way off topic-belly button ring


Does anyone have a belly button ring? Did you have problems with it? Does yours move? Mine seems to be stuck unless it is wet, then it moves. I got it July 13th. Anyone?:)
Yes, I got mine 6 years ago. Mine doesn't really move much unless it's wet either. I have never had any problems with it as. It never got infected or anything. The place that I got it done at told me to pop open a vitamin E capsule and rub that on it when it was healing. I guess it works.
Thanks for the reply. I don't know anyone that has one (unless they are not fessing up). I didn't know if it should move or not. Mine is just stuck most of the time. How long did it take for yours to heal?
I've got one had it for 3 years.mine moves but yours is probaly still healing it took mine 1 yr to heal completly.I was about to take it out it looked yucky but read not to take it out that it can take 3 years to heal:eek: .I used some stieroid cream (for a place on my sons knee )on it and it healed up.
What you are going thru is normal. Buy some saline solution ( like contact lens wearers use). Then you should wet the area at least 3 times a day and rotate your ring. This helps the hole to heal. You will probably have to do this for 3-6 months, I have had mine for 4 years and it moves easily when I mess with it. So take care of it and enjoy. Mine ws a gift to myself for turning 30, having 3 childern and still having a flat stomach( thru lots of hard work of course)!
I got my belly button pierced July 1st. so still in the healing process. I was told by the man that did mine to wash and turn it 3x a day with Dial anti bacterial soap, the liquid kind. Also heard it can take form 6-9 months to heal. Mine does not move either unless I am cleaning it, this is normal so don't worry. Have had good luck using this method of cleaning, was told to use Bactine if it does become infected, sometimes you may have a white discharge, this is o.k and expected but, if it is green(ish) that could be a sign of infection. Just like getting your ears pierced, you have to move it several times a day and basically keep it VERY clean. Good luck, hope this helps :)
My daughter got hers 3 years ago, and it moves. She never had any problems with it, but it took quite a while to heal.
I don't remember exactly how long it took to heal since it was 6 years ago, but I want to say about three weeks.
I think how much it moves probably depends on the size of the ring too. I have a barbell and it's kind of thick. It does move when I make it, it just doesn't move on it's own really.
Hi! I also have one and I got it a long time ago--about 6 years. It took mine almost a whole year to heal completely. A couple of my friends and I all went together to get it done right after my eighteenth birthday, but they all ended up taking theirs out before they healed b/c they got tired of dealing with cleaning it, etc. I'm the only one that still has one, but it's really cute and doesn't bother me at all!! I remember that the guy who pierced mine told me that that particular piercing takes quite a while to heal b/c it's such a "long", curved hole that goes through a lot of skin. (as opposed to an ear or similar piercing, where it's a short, straight hole) He also said that they heal from the inside-out, which is why it continues have the fluids kind of oozing from it for months and months. (sorry if that grosses anyone out, i couldn't think of the right phrase) but if you keep it clean until it completely heals and try not to mess with it, it should be fine--mine hasn't bothered me in 5 years!!!! Hope this helps.:)
I've had mine done for about three years now. The barbell that's in it moves freely now. It probably took about 6 months to a year to totally heal. I used contact lens solution to clean it with. I just had my cartilage pierced last Friday and the guy at the tattoo parlor gave me some Purified Salt Water called H2Ocean Spray to spray on it to keep it from sticking. My friend had her belly button done at the same time and he gave her the same stuff to use. I clean it with antibacterial soap every morning and night and spray this stuff on it a couple times a day. The only time the ring moves is when I wash it and turn it though. I hope it stops sticking soon cause it's sort of uncomfortable to keep breaking it loose every time I clean it.
I had mine pierced in March and I have no issues with it. I was told to clean it twice per day with liquid dial non-deadorant soap and when I cleaned it, I turned it back and forth a few times (I had a hoop). After my shower, I threw some peircing liquid (or someone suggested saline) on it and let it be. I didn't turn it at all any other times of the day or touch it at all.

Also, I read somewhere that it takes at least one year to internally heal. Every once in a while, you may wake up to it being gross or oozing and that is normal.

The crust and grossness will be there for a few months and then you'll be fine.

Good luck!
I had my navel pierced in April - I have a barbell and it does not move unless I move it (it's not stuck or anything, just stationary). I wash it in the shower with Provon medicated soap and move it up and down then. I also did salt-water soaks when the piercing site was sore the first week - it might be cheaper than buying saline solution to just buy non-iodized sea salt and mix with filtered or bottled water. I was told 6-9 months for healing but it could be up to a year. So far I've had no problems. Here's a good link on aftercare information:\


Thanks everyone for all the reponses. I have a ring in mine and it seems like I have to watch what I wear or what I do or it gets pushed to one side a lot and if it is there for a while it hurts when I move it back, especially if I end up sleeping on my stomach. I hate not being able to sleep on my stomach. I will keep up with the cleanings and hope it heals. I wonder if the barbell is better?

Thanks again
I started off with a ring and the piercing stayed sore all of the time. It was like you said about it ending up on one side and hurting when you move it. After I changed to a barbell, it seemed to heal quicker and it hardly ever gets sore now. It seemed like I got that stupid ring caught on all sorts of stuff, but I've only ever gotten my barbell caught up in my shower pouf. Geez that hurt.

Mine is difficult to move unless it's wet (got it 7 years ago). When I shower I always make a point of soaping that area and moving it so that it stays really clean. In the early days, I used to clean it with surgical spirits every day (not sure if that's just an Englsh thing).

>Does anyone have a belly button ring? Did you have problems
>with it? Does yours move? Mine seems to be stuck unless it
>is wet, then it moves. I got it July 13th. Anyone?:)
I got a belly button ring in 1996. I was able to keep it in throughout my first pregnancy. My second pregnancy I got so big it ripped out unfortunately. This may be a long time off in the future for you, but I just want to save you a very unusual looking stretched out belly button in the future!:)
OUCH!! That had to hurt! That is why I waited to get mine. I had my 3 kids first and then went ahead and got it for my 33rd birthday(last month).
Change it to the barbell after another month or so. GO to the shop and ask to change. I did it three months in and it was SO MUCH better. It doesn't go from side to side and get caught and annoy you are night nearly as much.

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