sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR


Please tell me this is NOT a piece of useless cheap fitness equipment, like say for instance the Ab-doer thingy. I just bought a B&TR, and I swore I'd never buy another piece of junk to collect dust or clothes.

I've read about the sculpting aspect, but does anyone successfully do cardio on this thing? I can't find a single animated clip of this machine in action on the internet so I can only imagine. It looks like it would make ya dizzy.

Personally, I'm very strong in the legs already, although need to lose weight, but am still looking to build muscle in the legs. I need very challenging weight exercises. Will this machine be a challenge to me? My legs can handle a lot of weight.

And, lastly, can you watch TV while doing the cardio? The pictures look as though you would be looking at the ceiling.

Thank you much in advance to any of you who are B&TR users.

Trust me, it's NOT a useless piece of junk! Personally, I don't use it for cardio, but it you do, just move your TV around to where you can see it.

I bought more resistance bands because I use a lot of weight for lower body work.

Just Do It! :)
I respect HB & the others that have the BTR but totally disagree. I think it's a piece of dust collecting garbage & am getting ready to sell mine on e-bay. I have used it with Francine's rotations & with suggestions made by HB. I did not enjoy it at all. I used the tape telling me how to use it to make sure I was using appropriate form, my knees hurt like he-- after using it. I tried to like it, really I did. Now I wish I had not invested in it.
Oh gosh, one pro, one con---please someone else comment.....

Can this machine make a person dizzy?

Fitness Goddess, I wonder what aspect of the machine that you did not enjoy....

well, since I bought it already, it's either a loss or a gain, and there's no decision to be made now....
You won't get dizzy as it just rocks up & down like doing squats. I found it boring to just rock up & down for 15 minutes at a time. Even varying the leg positions didn't make it anymore fun. You can do it in front of the TV because it's quiet but I just found that it detracted from my regular workout if I did that. And again, no matter what position I was in, it hurt my knees after I used it. For like 2 days after!

Again, that's just me.

If you want more info, do a search. There have been a lot of threads on this topic.
Hey Deborah if you didn't sell it yet, I'll take it! I'll come pick it up or we'll meet at Cathe's whatever is easier for you!
Well, I just did my first official BNTR workout this a.m. My thoughts are these:

1) I did around 30 min of cardio on it. Luckily I had rented a good movie, cuz it would be boring without TV for sure. I did have to stop frequently to rest cuz it worked my legs good! I think this, at least in *MY* case, would be more of an endurance wt. workout for the legs instead of cardio. At least for now, cuz my legs seemed weak on this. So, I can see how doing this for a long period of time would hurt knees. I found also that putting my feet on the top half of the platform and letting my toes hang off, made everything more anatomically safe for me...knees-wise.

2) I also did some strength training on it this a.m. I NEED to build muscle in my lower half and can't do that with the amount of wt. that I can lift over my head. I used 70 lbs of resistance, cuz that's all I had, and I *really* felt it. I'm feeling tight in the glutes and thighs now. The good thing is that, as I moved my feet all over the footplate, I could hit different parts of my glutes/thighs. Also, there's no wt. on my shoulders, so I'm not distracted with that and can just concentrate on my lower half. The machine is not junk, in that respect. It seems sturdy enough to handle the pressure.

Conclusion: I will probably stick to heavy work on this machine...except for endurance type exercises that I'll probably do with a tape. Maybe with LL or PH, I'll lighten the bands and then follow along on the endless squats and lunges. But, 30 min of straight cardio...probably not for me.

I'm VERY pleased. I love that I can *lift* heavier now. It's tough and I can feel it in all the right places.:7 :7
Well, I for one really do like it! I tend to get pretty big quads but can't seem to target the hamstrings and glutes. I've developed a little routine and haven't missed a day since I got it last week! I don't think I'd like it for cardio (too boring) and I have been going pretty light on the weight, but going fairly slowly and really flexing the muscles I'm focusing on. I do 2 sets of 15 reps of each of these:

feet straight, squats
toes out, squats
toes SLIGHTLY in squats
both feet and knees rotated left 45 degrees
both feet and knees rotated right 45 degrees
less-than-full-range "hovers" where I go halfway up, hold it for the count of 3, then release on 4

I plan to up it to 3 sets soon.

