
I have been doing kick punch and crunch for four times a week, For the last three weeks. Even though i have lost weight, I have't seen mucletone as yet.How well does this workout sculp your body. Can i expect to see my mucle tone.
Okay, I am fairly new to Cathe myself so take my advice on that note. I have done KPC and I like the workout alot but I think you need something else for muscle sculpting. I would consider KPC a cardio workout, not a sculpting workout. Other people on this forum who know the Cathe workouts better than myself will be able to recommend other workouts for you to build muscle strength and definition. I have done the Power Hour workout and that is a good one I feel for muscle sculpting. I'm still confused as to which workouts are strength and which are cardio/sculpting with light weight workouts. But I'm going to stop now and let the experts make recommendation's.:D
I totally agree 40something!

KPC is awesome, but you will likely need a specifically weight-based workout to improve muscle tone. KPC can often improve muscle tone, but strength training really is essential. There have been quite a few threads on decreasing cardio & improved weight loss. You may want to check those out- on the Open Discussion forum, I think.

40something, I think this may answer your question- I copied a post from a while back. Some very intelligent person made a list but I can't give her due credit because I don't remember where I got this. At the top of the list is endurance. As you progress downward, the workouts become more strength focused. Conversely, at the bottom is strength, and as you progress upward the workouts are more endurance based.

[font color=purple]ENDURANCE- lighter weights & higher reps to condition muscles for daily use[/font color=purple]

[font color=blue]Power Hour
Muscle Endurance
Maximum Intensity Strength
Push Pull
Pure Strength
Slow & Heavy[/font color=blue]

[font color=purple]STRENGTH- heaver weights & fewer reps to increase lean muscle mass[/font color=purplr]

I hope that helps!

Hi Gina

Would you say that slow and heavy and KPC Would be a good workout plan. Thank you for your reply Great advice.
Gina! You are an Angel! :D :D

The list you posted is exactly what I need. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It would be nice if the Cathe workouts were actually labeled..."Cardio" or "Cardio/Sculpt" or "Strength". Would certainly help us spend our money more wisely and plan our workouts accordingly.:)

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