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  1. J

    Exercise and self esteem

    Waterlily, I turn to exercise for stress relief, and I am also working on my dissertation research right now. I will give you some advice, although it might be a bit biased. My current mentor is wonderful. He is fully supportive of everything I do. He gives me boosts when I need them and lets...
  2. J

    Not sure if this is true but it is FUNNY!

    I hate to kill your laughter, but I hope she didn't win a big prize. I heard this one 2 years ago. It was circling through our campus. It made quite a stir then too. Sorry for ruining the story! Jen
  3. J

    Comparing Kick Max and KPC

    Cathe, Can you tell me if Kick Max is more intense (in your opinion) than KPC? I'd like to know before I buy it. Thanks, Jen
  4. J

    OT/ bedwetting alarm??

    Don't get too worked up about the bedwetting thing. Your son will definitely outgrow it. Did your father wet the bed? I know this sounds strange, but I read an article a few years back about the genetics of bed wetting. It seems that there is something in the brain that is triggered in most...
  5. J

    Just Curious...Anyone Watching the Football Playoffs?

    Where do you live in TN? I just moved from Nashville. I grew up there & love it still! Jen
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    Low Carb Diets

    I had the same problem! I tried to do IMAX 2 after 5 days on the Atkins diet and had to stop after the 3rd interval, and I can finish the entire thing normally! I would not suggest the low carb diet to anyone! I'm still trying to find my best "diet". I'm now just trying to eat clean. Good...
  7. J

    Just Curious...Anyone Watching the Football Playoffs?

    Most definitely! I have to say that I was very disappointed when the Packers lost last night, but I'll keep watching. Both of my teams lost (Titans and Packers). I have to like them! I'm from Nashville, and my husband is now faculty at USM (Brett Favre's alma mater). I don't know who I'll...
  8. J

    Hours per day working out

    I'd love to hear the response to this too. Jen
  9. J

    Different observations of BB Series

    I really have to reply here, since I am an 80's baby. I LOVE the BB series music! It makes me totally want to move. I think most of the aerobics music out there is too synthesized and boring. That makes it hard to move. I liked her Intensity series music (Elvis remakes), but these songs are...
  10. J

    Neck/Shoulder pain

    Have you seen a doctor yet? I think that's one thing I'd do first. Jen
  11. J

    Anyone in my area?

    Hi All, I just moved to southern Mississippi, and I was wondering if there are any other Catheites in the area. Thanks! Jen
  12. J

    Anyone go from being midday exerciser to early a.m.?

    Hi Guys, Unfortunately, working out in the morning takes a bit of discipline. I know it's not easy. I love it, though. It gives me a ton more energy for the day. Also, if I work out in the afternoon, I always come up with some excuse not to do it. I also can't workout after I've eaten. If...
  13. J

    trying to have a baby..

    I agree wholeheartedly with this post. My sister is an MD and she had trouble getting pregnant the first time and now (trying again). She recommended "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" to me also. She charted her cycles and knew exactly when she was ovulating (without using the ovulation kits...
  14. J

    Firm user moving into Cathe, questions ?

    I used the firm a couple of times trying to get a high intensity workout. I didn't like them - boring and cheesy. I started researching and found Cathe about a year ago. I LOVE CATHE! She's great! I'd say that if you want good workouts that don't freak you out at 5:00am, you might want to...
  15. J

    morning sickness has begun!!

    RE: Unisom & Vit B6??? When I was pregnant, my doctor prescribed Vit B6 b/c I was sick through the fifth month. It didn't help. Also, Ginger made me sick to my stomach, so that didn't help. FYI - The combination of Unisom and B6 used to be a prescription pill that was prescribed for pregnant...
  16. J


    Hi Cathe, I want to begin by saying that you have the most inspiring workouts out there! I have tried MANY different videos and found them all lacking. Now that I have your CTX and Intensity Series, I love working out at home. Anyway...I have what may seem like a strange question. I love...