Scared & Need Advice


Active Member
I am 29 years old and have an 8 year old son. I am considering having another baby. However, I have a great fear of gaining weight and not being able to lose it.

I lost 25 pounds a have kept it off for about 4 years. I had a very hard time losing my baby weight. My heart tells me it is silly to let this fear make my decision for me. But being at this age, I am terrified that I won't recover and I'll never be thin again. Please give me your advice.

Hi Sharon!

I think just the fact that you are concerned about the weight gain thing is enough for you to not let yourself "Go!!" I think that we have enough education now to know that it takes time, especially after each additional child to lose our weight. Just stay active, make wise choices and I bet you will be tickled with your results and will be back to normal in no time. It takes lots of hard work & dedication. Let us know what you decide.
A big decision

Having struggled to lose weight in the past, it's natural that you would have serious concerns about it in this situation. But consider how different a person you are now than you were when you had your now 8-year-old. You're older and more mature. I'm betting that you're also better informed at this point about food choices and fitness. I had an easier time losing the weight I gained with my 4th pregnancy at age 29 than I did with my 1st at age 21. I exercised during my pregnancy, ate better, and returned to exercise more quickly and sensibly in the 4th than in the first. Yes, you will gain weight. That is normal and healthy, and you need to see that as a good thing for both you and the baby-to-be. But that weight WILL come off if you use the resources you have available to you. This forum would be a great place to get support both during your pregnancy and post-partum. Doctors are much more supportive of maternal exercise than they were 8 years ago. You've shown that you have the will and determination to lose weight. You can do it again if this is the choice you make.

That said, please spend some time making sure that all of the anxiety you're feeling is really about the weight gain that accompanies pregnancy. It may be that you're focusing on the concern that is closest to the surface,and missing something(s) deeper down. Are there unresolved issues surrounding your son's birth ( traumatic labor and delivery, for example )that may be adding to your fears? Are you worried about how your partner will see you when you're "large with child?"
I'm not saying that you are, but sometimes it's easier to focus on the obvious.

Babies are wonderful gifts, and if you choose to add another child to your family we will be here to support you in any way that we can. But it's a lot easier to deal with emotional issues before you're on the pregnancy hormone roller coaster.
You're very wise to be asking these questions before you're on the ride of your life!
Good luck!

Another scaredy cat

I was going to post a different thread today, but thought I would just add to this one a little. I am 24 and have a 3 year old. I had no trouble losing the weight after he was born. My husband and I want to have another baby, but I am scared because...

1)I have had two pregnancies (one I lost in Sept.) and I know I will have morning sickness and absolutely hate it. My house gets messy, and I just can't function.

2)Everyone says it is hard to get back to pre-preggo size after the second one. I am not good at cutting back on food. I am only good at exercise.

3)Having a kid is just plain scary when you have a tantrum throwing 3 year old!!!!!!

I had this great idea last night that we should try this month and then next month I won't have my period while we are on vacation. Cause as it stands I will...bummer cause we are going to Florida and the Bahamas. And I won't be sick until 8 weeks or so.

Anyway I just wanted to reassure you that your are not the only scared one, for one reason or another. I think if you keep posting here, you will find lots of encouragement. Good luck in you decision!


Thank you for your posts. This is a really wonderful and supportive group. Everything I read is true. I am more informed now and very determined. I, too, will examine and see is there are other issues. Thanks again and again. Sharon

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