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  1. K

    UPDATE 7/28/06

    Though I love the current crew, and CANNOT wait for the new dvd's...I kind of miss Brenda. Can't she do a cameo or something? That would be so fun. Thanks! Katy =^..^=
  2. K

    whatever happened to........

    Me too! I would love to read updates on them. Like many of us, we've been doing Cathe workouts for years and years. The girls in Cathe's many crews almost become like "friends" because you see them so much. I guess a little like newscasters you watch daily. Like a natural curiousity. How...
  3. K

    Update 3/15/06

    Cathe, You are such an inspiration to so many, I know you will heal up and be just like new in no time. This may be some way of having you take a rest from your busy, busy schedule and take a breather to be with your family. Your other family (us) will be here for you when you are ready to...
  4. K

    Husbands Allowed?

    Thanks Debbie! Real sweet of you to answer. I KNOW he won't participate, ha ha, but we'd just want to go to the meeting functions and stuff. I'd be way too embarresed to do the workouts that's why I workout at home with Cathe now. :) ya know? I just want to be a part of it all :)...
  5. K

    Husbands Allowed?

    hey there, I've never been to one of these road trips. I would LOVE to come, but what if my husband is the only one who is free to go with me??? Could someone tell me what the crowd is like who's been before? Also curious if it is mostly people who have been before or locals? I'm from...
  6. K

    The Ask Cathe Forum

    I'd love to hear an anwser to this as well. Hard to get legs smaller when you really workout, unless you starve yourself. Blah! I'm wary of heavy-weight lower body muscle conditioning. Thanks for the question ... hope Cathe has time to answer :) she's super-busy I know, or anyone else that...
  7. K

    Question About Eating Post Workout & Leg Weight

    And what about the leg question ... anyone? btw- You could also try a Slim Fast Shake instead of milk. Katy =^..^=
  8. K

    Cathe- PeakPerformance host?

    I can't wait to see Cathe be a feature host on Fit TV! Its about time-she's so much better than ALL the other fitness gurus on that channel! She seems likely to on the March 15th episode of "Peak Performance" (10am EST) entitled "Body Builders" because the description reads, " Follow...
  9. K

    Cathe - an observation for Cedie

    Exactly!! Over the years it is really amazing to see all their bodies change from the workouts and just maturing. The 3 girls plus Cathe that luv2bfit just mentioned, are all inspirations. If someone popped in Mega Step Blast and then, without seeing others inbetween, put in Imax 2 (or 3...
  10. K

    Hardcore Outfits-cute!

    Yeah, the pants, and Cathe's top in Imax 3 are what I love the most. :) Cute little zippers at the bottoms and the pink and white stripes on the top. And in stretch max too. I wondered how their pant legs don't come flyin' down when they're lifting legs in the air while lying on the...
  11. K

    Hardcore Outfits-cute!

    Where can I get the cutey outfits they're wearing in hardcore? :) Love the pink/blk/white in Imax3 the most. Anyone know? Katy =^..^=
  12. K

    Choreography Complexity on Low Max and Imax3

    Hi there, If you have alot of Cathe's older videos you'll have alot of the steps down already. Some are bits and pieces put together, but you'll recognize them. And if not, or you have a few, I'd say they are both about the same as Imax2 with complexity; they are both REALLY, really fun. I...
  13. K

    Cathe - an observation for Cedie

    I HAVE to put my 2 cents in here! :) Cathe's workouts are better than all others out there for many reasons, but a main one for me is seeing the girls consistant in these videos. Especially since we are doing these workouts at home, they somehow offer a warmth in doing these workouts...
  14. K

    Healthy Eating (BFL) Checkin 2/17/05

    Thank you Rhonda, I'm sure your'e very busy. That was racking my brain! :o Sounds like you guys are losing weight with it? May have to give it a try... Thanks again! Katy =^..^=
  15. K

    Healthy Eating (BFL) Checkin 2/17/05

    Hi there, I know I'm going to sound like an idiot, :+ but please tell me what BFL stands for. Thanks! Katy =^..^=
  16. K

    So what is everyone's favorites from the new DVDs?

    x( Sorry guys!! I'm-a dip and a half, I'm trying to edit my poll, but I keep getting error messages. I shouldn't have been trying to do 8 other things while posting :D I'm trying to insert: Muscle Max (1) Kick Max (2) Stretch Max (3) High Step (4)...
  17. K

    HC is simply amazing.....feeling Cathe emotional.......

    I understand your love of the whole Cathe world. :) You are so busy. You deserve major-MAJOR kudos for getting in a workout. Got to take care of yourself first before anyone else. :) We all know this, but its hard to justify to ourselves when we need to, yes? I know when I found Cathe...
  18. K

    So what is everyone's favorites from the new DVDs?

    What is everyone's favorite among the new DVD's? I havent gotten mine yet. Looking forward to the stretch one. From the pictures it looks like Rhonda's in the back...I like her in the front cuz I stride to be as thin as her! :) Plus, is it just me, or does Jaishree look kinda bored in some...
  19. K

    Am I too tall?

    Thank you A-jock! I didn't even think of my hamstrings. I could strengthen them to help the situation. Thanks so much! Katy:7