CTX - Upper Body Split

Hi Everyone,

I recently purchased the CTX Series and did upper body split on Saturday. I did the workout in its entirety and my arms were so fried that they are still sore today. Should I have only done part of the workout instead of working every muscle in my arms? I don't have a good handle on how many body parts you're supposed to work during the week and the rest time in between. If someone can please explain, I'd appreciate it.


You should rest your muscles at least 48 hours inbetween lifting. So, maybe you can do CTX Upper one day, then Leaner Legs the next. Then do a day of cardio, then a full body day, like Power Hour, or whatever.
the best advice I've been given for sore muscles is do the workout again in 48 hours. It works, really.

I sometimes split up the CTX upper body tape in a manner similar to the Pure Strength workouts. I do chest, shoulders and triceps on one day. Then, I rest or do cardio the next day, and do back and biceps on the third day. You can also put a lower body workout in between the two days. Leaner legs and Legs and Glutes are both excellent. You can't go wrong with either one of them. Also don't forget to fit in some ab work.
You've gotten some great advice, Denise. I'd like to add that you may want to just lower your poundage until you build up.

BTW, CTX is my favorite upper body workout. It's the one that definitely "popped" my delts. I was so proud, I kept flexing in front of the mirror! Geeky, I know!
Thanks for the advice,

No, it's not geeky! I love to see my muscles. I swear that after I did that workout, my biceps were bulging.
That's funny that you say that, because sometimes when I get back into working out, after just a workout or two I can SWEAR muscles are coming out!! hahaha.

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