So what is everyone's favorites from the new DVDs?

So what is everyone's favorites from the new DVDs?

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What is everyone's favorite among the new DVD's? I havent gotten mine yet. Looking forward to the stretch one. From the pictures it looks like Rhonda's in the back...I like her in the front cuz I stride to be as thin as her! :) Plus, is it just me, or does Jaishree look kinda bored in some of the videos? Like Mercedes and Rhonda, and of course, Cathe, are so smiley and fun.
What do you all think?

Waiting for UPS man,

I don't understand your poll. Are you refering to the series as a whole? The way polls are set up, WE can't chose to write in a name, just select from one of your options. To find out everyone's favorite, you'd have to have choices like "Muscle max","Kick max" etc.

And I don't understand what the first option is asking. (Insert perplexed smiley here).

Sorry guys!! I'm-a dip and a half, I'm trying to edit my poll, but I keep getting error messages. I shouldn't have been trying to do 8 other things while posting :D
I'm trying to insert: Muscle Max (1) Kick Max (2) Stretch Max (3) High Step (4)
Imax 3 (5) and Low Max (6)

Sorry sorry!!!

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