A strange "side effect" of pregnancy???


Hi Ladies,

Listen, I have a (wierd) question....over the past few weeks I have noticed that the skin right under my boobs, especially the the left one and then a little towards the center, is numb. It was never numb before. In addition, every night after I am laying in bed for a little while and once in a while at other non-specific times (like right now as a matter of fact), that same numb area starts to get a pretty wicked tingly, burning sensation to it that lasts for a while but then goes away on its own.

Does any one have any possible idea what this could be??? I gotta wonder if it's even pregnancy related or not!?

I had one possible reason that this might be happening but who knows if it's even valid. My bras are quite tight on me...I have been holding out spending the $ on new bras...and my pants are getting snug as well-I purchased them in the 1st trimester when the belly was MUCH smaller!!!! So between the tighter bra band and the tighter waist band on my pants (I am talking about the maternity pants with the HIGH waist band) both squeezing me, I was wondering if that could possibly be cutting off (atleast some of) the circulation to the skin in the area in between (which is where I am numb)and in turn, causing this to happen?

Sorry this is so long winded but it was hard to explain!

Any input would be greatly appreciated!!! It's seems to be such a bizarre thing, I'm kind of embarrassed to ask my dr about it! x( ;(

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange

Hi Wendy!

Your torso is getting wider. Your ribs are expanding to make room for your baby. Now is the time to start using a looser setting on your bras. Maternity stores also carry little expansion pieces for hooking your bras as you get larger for a few $. It's normal!

Also expect to possibly gain an extra bra cup size towards the end. For this reason I'm holding out on purchasing nursing bras until I know what size I really will be.

Jennifer 29 weeks
RE: A strange

Yeah, that's exactly why I am holding out on bras myself...but I think the extenders are a must at this point...I already have my bras on the loosest setting!

The joys of pregnancy!:p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange

Hi Wendymin! I agree with Jennifer that it's probably your bra, but also combined with the effects of extra estrogen, which can cause circulation problems, especially later in pregnancy. Definitely start by trying looser clothing. If that doesn't help, then absolutely mention it to your doctor. Poor circulation in you may mean poor circluation to the baby, and you definitely want to avoid that!

RE: A strange

"Poor circulation in you may mean poor circluation to the baby"


You bring up an excellent point that I never even thought about! I will see if I can get to the store this weekend to buy bra extenders and I have a doc apptmnt on monday....I will mention it!!!


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange

Wendy- I also experienced weird burning, tingling sensations in both breasts early in my pregnancy. This happened while I was wearing bigger bras (the boobs were the first things to grow huge). I asked my sister about it (she is a doc), and she said that is was normal, though I don't know why. It was uncomfortable and did eventually go away:)

I have asked my ob-gyn plenty of embarrassing questions, yes I get a little red, but I need answers being a first time mom and all. Just yesterday, I had to ask about dry, itchy patches on my breasts and varicose veins in an area that, just let's say, you wouldn't want them...ever:eek: He put my mind at ease, and I felt so much better just knowing that I was o.k. So, it's hard, but if you have any kind of concern, you should ask your doc so you can feel better.

Well, I am off to enjoy the day. The weather, here in PA is beautiful!
RE: A strange

OH MY!:eek: :eek: :eek:

That burning feeling has escalated to flat out pain at times now! The last 2 nights that area has actually started to ache pretty bad when I lay down and I've been awakened by some pretty intense shooting pains that originate from the area!

Now I'm kinda nervous....glad I'm goin' to the doc's tmrw!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange

Okay I'm back from the doc and here's the scoop on the numbness/pain I am experiencing:

He said it could very well be the nerves/muscles in that area stretching or having pressure put on them as the baby grows. I asked him if my bra being tight could coz it and he said it could be a combo. of both. He didn't seemed overly concerned and I told him I'd stop being cheap and go out and buy a couple of bras that fit (or extenders)just incase that is part of the problem! lol

I guess it FEELS a lot more serious than it truly is...it has been quite painful the last few nights...OUCH!

I feel better now though knowing it's not serious. PHEW!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange

Wendy, I'm glad to hear that it was not something more serious. What a relief! Hopefully, it will pass soon.

Oh, by the way, you can also buy the bra extenders at fabric stores such as Hancock Fabrics. I still have mine from my first pregnancy.
RE: A strange


I have been wearing bralettes for the past couple of days...they have a ton more give then my bras and the discomfort has diminished some so I'm sure even if it didn't CAUSE the problem, it was certainly making it worse. I'm gonna go for bra extenders by this weekend...I really don't need new bras quite yet...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


RE: A strange


Glad to hear that it wasn't anything serious. But being pregnant I know how we tend to over-react sometimes. Now you can put your mind at ease.
RE: A strange

Hi Sunny.

The doc said it could very well be the nerves/muscles in that area stretching or having extra pressure put on them as the baby grows. I asked him if my bra being tight could coz it and he said it could be a combo. of both. He didn't seemed overly concerned and I told him I'd stop being cheap and go out and buy a couple of bras that fit (or extenders)just incase that is part of the problem! lol

I have been wearing bralettes since I saw the doc and the pain has subsided for the most part. The tight bras may not have caused it but they apparently were making it worse. I feel much better now although the area is still numb...but I can deal with that.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!



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