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  1. F

    all smoothie-protein drinkers look here!!

    (good reminder that I need to start having those for breakfast again--they just do NOT appeal in the dead of winter in Colorado!) My fave is Designer Protein in chocolate cup of 1% milk 1 packet Sweet-n-Low teaspoon or so of vanilla extract 2-3 tablespoons cocoa powder (I don't think...
  2. F

    IMAX or IMAX 2: Question for you all!

    I've been using Intense Moves while on my treadmill and love it. During the 1-minute "hardest" parts, I either max out the incline or move it up to a REALLY fast walk. It works great and I always push myself. But I really don't want to burn myself out on IM, so was wondering if either of...
  3. F

    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR I felt that at first, too, but then when I started pushing through the heels and lifting my butt and lower back up OFF the thing at the top of the arc, it made a huge difference. Really push your hips/pelvis UP and you'll feel it more in the...
  4. F

    Bun and Thigh Rocker Question??

    Someone the YaYas forum was having trouble, too...and so was I! Luckily, DH watched me go through the motion, then watched the tape, and he kept adjusting the different parts till it looked like I was set up the same way as the model in the tape. I'm about 5' 2.5" and I think there are 4 holes...
  5. F

    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    Yeah, I think they do call it the Power Arc--it's basically a squat motion, as far as I can tell, but I've been making sure to lift my butt and lower back up OFF the BTR--like lifting your hips, so it really gets to the butt/ham muscles and even some into the lower back, I think. Kinda like...
  6. F


    Another vote for a Smooth treadmill. I did a fair amount of research, and a friend of mine did a TON of research, and we both ended up with these. In fact, mine was just delivered today. Terrific features, a fold-up model (Smooth 5.0), wonderful warranty, and 2.5-hp motor. I am SO anxious to...
  7. F

    sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

    Well, I for one really do like it! I tend to get pretty big quads but can't seem to target the hamstrings and glutes. I've developed a little routine and haven't missed a day since I got it last week! I don't think I'd like it for cardio (too boring) and I have been going pretty light on the...
  8. F

    Does eating clean mean....?

    I am not an expert on clean eating, by any STRETCH of the imagination, but I get along quite well with a package of string cheese, maybe 8-10 Low-Fat (or Whole-) Wheat Thins, and about a cup of 1% milk. Gives you a little bit of carb, a change of pace from the eggs, and the milk's a little bit...
  9. F

    Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

    RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question Charli, you are just SO welcome! I try very hard to save money and get the best deals, and it's nice to help someone else. Now if the darned thing will just get here FAST! I can't wait to have sleek thighs and a teeny tiny butt...well, THAT may be...
  10. F

    Avatar instructions~SNM?~

    Just checking to see if the one I just did is can ignore this...and I'll have to do some serious editing in PhotoShop before I could put up a bathing suit pic! :o
  11. F

    my neck is just killing me- help!

    Hi from the "other Marci"! I've had problems with my neck since last OCTOBER :-( and still don't really know what did it. Probably a combination of too much upper body work, not enough stretching, tension, and a genetic predisposition to neck problems (uhhh, bad conformation!) Anyway...
  12. F

    Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

    RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question Hey, Charli! I just bought one off eBay for $39.95. Here's a link to another one: How pathetic is this: This is the first time I've looked at this site and I'm already spending...