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  1. R

    Sarah aka "Ima" ... another ?

    Hi Sarah, I read a week or so ago in a post that you run your weekly long runs at 11-15 miles and you are training for a marathon. My question is when you were training for your 1/2 marathon what did you run then on your weekly long run especially leading up to the race? I ran a 1/2...
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    I was just wondering if you have heard from your brother and how he is doing since the storm hit? Michelle
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    Hurricane Katrina

    I can't believe how quickly this hurricane has grown; category 5 now. I'm safe up in Vermont; but my thoughts and prayers are with all out there in the gulf and New Orleans. I just saw New Orleans has a mandatory evacuation. I hope all stay safe. Michelle
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    Personal Goals Check In Aug 5, 2005

    Good Morning Ladies! Yesterday was a good day! I was really feeling the effects of LowMax while doing my 5 mile run!!! No snacking because there is nothing good to snack on in the house}( , not because I have great will power right now.:P Finally drank enough water!! Tammy - Glad...
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    Personal Goals Check In August 4, 2005

    Good Morning Ladies! I did great yesterday, except for the glass of chocolate milk I drank along with my 5 year old daughter.:P I did Lowmax yeaterday for the first time. What a fun workout!! Katrina, Kit, and Jen- Hope the August rotation is coming along! Kim - Get your water in...
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    Personal Goals Check In August 3, 2005

    Good Morning Ladies! I did great yesterday except for getting in enough water. Kim, I'm right there with you in having a tough time getting enough in!!! Katrina - I'm glad you threw out the pie. Terri and Angie - You guys are motivating me to clean out my closets! :-) Tammy -...
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    Personal Goals Check In - Aug 2

    Good Morning Ladies. It's so great to see so many "goals" out there!!! I did good yesterday. No sweets, better with my water, and no snacking between meals. I did keep tasting my dinner while I was cooking it though.:-( I am running today and wrote out a plan/rotation to get me...
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    Anyone have St. Bernards?

    We have two 7 month old Saints, a boy and a girl. They are so adorable; a handful but adorable. (And they are both fixed so we won't be adding to the family!!) Just wondering if anyone else has these big beautiful dogs.:-) Michelle
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    foods with Iron

    Hi, Besides red meat and supplements, what other food have iron? Thanks for any input. Michelle :P
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    Difference between Cardio Kicks and CTX Kickboxing

    Hi, I was just wondering if these two workouts, Cardio Kicks and CTX Kickboxing, were kinda the same or very different. Thanks. Michelle:-)
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    Working abs with stability ball

    Hi, I was wondering how working your abs with a stability ball differs from regular floor ab work? Do you use different muscles?? Is it the positioning on the ball that works your abs differently?? How is it for your back?? Do you even notice a difference?? Thanks for any...
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    Dear Cathe.....

    Cathe, I am so excited and wanted to share with you that I was able to complete Imax today!!!! I tried it for the first time back on Feb 10th and died after the first interval. Well, I finished the tape...mostly in recovery phase it seems. I remember in the tape you say it doesn't matter...