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  1. M

    my breast (cancer) surgeon asked me...

    Thanks, everyone, for making my day! But honestly, *everyone* who battles BC is strong. It isn't like you have a choice! The *choice* is did have was to get fit after chemo. I wanted nothing more than to hunker down with a bottle of wine and a bag of Reeses for days on end... But, when...
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    my breast (cancer) surgeon asked me...

    ... what in the world I've been doing to get back so quickly from chemo! I had a HUUUUGE smile on my face yesterday when I met with him! He was floored when I showed him how I could now do push-ups (on my toes!!!) despite having had a bilateral mastectomy! (I dropped right in the exam room for...
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    STS Ab Circuits or Core Max?

    I have (and really like) AbHits.
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    classics vol 1 or cardio hits?

    I'm thinking of getting one of these. Preference? Pros? Cons? Favorite workout on one of these? Thanks! Michele
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    suggestions for post-chemo, restarting DVDs

    Gin~ Thanks for your story! I'm glad you were able to continue with Cathe. I could barely make it to the mailbox so I had to start slooooowww. Feeling beter now though! Annette~Love the beginner rotation. Looks like I'm in the market for a few more dvds!
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    best music?

    which Cathe (cardio or circuit) DVD has the best music? (in your opinion, of course! lol!) Is there a list of the songs for each DVD anywhere? thanks!! Michele
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    suggestions for post-chemo, restarting DVDs

    Cathe~ I'm restarting after having had a bilateral mastectomy and chemo. I ended chemo last fall but was really, really sick. At that time, I could barely make it around the block. I started out with Leslie Sansone walking and can now manage some classes at the gym. Ages ago I was a...
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    Moms 2 B check in Feb 27

    RE: I heard the heartbeat! >Thanks for the words of encouragement Michele! I'm so glad >your pregnancy continued! Only a few more weeks! You must be >very excited? Nervous? TIRED?? :-) > Both nervous and tired! But, I'm finally ready mentally! Please post your US results on the...
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    Moms 2 B check in Feb 27

    RE: I heard the heartbeat! > > >I phoned my dr yesterday and informed her that unless I hear >back from her, I intend to start doing some light activity >this week. Her nurse phoned me back and reluctantly conceded >that I can do things such as walk across the street and pick >up my...
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    anyone else....

    I had to buy them before my 1st trimester was over... I had to get another couple just last week too! Michele 35 weeks
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    Moms 2 B check in Feb 27

    I went on a couple of walks. I also had some nasty contractions... Went to the OB Thurs and was told that I'm 1cm dialted and that the baby "could come anytime". My 1st was a 35 weeker... In any event, most of my spare time is spent cleaning, etc. I'm still working too... I hope that...
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    Just when I start to relax........

    Sandra, I can't offer any advice regarding your bleeding but I *can* sympathize with you about bed rest. W/ my 1st I was on bed rest from weeks 33-35 (delivered @ 35 weeks) for preeclampsia. W/ my 2nd I was on "modified" bed rest starting ~ week 25 and continuing 'till week 35 (delivered @ week...
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    Congrats! He is a cutie! Michele 34 weeks
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    Moms 2 B check in feb 20

    I did a whole lot of nuttin'!!x( I'm so exhausted from work and not being able to sleep. You ladies are amazing! I'm so impressed! Michele 34 weeks
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    Update for me...

    Glad to hear from you. Please keep us posted! Michele 34 weeks
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    Mine was orange. I threw it up and had to drink another dose.... Eeeeewww! Michele 33 weeks
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    Not feeling so good today

    > >Well, I am already getting practice with the potty runs! lol >Once a night usually, sometimes 2! Well, that will increase to 6-7 trips per night...;-) Michele 32 weeks
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    Not feeling so good today

    I can relate. I am going to try to go home at 4pm today... I just need to lie down! Michele 32 weeks
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    A strange "side effect" of pregnancy???

    RE: A strange FYI~ Target has inexpensive maternity/nursing bras. Michele 32 weeks
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    I know I shouldn't let it bother me but....

    RE: Oops, typo! I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. I was a "big gainer" with my 1st 2 and lost all of the weight. I'm averaging ~ 1# per week with this one (including the 1st trimester) and my OB isn't concerned. Michele 32 weeks