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  1. G

    way off topic-belly button ring

    I started off with a ring and the piercing stayed sore all of the time. It was like you said about it ending up on one side and hurting when you move it. After I changed to a barbell, it seemed to heal quicker and it hardly ever gets sore now. It seemed like I got that stupid ring caught on...
  2. G

    way off topic-belly button ring

    I've had mine done for about three years now. The barbell that's in it moves freely now. It probably took about 6 months to a year to totally heal. I used contact lens solution to clean it with. I just had my cartilage pierced last Friday and the guy at the tattoo parlor gave me some...
  3. G

    Calories Vs. Carbs

    I am just starting a modified Atkins diet. What sort of vitamin supplements should I be taking to make sure I get the right nutrients to be able to continue with my Cathe workouts?
  4. G

    This is really funny! (Name Game)

    Mine is Tootie Bubbletush. Could that be more unflattering?
  5. G

    Should I stick to endurance type workouts?

    That's sort of what I was thinking. I just don't like to do those type of workouts as much as pure strength training.:( I guess I'll just have to learn to love them if I want the figure I aiming for.
  6. G


    I have the same problem. I have to be real careful how I position my toes when I stretch. I've had them cramp up from lying on my stomach in bed with the front of my feet flattened out. Sometimes, my toes will cramp up like that while I'm doing cardio too. I notice it happens more when I'm not...
  7. G

    Should I stick to endurance type workouts?

    Hi. I guess I'll start with a little bit about myself. I am 5'10", 165 lbs. with a medium frame. I have a tendency to build muscle pretty easily. I've been exercising regularly for the past three years--first with Beachbody, then Firming, and finally I've found Cathe. I use her videos almost...
  8. G

    AM workouts on empty stomach - couple questions?

    This is a little off topic, but what type of protein bar do you recommend? I've been unable to find one that doesn't taste like cardboard. I might be able to switch my workouts to am, if I could find something like this to get my energy started in the morning. THanks Cathy
  9. G

    Help. Need IMAX substitution

    I am trying to do the January rotation this month. This is the first time I've tried to follow a rotation, and I find it to be a lot easier than worrying about what workout I need to do today. Anyway, I recently bought IMAX off of the Ya Ya swap, but it is coming from England and it hasn't...
  10. G

    SHARE your Rotation for the week please!

    Here's my rotation if I can get over this sinus problem that I've had since Sunday which is making my head throb continuously: Monday: Muscle Endurance (felt too bad to do my normal Kickboxing class for cardio) Tuesday: PS all of the upper body work & Ab Class and Step Class at my gym...
  11. G

    Please help. Need recommendations on proper diet.

    I'll start with my profile. I am 27 years old, 5'10", medium build, and weigh 165 lbs. I would like to get to the low end of my weight range for my height and build (so you can actually see those muscles hiding under my fat) which means losing about 20 lbs or so. I usually exercise 90 to...
  12. G

    Cute icon envy

    Just wanted to see if I could do it too.
  13. G


    I'm so glad to learn that it's not just me. I guess I will just have to learn to tough it out. I definitely don't want to use lighter weights because I only start to feel the burn when I get up to 15#. Thanks for all of your replies. Cathy:-)
  14. G


    Every time I do the chest presses and flys in PUB, every I get up to my heaviest weight and start to go back down, I get the most terrible pain in my hands and forearms. It happens every time I get heavier with the weight. I almost can't finish the last set with the lightest weight because I'm...