Questions for runners on this board



I'm wondering how you incorporate Cathe in your running schedule? How many running days/how many Cathe-cardio/how many Cathe-weights?

I'm just getting back into exercise after having my twins (5.5 months old, plus I have a 4 yr old and 3 yr old = no workout time :) I used to love Cathe and have lots of her DVD's. I've been doing CTX for a couple of weeks now to get back up to speed.

My first love is running though. I found a 5K training program in an old M&FHers magazine that I saved and I'm thinking of trying it. It incorporates 2 days of weights and 3-5 days of running. I don't think there is time to do Cathe weight workouts though - it's just straight reps & sets. There is one crosstraining day which Cathe cardio would be good for.

Just wondering what other people are doing.
I have been in a dry running spell as I have achilles tendonitis. It is also my favorite thing to do. When I wasn't marathon training I usually ran 3x a week and my weight workouts were just straight reps and sets, although I did some of my own pyramids and supersets so as not to get bored. I would do 3 or 4 of Cathe's step workouts and some of the weight ones per week. Now though since my injury I have incorporated the Intensity and Body Blast workouts instead of running. I also use the Slow & Heavy series for weights as it is more like the workouts I used to do. The 5k training program you found sounds like a good place to start. It just depends on what you can squeeze in with the little ones around..twins too! congrats.....:)...Carole

I want to know answers to these exact questions, so thanks for posting them. I'll be reading along with you for the answers.

For now, can I ask you which issue of M&F Hers you found that running program article in? I'd like to check it out and may have it somewhere....


When I use to run "full-time" this year..I mostly just ran.I usually give up running from Dec-April b/c of the snow.
Normally I would get atleast 3 runs in.They could be anywhere from 8kms to 14kms.I liked to get in 2 cathe cardios and weights wherever I could squeeze them.I have never been a good rotation person b/c I always did whatever I felt like that morning.I am trying to change that now.
I ran a fair bit last summer but a sore knee got the best of me.I would wait till the pain would go and then I would run again.By the time I got half way around my route the pain would be back.Sometimes I could still run and sometimes I had to walk;( When I did run the rest of the way home, I would favor my knee and THEN I ended up doing something to my quad on my other leg!:eek: It was like I had a muscle pulled.
Needless to say...that by this time I was getting bored with running so I didn't mind taking whatever time I needed to take off.I did Cathe while I was healing, truth be known, I shouldn't have been doing anything.
Thats my life story! :)
BUT my hubby gave me a treadmill for christmas!:7 I am really enjoying it, but I could never use it for striaght cardio.I find it to boring.What I have been doing is making circuit workouts out of it.I have been using BC with it.After each cardio I do 5min on the treadmill.Samething with S,J&P, that way I end up getting a 40min run in plus a cathe workout.I am hoping that this will get me out of my plateau.I also did Imax 2 with it! After each interval I would do a 4 min run.So I did Imax 2 and a 40 min run on Saturday.That was awesome workout.
Those are just some ideas for you if you have a treadmill in your house and you can always make the workouts shorter:)
Sorry for babbling..
Hi Clare,
It's in the July 2003 issue. If you can't find it, I'll post it for you or email it, it wouldn't take long to type up.

Also, check out and look under the training section. There are lots of training programs listed there!

Hi Candice,
I run 2-3 times a week and do 2-3 Cathe cardio workouts per week. I usually alternate each day ie: run/video/run/video/run. After each cardio workout, I do 20-25 minutes of strenth training. I split my strength routines into upper and lower body and usually do 2 days of lower body, 2 days of upper body and 1 total body.
I am using the Slim Series for strength training right now, but usually use most of Cathe's workouts. Hope this helps.
I just run a file mile hilly loop once a week as one of my 3-4 cardios. I would run more, but it hurts my knees. In the summer I don't run at all due to the heat, but I run from September to May.
Hi Candace,

Can you post the workout!I know alot of people here who would be very interested in seeing this, including me ;-)

Thanks in advance for taking the time to do this,it's very much appreciated!
It's hard trying to fit everything it without neglecting some aspects. Since I started running it's been a struggle trying to get a lowerbody day in. I used to be so anal about getting my strength training in. But I am determined to get it together this January. 3 days of running (following a 5K routine from Runner's World) and 2 days of the PYRAMIDs and one Cathe cardio. I am hoping this will get rid off the Holiday Flab.

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