Bun and Thigh Rocker Question??


Active Member
Ok -- so I finally got my B&TR!!!! Yaaaaayyyyy!!!

My question to you B&TR fanatics is --How do you know what positioning is best suited for your height? I am having the worst time figuring out exactly how high the foot plate should be as well as how far out/in the whole foot thing should be. I am only 5'1" and am having a heck of a time with the thing. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/fragend/fragend013.gif The instructional tape/manual doesn't to really indicate that.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

Someone the YaYas forum was having trouble, too...and so was I! Luckily, DH watched me go through the motion, then watched the tape, and he kept adjusting the different parts till it looked like I was set up the same way as the model in the tape. I'm about 5' 2.5" and I think there are 4 holes showing on the footrest. Not sure about the other parts, though. Hope you getit set up though, because I really think it's going to work! :D
Charlene, in my case, I just had to work with it till I was comfortable doing the exercises and my knees were not jutting out over my toes. I have to keep my feet on the top end of my footplate to keep everything at a 90 degree angle. My femurs are disproportionately long compared to my lower legs, so I had to really play around with it, till it 'fit'.

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