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  1. V

    Running vs. High intensity Cathe....

    Thank you so much all of you!!!! Im going to throw more running into the regime.:-)
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    Running vs. High intensity Cathe....

    Hi there everyone..I was just wondering. I have really gotten into running but I wanted to know, for overall fat loss, are the higher intensity dvd's better or th same effectiveness as running. For instance, I am about 5'9 and 198lbs but in great shape cardio wise. I run about 3.5 miles on...
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    Alternating workouts.....

    Hi Cathe! I just wanted to know, in order to lose fat, would you recommend doing cardio one day, then an upper body the next day, then cardio, then lower body, cardio etc. I just often feel like I should do cardio at night on the days I do weight training. For instance, Monday is imax2, tues...
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    Calories burned...

    I was just curious for an educated guess. I know it isnt the most accurate, but I switch my workouts during the week and run alot on a treadmill. It has a hill program which is very hard. In addition to doing Cathe 4x's per week, I run. The program allows you to punch in your age and weight...
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    Using dumbbells instead of barbell

    I use dumbbells usually in plac of a barbell cuz it feels better to me and I have gotten great results. I guess weight is weight. But it may vary by who you ask. Tracy
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    Mass building...

    Thanks so much Bobbi!! I do have that series on DVD so Im going to start using it more. I guess I was always afraid of it for some reason. Too intimidating I think, but now I will put it in my rotation at least twice a week and then PUB and PLB and pure strength. How about ME,MIS, and PH?
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    Mass building...

    Thanks so much Bobbi!! I do have that series on DVD so Im going to start using it more. I guess I was always afraid of it for some reason. Too intimidating I think, but now I will put it in my rotation at least twice a week and then PUB and PLB and pure strength. How about ME,MIS, and PH?
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    Mass building...

    I wanted to know the workouts for mass building as opposed to strength training...I want to add muscle mass as well as sculpt and tone. Which ones should I be using?? Thanks Tracy
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    Calories burned?

    I know it is a generalized question but I want to know if there is a website that could calculate calories burned aprroximatley for certain workouts. I do TImesaver or a longer tape or dvd and Im curious to know if I am getting just as good of a workout. I know when I do Gin Miller's Intense...
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    Remember Me ;-)

    I just wanted to tell you that you are not only a role model for me but also a lifesaver. I have been through so much this past year, emotionally, a terrible breakup, amoung other things. I felt like I was losing control. The only thing that has kept me grounded and got me out of my deep...
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    Want to Come Meet You!!

    I would love to come too! I live in New york so it is a hop, skip and a jump from here! We could all workout together!!! Tracy