Search results

  1. S

    Heartrate Count Taken Out

    Cathe, Why did you decide to not do the heart rate check with the counter in the new videos? I really, really liked that. (Just wondering, you still can do no wrong.) Sharon
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    Yet Another Rotation Question

    Thanks Cathe!! Thank you very much for the response. I'll be hard at work. Sharon
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    Yet Another Rotation Question

    back to top just bring this back to top.
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    Yet Another Rotation Question

    Cathe, My goal is weight loss/control & definition. Although my abs are strong, I still have a layer of fat in the gut area I feel like I need to Lean Out all over abit. I like to have alot of variety so I don't get bored. This is what I came up with. Cross train express one week. 6days and...
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    Cathe Question

    Cathe, I was just thinking as I was working out today to Cardio Kicks and I wondered something. You've made so many videos and, like anything, thinking changes and gets updated. Is there anything that you have changed your mind about. Something you used to do or think was effective that you...
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    Snap & Recoil

    Cathe, I am very new to kickboxing but I love it. I am usually very sore in my upper back the next day. However, could you please try to explain "snap and recoil" and "Smash Knee" I'm not certain I am doing it right. By the way, I have done all your new ones except the total kickboxing and...
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    Another Step Hght ?

    Cathe, Another question. I, too, am 5 feet tall. I always do your step videos on 8", but my knees have always concerned me. Bad knees run in my family and although mine don't hurt after stepping, they creek. For example, if I step in the morning anytime I go up the stairs the rest of the...
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    Thigh ?/New Tapes

    Cathe, Thanks so much for the new tapes. I just finished Step & Intervals. I loved the music and the routine. It was great. The intensity, however, seemed quite a bit lighter than I-Max. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining!) But the chest was a killer!! I plan to do the six tapes for...
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    Discouraged, Pls Help

    More Info Thanks for the replies. Well, when I walk my heart rate is up there but not as high as when I step. I get so darn bored on the treadmill, it's hard to stay on. Here's example of my week: Mon: Walk/Jog 30min, 5 Day Abs Tues: Body Max (1st portion only) Wed: PS BBA Thurs: Walk...
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    Discouraged, Pls Help

    Cathe, I am discouraged regarding my workouts. I don't see the results I want to see. My goal is to lose body fat. Legs, butt & gut are the problem areas. I don't have too far to go (last 10lbs & yes, I'm being realistic) I don't eat like a saint but I eat better than average. Here's my...
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    New Shoes

    I bought a new pair of aerobic shoes. My question is: Can new shoes effect your leg workout differently? I mean, I did Firm's Standing Legs and it seems like I felt it differently. Could it have been the new shoes?
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    Hurt Hamstring

    I have hurt my hamstring. I don't know how. I did IMAX last Friday then moved my mom Friday and Saturday then pulled weeds for 2 hours on Sunday. One Monday "OH MY GOSH" they hurt. I thought they were just sore but one has gotten better and the other has gotten worse and it has been a week...
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    Scared & Need Advice

    THANKS TO ALL OF YOU Thank you for your posts. This is a really wonderful and supportive group. Everything I read is true. I am more informed now and very determined. I, too, will examine and see is there are other issues. Thanks again and again. Sharon
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    Scared & Need Advice

    I am 29 years old and have an 8 year old son. I am considering having another baby. However, I have a great fear of gaining weight and not being able to lose it. I lost 25 pounds a have kept it off for about 4 years. I had a very hard time losing my baby weight. My heart tells me it is...
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    Next Video

    and the winner is... PowerMax it is!!! Then I'll get Step Works and then Wedding Tape. Thanks ya'll for the suggestions, I really appreciated it!!! Thanks too Debra for the heartrate info. What a relief for me!! Ya'll are the greatest! Sharon
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    More on Heartrate

    Cathe, Read your post on how to figure your heartrate. Now I understand that part. But how do I know how many beats per minute that is? I mean, if I stop and take my pulse how long should I take it? 10 seconds? and how many beats should be in that 10 seconds? This has always frustrated me...
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    Next Video

    I'm ready to purchase my next Cathe video. This is what I have: PS Series, IMAX, MIS, MIC, Body Max, Mega Step Blast, Step Heat. I want another step video with good intensity. My favorite step video of all of these is (hard to choose) Body Max. What should I get next? Thanks for the...
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    Chest Strength

    Cathe, I have a complaint regarding my chest. (and for once its not about the size, ha,ha) I am having a difficult time getting any strength gains in this area. I can only do about 5 toe push ups and I use a 25 - 30 pound barbell for chest press in the PS tape. Any suggestions?
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    Muscle Swelling

    Cathe, I know muscles swell, I heard you say it in PS BBA. However, I did PS Legs the other day and I felt like my thighs were swollen (not to mention Very Very sore) for days. Could they have been or was it in my mind? Sharon
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    Heartrate ?

    Heartrate I just wanted to repost this since Cathe is back to wrok now. Sharon