Personal Goals Check In - Aug 2


Good Morning Ladies.

It's so great to see so many "goals" out there!!!

I did good yesterday.

No sweets, better with my water, and no snacking between meals. I did keep tasting my dinner while I was cooking it though.:-(

I am running today and wrote out a plan/rotation to get me through to the 1/2 marathon in September with enough variation to keep me from burnout.

Have a great day!!!

Hi Michelle and all of you ladies,

Well yesterday was good until last night!

no sweets- Was doing excellent until went to eat with mom and she was pushing chocolate pie on me,so I had a little piece. I'm glad I only eat with her once a week! (I hang my head down low!)

water increase- did not drink as much as I set on doing,but I am determined to increase It to my goal.

Not quitting my 4 week workout after one week - My first day of my routine went well yesterday. Major sore today!

10 pushups on toes- Did pushups on PS CST , and did 40pushups later, but did them on my toes. Next chest I will start on my toes!

MY goals for first day wasn't too bad,but hoping to be better today!

It has been a while since I have checked in, I have been BUSY! I have been having a good time, though.:) My kids are awesome, and we were out enjoying the break in the humidity.

I have been doing great with no sugar.I had some brownies on the last day of last month, and nothing since, nothing at least the five days before. Not even a craving! I feel excited about that. :7

Have a great day, everyone, and perservere!

Good morning ladies!

Now... what were my goals again? LOL! Just kidding.

1. No Sweets - check! I didn't have any yesterday. So that's 1 day down... and 30 to go. x(

2. Fat Loss Rotation - check! Still on track with this one.
Morning all!

Missy, we've missed you! See? I knew you could do it. You're stronger than any brownie or cookie;)

I was craving sweets really bad yesterday. PMS is a killer. But PMS is now over, and my cravings seem to be diminished, at least for now:) I didn't give in, and I did all my workouts, and did really well adding protein to my day! A good start to the month, I think.
Good morning everyone,

Here goes:

1) Did about 6 glasses of h2o yesterday.

2) Did not make a graveyard shift visit to the fridge:)

3) Ate 2 hours before bed and did not put one morsel of food in my mouth! (I was getting hungry but just went to sleep)

4) Limited sweets--(thought about eating some peach/blueberry cobbler but picked at the crust and didn't eat a slice--I need to really throw that out--too tempting;-)

5) Did day 1 of August Rotation.

Have a good day--and stay focused!

Good job everyone.

I did good on the no sweets yesterday. So CHECK! I did not however get started on anything when it came to getting rid of things in my house I don't need and just take up space in my very disorganized closet. In my defense though I helped a friend move last night. So today is another day!

Terri -

You motivated me last night to clean out my closet and my dresser. I now have a pile of clothes to give to goodwill! On to the kitchen cabinets!!!! I'll be in trouble when it comes to the garage....:eek:

As far as working out, I overslept this morning even though I got to bed earlier last night so now I have to make it up tonight, after we register my daughter for school. I would like to squeeze in a quick run, too....too many workouts, not enough time in the day....*sigh*

Angie x(
Way to go ladies!
I had a perfect 40-40-20 day yesterday, except the 20 was in the wrong spot! 40% carbs, 40% fat & 20% proteinx( no-fat cottage cheese is becoming my best friend.
missed the protein goal (YA THINK?!), on track today
missed the fat goal, still running high today
didn't eat enough calories, still running low - how to do it without fat?!?
DID succeed in no high fructose or partially hydroginated junk, good today also
and today did the August rotation - modified with another interval video since I don't have IMAX. felt my age! not sure this roatation is age appropriate;-)
Angie, I am glad I motivated you! Now you have motivated me as tonight right after dinner I will clean out one closet!


p.s. Times like this I am glad I do not have a garage!
Susan -

Age is just a number. You can do it!

I'm having trouble with getting the ratio of carbs/protein/fat in my diet as well. I'm recording my food on and it's really helping me see where it's going. But it's still hard to keep the balance! To me, protein powder and protein bars seem to be the best way to increase the protein without increasing fat and carbs.

I have a lot of respect for you guys on the August rotation!!

Katrina...Throw out the pie!!!:p

Definately keep us posted on how the August Rotation is going. I really want to do this after my 1/2 marathon in September!!! It seems like such a great rotation!!!}(

Well, I'm doing well today:) Not too many carbs, I just finished Musclemax and so far I've resisted the cookies. But they keep calling me.x(
So far today every thing is doing well. I haven't had any sweets today and have not had a craving! finished legs and glutes and still have to do abhits. Still struggling with that darn water!! How can I a year ago of been so good with drinking water and now it is so hard!

Have a good evening,

Hi Ladies,

For me here i am doing good today.

NO sWEET.(and this is great because around my job that all u see)
3 litters of water( dont have problem with this only when i am home.
no junk food

but on thing my body felt tired so i didnt workout this morning i will do it tonight when i get home around 9pm.
I've decided to start checking in myself.

I'm on the West coast so it's still early here.
No sweets today, and that's even with Rice Krispy Treats in the office. :)
Drinking my 8th glass of water now.
Have plans for healthy dinner with DH tonight.
So far so good.
Hi Michelle,

Thanks, I just threw out the pie---I was having an "emotional affair" with it:) thanks, I will keep you posted for sure about the August rotation. Good luck on your 1/2 marathon that's something I would like to do in the future. Please keep us posted about that!

Take care,

Thanks again

Today was a good day. No sweets, no salty snacks, plenty of H2O, and only one cigarette indulgence.

I'm going to Boston tomorrow, and I'm gonna have an ice cream cone. BUT, we plan on doing a lot of walking so hopefully I'll burn it off!

Granny Sue (Susan) - you are amazing! Keep up the good work. You are an excellent role model.

Did fine today. No sweets and eating clean.

My house is upside down though from DD moving. We are taking another load tomorrow and maybe by Thursday I can do something to this house.

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