Does eating clean mean....?


I can't eat cereal for breakfast? I'm so sick and tired of eggs every morning I can barely stand it! All I'm asking for is some raisin bran or something. On the other hand, I very much want to lose 10 lbs. So which is it? Eat eggs and lose the lbs or eat cereal and be happy with my extra pounds? It seems like every thing I read says protein at every meal though.
I am not an expert on clean eating, by any STRETCH of the imagination, but I get along quite well with a package of string cheese, maybe 8-10 Low-Fat (or Whole-) Wheat Thins, and about a cup of 1% milk. Gives you a little bit of carb, a change of pace from the eggs, and the milk's a little bit sweet but still has good protein content.
There are different kinds of cereal. What about oatmeal? It's standard food for bodybuilders and fitness competitors. It's got fiber and it's good for your cholesterol level. I like John McCann's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal, which is basically cracked oats. It is less processed than oat flakes (what one normally calls "oatmeal". I eat it with soy milk and a TBSP of ground flax seed on top.

For me, the less processed a food is, the "cleaner" it is.
My daughter and I had great results just giving up sugar and white flour and eating more fruit and veggies. So as long as it wasnt white flour we were ok. SHe lost 12 lbs this way and (my weight was ok) my cellulite is the best it has ever been.

Oh drinking water helps too!
Of course you CAN eat cereal!! Unless you are competing really soon in a fitness competition, last I heard, high fiber cereals and skim milk were still considered "clean". For pete's sake, atleast get some variety. I eat Fiber One most of the time, but sometimes Corn Bran or even Wheat Chex. I put berries in my cereal, sometimes banana...

I think you should definately eat cereal if you want it (unless you're a fitness pro or something). There's nothing bad about cereal- unless it's sugary "kids" cereal. Just check the label. Look for a cereal with 3g of fiber or more and low sugar. I lot of people like Kashi which is healthy. I like Energy Crunch, but it does have sugar. It has some fber and protein though so it's better than Fruit Loops!

There were studies out this past year saying those who ate cereal lost more weight- maybe cause they were eating breakfast?
I think it's a great way to get a yummy meal/snack and nutrients.
I just found a yummy cereal called Smart Start with Soy protein. It has a decent fiber count - 3 grams and it has 10 grams of protein per serving (without the skim milk I use)! It does have sugar, though. Don't restrict yourself completely of things - that will only make you lose it all the more!! Good luck and variety is key!
Sara :)
Check out Kashi's Cinna-Raisin-Crunch cereal. It has 10 grams of fiber and is 150 calories per serving. Try mixing some of this cereal into your non-fat or low-fat yogurt. Yum!
I'm not a fitness model although I wouldnt mind looking like one! I did have my raisin bran this morning. It was great and quick but not as filling. I usually have oatmeal with my eggs and maybe I'll have that instead.
I know what you mean about not wanting to give up cereal.I did for 12 weeks following body for life but ate it on cheat days.I did eat oatmeal and used whey protein to get my protein in and still use it everyday.I got burned out on eggs also and couldnot stand to look at them let alone eat them.But now I eat what I feel like and eggs are back on my menu.But I hardly ever eat cereal anymore and I use to eat it as a snack.I feel as I eat as clean as anyone not competing can 6 meals a day 115-130 grams of protein and try to watch my portion size.But I have 1 cheat DAY a week and my 3 small size york pepermint pattys a day those things are addictive.Just do not restrict yourself to much .I could for 12 weeks but that is it.everything in moderation and if you crave something eat it just limit it to a serving size.
I don't understand why "clean eating" would not include Raisin Bran. I thought clean eating was a general description of trying to eat more healthyful foods. Raisin Bran is packed with fiber and is a good cereal, why wouldn't it be a good food to eat?

It sounds like everyone is talking about a more structured program rather than a general definition, can someone explain what is meant by "clean eating"? I thought it was more of a general term.
Here you go - buy organic cereal made with whole wheat flour and no sugar. Put milk (soy or regular), fresh fruit, 1/2 scoop of protein powder and some flax seeds or almonds on top. I usually pair this with a piece of whole wheat toast and peanut butter and or put half of a banana in my cereal and the other half on my toast. This meal usually clocks in at about 450 calories (I try to get the majority of my calories in the a.m.), fills me up, has lots of protein, and is a nice break from eggs. It's all about balance. I am slowly (and delicioulsy) learning this. Oatmeal is another meal that rocks!
Mia Finnegan ate a bowl of All Bran with 2% milk every day in the off season before she had her baby. Just an FYI. I wonder if the lovely ladies of Cathe vids enjoy cereal?
Cbelle! If you want your cereal EAT IT!!LOL Just make sure its a high fiber, low sugar cereal. Put blueberries or whatever fruit you like on top. I vary my breakfast every morning. What about steel cut oatmeal & oat bran. Didn't read the other posts so I hope mine isn't duplicated. Kathy:D
I have lost weight and have gotten great results from working out with Cathe and the FIRM and guess what!? I eat raisin bran all the time!! I love it! It's good for you!!! I have egg white omelets maybe once a week, but I'll have a bowl of raisin bran even for dinner sometimes. It's fine!!

Danielle :9
I'm just way too obsessed with attaining something that probably isnt attainable (aka the "perfect Body"). I'm having my cereal in the morning and no longer feeling guilty about it! LOL

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