acting much older than there age. When i was a child i too had a weight problem, not as bad as my daugter. The difference was i...
  2. J

    childs weight

    PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD. You gave me some great advice. Don't know about you, but i feel children arn't children anymore. They seem to be acting much older than there age. When i was a child i too had a weight problem, not as bad as my daugter. The difference was i didn't care. All i wanted...
  3. J

    childs weight

    Hi Staci Thank you for your advice. I do except my daugter as she is, but find it very hard, when she starts crying when she feels that she can't put on the clothes that her friends wear. And has to endure the torment from school children. Pearl is very lucky as her school is...
  4. J

    childs weight

    Hi I have a daughter who is very over weight. She is 8 years old and is weighing 10 stone. We are very fit parents and workout on a regular basis.We also have another daughter and a son who are not over weight. We are very careful with her diet And she does regular swimming 3 times a...
  5. J


    Hi Gina Would you say that slow and heavy and KPC Would be a good workout plan. Thank you for your reply Great advice.
  6. J


    HI I have been doing kick punch and crunch for four times a week, For the last three weeks. Even though i have lost weight, I have't seen mucletone as yet.How well does this workout sculp your body. Can i expect to see my mucle tone.
  7. J


    Message: I use a lot of your weight training and cardio videos/DVDs. Can you advise me if they are as good as attending your classes. Will I get the same benefits and results from your videos/DVDs as I would from participating in your classes. I will add that I am very strict with...
  8. J


    Hi Kim Thanks for the advice, slow and heavy was my next buy, Can't wait to get it. :)
  9. J


    Hi Just bought pyrmid upper and lower body workouts. Do you think that is the write choice to buy as i am looking to build mucle. Any advice would be great thanks
  10. J


    Great advice can't wait to try some thanks
  11. J


    Hi need of some help with my diet. Iam dairy intolerant. And as i weight train, i need some protein shakes. Can any one tell me a good protein shake or supplement[dairy free]. Thanks slim