I honestly think this is going to produce some results for me. I can DEFINITELY feel my hams and butt, even with just a week of use. But I'm also starting horseback-riding season, and that may be part of it.

Don't know if this helps or confuses you more. But I think it's a keeper!
Marci -
Are you referring to the Power Arc when you say feet straight squat?

Just wondering, I'm sure there are tons of variations and I'm only doing the ones on the instructions. And your 45 degree things are the slolom things they teach you?

What bands do you have on it?

Thanks :) Kathy
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

Dawn~I LOVE my B&TR! It is definitely a keeper! I saw great results when I was using it last Fall. Due to time constraints, a change in my schedule and of course, my new Cathe's, I had to put it to the side for the past few months, but just started back this past week with it again. I have VERY stubborn legs that hold onto fat and cellulite and I saw great results by the end of 3 months of using it faithfully last Fall. It is not made cheaply (is that a word?)either. I think it is designed very sturdy. I do not get dizzy at all and have no trouble watching TV while rocking. I haven't used it much for cardio but plan to this time around. I think you will be pleased and if not, you can sell it. There WILL be a buyer out there for one especially since they are being discontinued. Let us know. Keep on Rockin'!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yeah, I think they do call it the Power Arc--it's basically a squat motion, as far as I can tell, but I've been making sure to lift my butt and lower back up OFF the BTR--like lifting your hips, so it really gets to the butt/ham muscles and even some into the lower back, I think. Kinda like working the stable erectors, if that's the right name.

And yes, the "both feet and knees out" is the slalom thing that's on the tape.

Right now I've just been using one set of black bands. As I said, I tend to get really bulky through the quads and body in general, and I build muscle/bulk easily, so I think I'll stay with low resistance and increase the sets/reps and/or really focus on form.

I am absolutely LOVING this thing!!!
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

Since we are on the BTR topic...I thought I would ask a question for those expereinced with this machine...
I just got one last week after all the hype I heard on this site...and I tried it this morning...I definately felt in a great deal in my quads...but did not feel a thing in my you have to do something special to focus on the GLutes??
Thanks Guys....
Jenn:7 :7 :7
RE: Hi Jen!

Hi, Jenn,

What helps me target glutes is to position my feet on the top half of the footplate and let the top half of my feet hang off the end.:)
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

I felt that at first, too, but then when I started pushing through the heels and lifting my butt and lower back up OFF the thing at the top of the arc, it made a huge difference. Really push your hips/pelvis UP and you'll feel it more in the butt. HTH.
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

Will have to try that idea!

I did step tonight & didn't have energy to do B&TR when i was done :(

I put on another 10# band (have 25s on now) but I think i'll take that back off until I figure out how to get my moves to where I feel them in the glutes. Tomorrow Marci's idea!! (unless I can't stand it and go back down tonight :)
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

Thanks for the advise everyone......
Also one last comment.....I have both 25lb bands on and both the 10lb bands...and I can easily do 25 reps....and still feel like I could do another 25.......Do I have to get extra bands?? The manual says that it can only take 2 bands per side...are there higher lb resistance bands available other than 25lbs......
I am no "SHE RA" believe me......;)
Thanks Again everyone.....
RE: sorry, but gotta ask about the B&TR

thanks everybody for your comments......they're all interesting. I did do a search on several boards, but not really being able to visually see it action, it is kind of hard to picture.

well, I'll find out soon enough what it's like. Seems like most say it is well-built and perhaps 75 percent like it.

Also saw quite a few hurting knees comments, and most thought it was definitely a challenge. In terms of effectiveness, I've only seen maybe 10 all-out believers on the boards I've visited. For instance, Francine, Honeybunch and a few others. I mean like fervent believe in it. A lot of people see some disadvantages, but at the same time feel it is effective, or *will* be!

thanks again---

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