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  1. D

    I just completed my first Cathe straight through!!!

    Congratulations! I can still remember that feeling of completing Rhythmic Step and actually getting the steps right! But a bigger congratulations on your weight loss. You must feel wonderful. I think 10 lbs is hard to lose, let alone 110 lbs. Keep up the good work! Denise
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    CTX - Upper Body Split

    Thanks for the advice, No, it's not geeky! I love to see my muscles. I swear that after I did that workout, my biceps were bulging.
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    CTX - Upper Body Split

    Hi Everyone, I recently purchased the CTX Series and did upper body split on Saturday. I did the workout in its entirety and my arms were so fried that they are still sore today. Should I have only done part of the workout instead of working every muscle in my arms? I don't have a good...
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    Something Cute

    I am currently doing a slim series rotation and my 3 1/2 year old daughter has been watching me. Last night she decided to become my personal trainer and "help me out" just like Debbie Siebers does sometimes to the people in her tapes. I kept hearing "now mommy, put your hips back like that"...
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    Aging Skin Questions

    Hi Pam, I know you've already received a lot of advice on this topic but I'd thought I'd share mine as well. I am 38 and have noticed changes in my skin over the last couple of years. I am getting brown spots on my face (due to sun damage) and I have about 5 or 6 tiny broken capillaries. I...
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    Emotional Eating

    Nancy, What encouraging words! They really made me feel good! Yes, it's a constant struggle to teach her the right values, especially when I struggle with my own looks or my own hang ups with perfection. But I suppose the first step is just being aware. Thanks again, Denise
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    Emotional Eating

    Dawn, Thanks for the info. on the book. I'm going to order it from Amazon. I'm especially concerned because I have a 3 year old daughter and I want her to learn good habits from the start. I definately think my emotional eating stems back to my younger years but I just can't pinpoint why...
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    Emotional Eating

    Thanks for your response to my question! I do try to eat healthy most of the time and I try not to get to hung up on the good food/bad food thing. I think I'm more concerned with just how to deal with stress in my life in general. Just in search of a healthier outlet than munching on a bag of...
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    Emotional Eating

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to this forum and this is the first time I am posting. I've also recently discovered Cathe and love her workouts. My question is this: Do any of you ever eat "emotionally" and how do you get out of that habit? I'm not overweight, wear a size 6 to 8, am in...