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  1. L

    Almost finished with 3rd week of rotation---Feeling pretty HAPPY!

    Thanks Denise! Thanks for the rotation! I am very impressed with it, I will start my rotation on Monday using the CTX tapes, but I don't have time to work out twice in one day plus I don't like yoga. I'll will let you know how I do.
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    Almost finished with 3rd week of rotation---Feeling pretty HAPPY!

    Denise, what is your rotation? Congratulation on your great results. I tried looking for your rotation, didn't know if you posted it earlier. Can you let me know what your rotation is? I have been doing the CTX tapes for 3 weeks now, in no particular order and even though my endurance is...
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    Almost finished with 3rd week of rotation---Feeling pretty HAPPY!

    >Denise, thank you for the copy >of your rotation you sent >me! I'm glad to hear >it is working well for >you. I was really interested >to see the way you >alternate yoga weeks with Cathe >weeks (if I read the >rotation correctly). > >I'm curious as to why you >did it this way instead...
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    New Forum Idea for Exercisers over 35 - Anyone Interested?

    Love the idea!!!! I just turned 40 last week and I think it would be a terrific idea for us "young, hippy chicks" to have our own forum where we can discuss our problems, goals, ideas.....Count me in. LARYSA
  5. L

    Crosstraining Series and Body for Life

    Hi Jane Some of the moves are too high impact for me too, especially the jumping plyos, so I modify by doing jumping jacks. That has become my "mantra"...modify, modify, modify!
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    Crosstraining Series and Body for Life

    His name is Bill Phillips Larry North wrote another book I believe. Thanks for all of your great advice. I plan on doing the Crosstraining tapes, eat small meals throughout the day and use Myoplex once a day. I will let you know how it goes!!!
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    Crosstraining Series and Body for Life

    I posted this same question on VF, but am doing it here to get more responses. I am planning on starting the Body for Life program after Labor Day and am thinking of doing the Crosstraining series 6 days a week. Do you think that should be enough? The book talks about doing only 3 days of...
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    Can I do all Xpress series in one day

    Today I am 40 I did 10-10-10 today, it was intense, it was fun, I sweated like crazy and I was damn proud of myself! Yes, 10-15 years ago I could eat anything I wanted and I did not have to worry. Then every year I kept wondering why I couldn't lose those last few pounds by cutting back on my...
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    Nutrition Buddies

    Sorry to say.... that I am dropping out of the nutrition check in. I need daily encouragement and this is not helping me. I am great for the first day, and then my enthusiasm and determination falters. Good luck to all of you, hope you reach your goals. I need to lose these last 5 pounds...
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    Fitness Buddies Check-In

    I'm here guys! Sorry, yesterday was the day from hell, schools out and the kids were bouncing off the walls! Well, my week wasn't as good as I hoped for. Tried to drink at least 4 glasses a day, missed one day altogether, drank mostly coffee and pop. I really like adding a lemon wedge to my...
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    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    I'm here I had 5 glasses of water for the day. I agree with the Wednesday only post, will keep track of my H2O and we will check back next week. Larysa
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    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    Sounds good to me Ok, I will try for 5 glasses of water daily. We will check in tomorrow. Larysa
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    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    Great idea Helen!! I also have low blood pressure! I try to limit my coffee intake to 3 cups a day, though some days I splurge on a caramel latte. I like the water idea because I have a hard time drinking it, the only time I do is post-workout. I can go a whole day with just a couple of cups...
  14. L

    Request for a Nutrition Buddy

    I am also looking for a buddy! Hi Helen! What a coincidence. I posted a few days ago on VF about wanting to lose these last 10 pounds and how my problem is poor nutrition. My willpower is very weak, especially when it comes to junk food. Someone directed me to this site, which I have checked...