Search results

  1. N

    Which DVD bundle should I get next?

    The Low Impact Step and Total Body sculpting is just a step up from the basic step/body fusion series. You could probably transition to that easily. After that, for a set, I would get Body Blast. It is one of my favorite series. I do think that the strength workouts in this series are a...
  2. N

    STS Presale to Begin Saturday, January 12th

    I am very excited about these. When I got the email yesterday, I was grinning all day. These are coming at just the right time for me, when I am getting into some more serious weight work and doing periodization somewhat on my own. I got a Cathe gift certificate for Christmas and some...
  3. N

    WORKOUT BLENDER SOFTWARE! You Just Blew My Mind!!!!!

    RE: WORKOUT BLENDER SOFTWARE! You Just Blew My Mind!!!!... I am wondering as well about how much hard drive space this will take up. That may be my limiting factor.
  4. N

    Cathe, Question About Knees and Such

    I just want to say, please pay attention to your body! I have patellofemoral syndrome as well and I killed my knee with jumping lunges (which is when I was diagnosed). I have not been able to do aerobics or step or lunges or squats since then. I have been in rehab for almost 4 months. I so...
  5. N

    Cathe...question about shoes

    Cathe, I am having difficulty finding anyone in my area who knows anything at ALL about shoes for aerobics. I live in the Southeast. I do have some specific knee issues that require some knowledge about shoes. Do you have someone that sells you shoes that is knowledgeable or do you know of...
  6. N

    Quirky Lowmax "da-da" Mystery: Solved! Ha!

    RE: Quirky Lowmax I like the da-da as well!
  7. N

    UPDATE 1/5/06

    Cathe, Take care and be well. Happy healinig. Having upcoming workouts to look forward to is always a good thing and folks are right, we have tons of your workouts to do in the meantime! Take your time and heal it right.
  8. N

    Experience with Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

    I took it before. I took Wellbutrin SR 100mg in the morning. If I took it at night or later in the day, I definitely had trouble sleeping and that never went away. If I forgot my dose, I'd have to just skip it if I wanted to sleep that night. I would call and speak with your doctor if you...
  9. N

    Your weekend's workouts

    Today I did the cardio from Kari Andersons Danceworks, Gym Style Legs and about 6-7 minutes from the second workout on Coremax. Tomorrow, it's going to be either Lowmax or hiking. Sunday will be a rest.
  10. N


    RE: UPDATED Thanks so much for doing this! I'm new to Cathe (but bought the whole shebang) and this really helps me to plan my workouts! Merci beaucoup!
  11. N

    How did you find out about Cathe?

    From the Firm YaYa's...there's a bunch of Cathe fans over there! I've known about her for years, but was satisfied with my Firm/Fitprime/TLP. I caved and bought some Cathe this year and I'm loving it...just got tired of the same old and trying to kick up the intensity a notch.
  12. N

    Fun question: If you have a college degree, what's it in?

    Great topic! I have a BA in Government and International Studies/Poly Sci and a minor in journalism. I am a psychiatrist. I didn't use my undergrad degrees one ioda, but obviously use my medical degree. :)
  13. N

    What are you reading right now?

    I am reading The Year of Pleasures by Elizabeth Berg, one of my all-time favorite authors. I pretty much love all her books. I am listening to Aloft by Chang Rae Lee in the car commute and so far it's pretty good, too!
  14. N

    Ya Ya Boards

    Come on over! I've been a YaYa for some time now and it's by far my favorite board. YaYa's are quite the resource and a bunch of intelligent, kind and fun ladies (there may be a few men, too). And you reminded me to update my EZboard support. Thanks!
  15. N

    Best Cathe cardio

    So far, StepBlast and Lowmax.
  16. N

    Work out on empty stomach in am or after light breakfast?

    RE: Work out on empty stomach in am or after light brea... It depends. If I get up fairly early and am able to workout right off the bat, I don't eat. If I'm up for any length of time (say, 30 min), I have to eat something or I'll get hypoglycemic while working out. I am in the habit of...
  17. N

    "RESULTS ARE IN!!!" post

    RE: Sabine, \ I would love to get results on the Hardcores! And thanks for starting this to begin with. I am new to Cathe and your rating system has allowed me to progress from easier to more difficulty tapes without killing myself and doing the really tough ones first. Cannot thank you...
  18. N


    How does Musclemax compare to some of her other total body workouts in terms of intensity?
  19. N

    They have no clue when Cardio Hits will be in - grrrr

    ACK! I lied (though unintentionally). I got a notice saying i'd get a UPS package last wednesday, but it was not my Cardio Hits DVD, but a less anticipated and previously forgotten package. So still I wait. :(
  20. N

    Cardio hits....whens is coming?

    OK, so I think I was just so excited it was coming that I wanted it to be Cardio Hits, BUT (sorry guys!) it was another UPS package that arrived on Wednesday, one less anticipated an previously forgotten. So, still I wait!