Discouraged, Pls Help


Active Member

I am discouraged regarding my workouts. I don't see the results I want to see. My goal is to lose body fat. Legs, butt & gut are the problem areas. I don't have too far to go (last 10lbs & yes, I'm being realistic) I don't eat like a saint but I eat better than average. Here's my routine:

Step - BMax, Step Heat, Mega SB - 1-2 times/week
Walk - 30 min 2-3 times/week
PS series 1 time/week

I average 4-5 cardio sessions and the PS series per week. I also have MIC and MIS. What can I do to improve? PLEASE HELP!!!
I hear you!

I know I am not Cathe, but just a suggestion, I would try to do more strengh training. Try incorporating PS series 2 to 3 time a week alternating with your cardio. I find strength training really gives the results! But as you I am at a stand still too, same places, lower body and last 10 lbs!!! I get very discouraged, but you do need to shock your body once and awhile, and try something new. The more muscle you build, the easier the fat goes, so I have been told.
Hope this helps.

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-25-00 AT 01:40PM (EST)</font></center>

with Sabrina.I would think that adding a second day of strength training should help. Muscle DOES burn fat. I also think that maybe you need to shake up your routine a bit by maybe adding kickboxing, Hi/lo aerobics, jog 1 minute-walk 3 or anything that will be new and a shock to your system. A lot depends on how long you have been doing the routine you stated. Those LAST 10 pounds are real stinkers. They just seem to want to hang on, don't they! Good Luck!
some questions

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-25-00 AT 01:53PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON May-25-00 AT 01:51 PM (EST)

I agree that some additional cross-training is always good. I find it hard to incorporate alot of different activities. Now, the questions! When you are walking, are you pushing yourself hard enough to get your heart rate up? A power-walk and a stroll are different. Also, are you doing the complete tapes and doing them hard? How many days are you actually working out, for example, are you doing 4-5 cardio days and all of the PS on one day?
More Info

Thanks for the replies. Well, when I walk my heart rate is up there but not as high as when I step. I get so darn bored on the treadmill, it's hard to stay on. Here's example of my week:
Mon: Walk/Jog 30min, 5 Day Abs
Tues: Body Max (1st portion only)
Thurs: Walk 25min then 2nd part of Body Max (not the strength)
Fri: PS Legs & Abs
Sat: Walk/Jog 30 min then PS CST
Sun: Rest

What do ya think? I walk mostly because Cathe has said it "leans" out your legs. Should I put MIS in there somewhere? Thanks in Advance Sharon
Try more cardio

You might try longer cardio sessions alternating with total body weight days. I find that this works better for fat burning. I think your body has gotten used to the level of exercise you are doing and the amount of food you are eating. You
need to shake things up somehow. Good luck.

Maybe your body is too used to doing these same activities. If you have some other workout tapes, you might also want to switch around with those. I would think that in order to eliminate those extra calories needed to lose weight, you will either have to exercise a bit longer or reduce calores consumed. You may want to consider walking/jogging outside with headphones (or without). Sometimes I jog/walk by following a mapped out course while other times I take my watch and go anywhere I want for 50 minutes. I find it much more fun to go outside. I can't stand my treadmill! Also power walking (which I don't really think you can easily do on a treadmill) really forces you to get those hips moving while keeping your abs tight which uses different muscle groups. Remember also to take fast short strides instead of long strides. I hope this helps. Those last few pounds are always the worst and if I had the perfect answer, I'd look like Cathe!!
more on walking

You've already received good ideas on cross-training, adding more strength work, & pumping up your walking. When I walk with people who normally walk on a treadmill, they're always in for a shock. I think the treadmill promotes zoning out & people lose intensity. I like walking off-pavement & in hilly areas in order to get more of a workout. Hills really work the lower body. Indoors, can you do walk/run intervals? Last, I told my sister she'd better find that incline button on the treadmill or she's wasting her time. She has & it shows when we go walking!

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