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  1. C

    Can anyone here actually DO Cathe's advanced treadmill workout?

    I came across it in my archives of rotations. It's in "Cathe Rotations Greatest Hits Volume I" It is totally brutal. It has you running at one point for 10 minutes at 7.5. I am 5'6 and a runner and can barely run at 7.0. Is something wrong here? I mean, when she says "7.5 for 10min" she does...
  2. C

    Timesaver DVD questions?

    Hi, I have very limited time, as I have 4 kids ages 4.5, 3.5 and 10.5 month old twins. I have recently started getting up at 5:15 am which gives me roughly 30-40 minutes to work out before someone wakes up. Sometimes I work out in the evening but I am really too tired then after watching the...
  3. C

    Best brand of exercise ball to buy??? thx nt

    Thanks ladies! I will check out the links. Candice:-)
  4. C

    Questions for runners on this board

    Hi Clare, It's in the July 2003 issue. If you can't find it, I'll post it for you or email it, it wouldn't take long to type up. Also, check out and look under the training section. There are lots of training programs listed there! Candice
  5. C

    Questions for runners on this board

    Hi, I'm wondering how you incorporate Cathe in your running schedule? How many running days/how many Cathe-cardio/how many Cathe-weights? I'm just getting back into exercise after having my twins (5.5 months old, plus I have a 4 yr old and 3 yr old = no workout time :) I used to love...
  6. C

    Can I split the CTX workouts into afternoon/evening?

    Hi, I rarely have an hour to work out these days(4 yr. old son, 3 yr. old daughter and 5 month old twins!). I pulled out my CTX DVD's and did some of them. Is it ok for me to do, say the aerobic portion in the morning or afternoon, and then weights in the evening, or vice-versa? I asked this...
  7. C

    Cathe, I am short on time - can I split CTX workouts du...

    Hi Cathe, Hope you had a great xmas. I am back from a loonng time ago. I now have a 4 yr old son, 3 yr old daughter, and 5month old twin boys! So you can see I am extremely busy! I lost my pg. weight, primarily by not ever having time to eat or sit down!!! Now I want to start eating...
  8. C

    I just did my 1st Cathe workout since having my twins.....

    ...AND IT FELT SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! I did 10-10-10. I used to do it all the time and with Cathe's perfect cueing I only messed up a couple of times! That is after more than a year! During my pregnancy I was not on bedrest per se, but was told to rest as much as possible, stay off my feet...
  9. C

    Pleas help - What dvd player is recommended ?

    We are looking to get a new dvd player and I want to take full advantage of all the features of Cathe's new dvd's. I guess I need a 5-dvd changer? I heard Sony is recommended by SNM but what model(s)? I posted on the DVD board but no replies yet. I read a previous thread about this topic but...
  10. C

    What kind of DVD player do I need for these new DVD's?

    Hi, Since we moved our dvd player upstairs to watch movies on, we need a new dvd player downstairs in the rec room to do workouts. I've seen how Cathe's new dvd's have all this mixing and matching stuff going on - can I just get a plain old $100 dvd player, or do I need one that takes...
  11. C

    Hi, back from a long time ago, some eating/exercise Q's...

    Hi, I haven't posted here in a while, since I got pregnant with my twins last year. I was in great shape thanks to Cathe before I got pg. Now I have 4 kids, 4 and under. My older 2 are 4 and 3, the twins are 5 months old! I have no time to work out anymore! I have only had time so far to do...